Reverse Checkmate

POV: Saori Kitagaya

Another problem appears the moment the door opens. Three people appeared: an armored man with a helmet, a tall man, and what I didn't expect, Seki.

"Right timing, Clyde. The list of judges is completed," Zeke said as he turned toward the door.

"Se… ki…" I stuttered as I roll in pain. Why is he with Clyde!? Did he betray me!?

"I'm sorry, miss Saori…

"I'm a traitor!"

"You… You're a demon… I shouldn't have trusted you…"

"I can't believe that it came from a serial killer like you," Clyde said. "Are you proclaiming that you're the Queen of Death? I thought you're the real deal but you're just a wannabe."

That Clyde, he is tall and thin and has harsh feel about him. He has angular, blue eyes, full lips and small ears. He has shoulder-length, dull, dark brown hair.

He has a slender neck, large hands, large feet, and a wiry torso with chiseled abs and a narrow waist.