The Armored Man is Already Dead

POV: Ikeda Akihiko

"Mayumi, Aimi, Saori is missing!" I exclaimed as I ran into the house after I discovered that Saori is missing. I'm breathlessly rushing whereas the only time I inhaled air is from when I opened the door.

"What!? She's already awake!? That's too sudden!" Mayumi asked with her dilated pupils that made her stand from the sofa.. "Where is she going? Is she trying to escape from us? That idiot's planning something again."

"No! Saori won't do that from us. It's just moments ago. Maybe she's just near here or finding something to eat perhaps. We've not eaten anything since morning," Ikeda said.

"Why didn't you say that earlier? I should have prepared something for you first," Aimi suggested with wrinkling brows. "Anyhow, let us find your friend first."

"Hmph, she's not my friend, just his," Mayumi fumed with her head turning away.

We started searching the houses across the abandoned village. Overall, there are twenty buildings including the warehouse. Aimi is the one who gathered all the resources in the warehouse.

The warehouse is the first place that we've been, but she's not there. We decided to scatter around and check each house. I've been checking the ones that are near the forest, but I found no clue nor flesh.

Suddenly, I saw some footsteps from the ground between the village and the forest. It's not just one person's prints, but two. Both of the prints are leading to the forest.

I quickly ran to Mayumi and Aimi as we regroup and tell them what I saw.

"Two people? Did someone just pass here? I think Kenshin and I are the only ones in here. If there are two persons, then I believe it's not Kenshin," Aimi explained.

"But… I think Saori is the other person. We must move quickly. We can still follow them!" I shouted.

"Saori this, Saori that! Why every time your mouth opens, Saori comes out!? Is Saori the only person in your head!?" Mayumi shouted like someone with high blood pressure.

"Woah!! Your girl's jealous Mr. Prince," Aimi said as a tease.

"No! It's not like that! I and Mayumi have nothing in between. And I'm just concerned about Saori right now. I can't ignore someone in danger."

Suddenly, an explosion occurred from the deeper part of the forest where the footprints are leading. It was loud that we can feel the force of impact from the air.

"That's… dynamite… But why is it too loud?" Aimi asked with a long pace.

"No. It's not an underground explosion. It's not from a coffin," Mayumi replied with a darker look. "Whatever that explosion is, I believe that dynamite has been used as a weapon."

"They can't simply find a dynamite from the underground… except ours," Aimi stuttered. "Then that means the other person…"

My mind is filled with dangerous thoughts of racing against time. It repeatedly says to me that I can't waste any more seconds. I didn't hesitate to run off on my own while screaming her name.


I entered the territory of the fat trees and way-blocking branches. The leaves create the flickering shadows that cover the forest from the intense heat.

The tall trees I passed growl and sway after the chaotic impact of the explosion. Even if the footprints vanished and were replaced with grass, I still kept running, not even looking at my back.

I didn't note how long I have been running straight, but it's way past minutes. I might have been in the center of the explosion already, and from the boulders, I've seen two people. I'm sure from her pinkish hair, that one of them is Saori.

"Saori? Where did you… Kenshin?" I asked. Only Saori turned back and Kenshin is still staring forward like he's seen a monster.

"Kenshin?" Saori asked as she looks at him with a tilted head. "Is he the person you've been telling me before?"

"Whew! Thank God, you're safe," I said after exhaling from the adrenaline I ignored. Kenshin didn't move, not an inch. He's still completely frozen.

"Argh! Why are you so athletic, Ikeda? You completely left us behind," Mayumi complained with a tired pose after breathing rapidly. She comes with Aimi.

"Your man didn't hesitate to leave you behind…" Aimi stuttered as she looks up from bowing to fatigue. When she saw Kenshin staring in nothingness, her clammy hands start shaking.

"Saori? Why did you leave!? Are you nuts!? We're in the village! Why didn't you search there? You're lucky a genius accompanied an idiot like you," Mayumi shouted and bites her lips after.

"I… I thought… You went away… I saw some footprints… I just," Saori said, nearly in tears.

Aimi taps Mayumi's shoulder to comfort her. "Hey, you should be gentle with your friend. Her reason is just right. She just thought that you already left the village."

"You're the one shaking! You should calm down first," Mayumi complained to Aimi.

"Kenshin… What are you doing here?" I asked as I approach him but he still didn't reply, like his ears are closed to the outside world.

A giant heavy-armored man with a Gatling gun was pinned by two fallen trees. Some of the trees start burning but not enough to create a forest fire.

Knowing Kenshin, he must have planned this all by using the village's only dynamite, but I don't know why he's frozen. I shook his body so he could wake up in his senses.

"Hey, Kenshin! Get a grip! Do you hear us!?" I shouted directly at his ears.

He tilted his head away from me. "Aw! Don't scream like that!"

"So, what's this all that happened? What is that thing over there?"

He bites his lip first like he's doubting talking. "We should go back first. I'll explain everything in detail."

"Right. This isn't the place for talking. Like before, you're the only one who could lead us through this game. Your orders, we follow," I said, but in reality, I just don't want Mayumi to leave us topless throughout the game.

But he responded with a sudden shake like he was hit with goosebumps. I thought it was just him becoming scared, but what I saw is a smile with his eyes wide open. Other than the three, I'm the only one who saw it.

Just seconds after, he came back to his usual boss mode and starts walking back to the village. "We should leave immediately. Follow me."

Mayumi and Aimi followed him as he go back. Aimi, on the other hand, has her head stooped down the whole time.

"But… The machine guns… We might need a weapon against the survivors," I argued, but he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"My orders, you follow. Am I wrong of what I've heard earlier?"

I have no choice but to follow. I'm on my foot on following them but suddenly, Saori starts running towards the armored man.

"Hey, Saori! Get back! That's dangerous!" I shouted, which caught the attention of everyone.

As she got near the armored man, she sits down on the ground with her head near its helmet. Before I'm on my way to drag her back, Kenshin stopped me.

"Don't worry about it, Ikeda. That man is already dead."