Chapter 14

The change in Anita as Marshall buckled the collar on her was immediate and palpable. She immediately went for his cock again, clearly intending to enthusiastically service him by way of thanks for giving it back to her, but he had other plans.

"There's a towel over there. Dry off again and come join me," he said, tucking himself back into his pants and lacing them back up. While she did that, he went to his wall of impact toys. Anita approached, stopping a step behind him and to his left.

"What is your desire, Sir?"

"Tell me. Which of these toys have you met already?"

Anita pointed out the floggers he'd used on her the first day without needing to think back. She also pointed out the one he'd threatened to use on her if she ever needed severe punishment.

"I don't think that's what you used this morning, though, Sir. I think that implement had a single tip for striking, instead of many falls."

"Correct," Marshall said. "So, which do you think it was?"