POV: Saori Kitagaya
Everyone in our group spent their energy running to the North. Everyone except I were the only one catching up to my breath as I bow down from fatigue.
Like what Kenshin and Ikeda had described, the forest is divided into green and brown, separated by a deep ravine, and is connected by a torn-out bridge. The moment we saw the ropes connecting it, we hesitated.
"Hey, did Kenshin tell us to cross this bridge? THIS UNCOMELY BRIDGE!? Even a hanger could hold out here!" Mayumi complained with a high-pitch voice.
"You're overreacting, Mayumi. It can still work out through us," Aimi said.
"Don't side with Kenshin, please, just this once. If we cross that and fell down ourselves, he can't pay our lives."
"But… I think it's still safe… if we cross one by one," I stuttered.
"We still have time, I guess. They left themselves to stall the enemies. Everyone should have already crossed the bridge before the two came," Aimi said.