"We're going to hunt," Adeline declared just after she discovers the functions of the card. She aims to hunt those to unlock the seal covering the enchanted book. At the same time, another hunt is taking place.
It's already half-past eleven as Darius continuously observes the hideout from behind the bush where no light is present. The darkness surrounds him which is currently in his favor. In the deadly silence, the birds call as the squirrels chatter. The wind rustles through the moon-dappled leaves, which gives less light that can secure whether a wild animal discovers him.
After hours of watching and slouching, he sees Vylleria coming out from a cave that emits candlelight from the inside. As she comes out, he can't see her face nor her movements after she entered the darkness, but not until she cast a light spell as she goes back to the haven. When he secured that her footsteps on the muddy ground are already afar, he decided to move in.