Mother-Son Discussion

After leaving the store, it took a few minutes for Raphael to arrive in front of his house door.

He was about to push the door open when the door was suddenly pulled from inside.

Two figures stepped out soon after, and as Raphael saw the duo he had warned never to appear before him again, his lips curved inwardly.

The duo was none other than Dennis and Danilo and as the both of them they saw Raphael, they nodded their head at him simultaneously.

Raphael glared at the both of them until they left his sight, and after which they did, he turned towards his mother.

"What are the both of them doing here, mother?"

Raphael spoke in a displeased voice.

As he had told Yvonne that he didn't want to have anything with both of them, Raphael expected her to break all ties whatsoever with them.


As Raphael called out to his mother again, she shook her head at him.