The next morning, the fourth day of the game, but I think it is still my and Mayumi's third day. After a day of rest, she can now move her upper body. The damage on her spine must have been great since she takes a long to recover.
She can already sit up straight and hold items unstably. After such tremor given to her body, her palsied hand shakes even with lighter objects. But even so, it won't stop her from eating her favorite food, noodles.
"Bon appetit!" She exclaimed as she holds the cup noodles in her shaky hands. Even paralysis can't stop hungry people from eating.
She dives into the noodle and sips its soup even if it is still hot. Well, the breeze might have made the forest cooler than I thought it might snow later.
"Hoy, Ikodo, ore thore some more nodles?" She asks with a big lump on both of her cheeks.
"Don't talk with your full mouth. How many times do I have to tell you that?" I growled as I see some of the noodles come from her mouth.