Chapter 8 Melee Firearms

In the next few days, Chu Jungui was busy. He kept going back and forth to the forest, constantly exploring, expanding the known range, and preparing for the eventual advance into the valley.

  The good news is that he kept digging deep in the area where he found pyrrhotite, and finally found a small vein. This vein is associated with copper and nickel. With copper, he can try to build some electrical equipment, and the ammunition for heavy machine guns is also guaranteed.

   Nickel is an important component of the basic iron alloy. The day after the nickel was found, Chu Jungui's axes, long saws and arm shield daggers were all updated. He finally got rid of the dilemma of having to change an axe one day. But what he wanted more was lead. Now it is no longer the material that restricts his production capacity, but the energy. Although more stellar energy panels can be made, there are only two polymer batteries. This kind of battery is not something he can build with the current resources, and even if the technology improves for several generations, it cannot be built.

   Now that he has a lot of sulfuric acid in his hand, lead-acid batteries have become the most realistic option. However, after failing to find lead ore for several days, Chu Jungui had to bow his head to reality, and obtained a little lead by dismantling the materials of the rescue capsule, which was considered to have collected all the materials. Fortunately, lead-acid batteries use more sulfuric acid, and this lead is enough for him to make several battery packs, which together can be equivalent to three polymer batteries. More batteries means more capacity.

   In fact, during this process, Chu Jungui has secretly cursed the dark heart and greed of deep space energy many times in his heart. Whether it is a printer or a refiner, it can be said that other energy sources can be used, but in the stage of survival in the wild, where can he find those advanced energy sources? In the end, only the battery can be used. In fact, as long as an energy conversion and filtering component is added, the stellar energy panel can be directly used for power supply. It's just that if you add a component, won't you have to increase the cost accordingly? There are so many colonists, so many spaceships, each spaceship must have a rescue capsule, and each rescue capsule will have a basic survival suit. If all of them add an energy conversion component, the added cost will be astronomical.

   But Chu Jungui didn't believe how many people could survive on two batteries. Not everyone, like him, has the ability to revise and design blueprints independently. Tucao returns to Tucao, the reality is that he has not been able to create energy components that can match the printer for the time being, and he can only live on batteries. However, the energy situation has improved significantly now compared to the original. No matter how he says it now, he is equivalent to a rich man with five batteries in his hand. Some things that he did not dare to try before can now be done. For example, heavy machine guns.

  There are materials and energy, so on the sixth day, Chu Jungui finally got the heavy machine gun he designed, and... 100 rounds of bullets.

   In the work of making bullets, which is mainly based on large quantities, the efficiency of the printer is horribly inefficient, and the bullets have to be printed one by one. After a long day, Chu Jungui really didn't plan to wait any longer, and was ready to go out to explore with this ammunition. He has lived in this area for so many days, and the scope of activities has become larger and larger, and finally attracted the attention of some existences. When resting in the last two nights, he clearly felt that something was lurking in the distance, and looked here quietly. Maybe the wooden house is something they have never seen before, and it is unclear whether it is true or not. They did not rush over for the first time, but continued to observe. For two consecutive nights, they quietly left until dawn.

   Although Chu Jungui has a certain night vision ability, he does not intend to leave the wooden house rashly at night, in an environment that the opponent is good at. What's more, it's obviously not one, but some kind of gregarious creature, which is even more dangerous than a lone beast. However, with the heavy machine gun in his hand, Chu Jungui had confidence. When it was almost noon and the sun was full, he picked up the heavy machine gun and went to search for the areas where unknown creatures lurked.

  The hidden area of ​​unknown creatures is full of rocks and low vegetation, and the terrain is complicated. It is indeed a good place to hide and hide. Chu Jungui spent an afternoon searching the entire area carefully, and only found one trace of a suspected footprint. The imprints show that the lurker has three legs, seems to be walking upright on both feet, and should have sharp claws at the ends that can be retracted. Combined with the comprehensive judgment of other traces, these lurkers are probably about two meters tall, and their combat power is not low.

  Chu Jungui circled around the claw mark for a few times, and he had an idea in his heart, so he turned and left. When he was far away, among the branches and leaves in the distance, he slowly opened his eyes and stared at his back.

   Returning to the wooden house, Chu Jungui knew that he might have invaded the hunting range of some kind of predatory creature. This predatory creature may have primary intelligence, but that's all, it should not be an advanced intelligent life, at least it doesn't know how to use equipment. However, they are dispatched in groups, with both speed and agility, I am afraid that the lethality of the instant burst is quite amazing. And they are very cunning and good at hiding themselves, at least until they lurked around the wooden house, Chu Jungui didn't know their existence at all. According to the habits of predatory creatures, their tolerance must be limited, and it will not take long for them to tentatively attack.

  Chu Jungui is not one to sit still. As soon as he got back to the cabin, he started to prepare. A few hours later, he laid seven or eight traps around the hut in one go, and then he stopped. Setting traps is naturally an essential part of basic survival training, but when it came to Chu Jungui, it was only slightly improved. After everything was arranged, he went back to the wooden house, turned off the lights and fell asleep. After lying down, he slowly turned over and sat up again, holding the heavy machine gun in his arms, and slowly loaded the bullet, pointing the gun out of the house through the wooden wall, and began to wait.

   The night fell, the temperature began to drop, and the wind gradually increased. Dark clouds drifted across the sky, blocking the already dim sky. Chu Jungui squinted his eyes to block the faint light in his pupils. Through the gap in the wall, you can see the faint green light in the night, slowly approaching.

  Chu Jun returned calm and patiently waited for his opponent to approach. He is very aware of the performance of this heavy machine gun in his hand. After all, there is a lack of professional tools during manufacture, and the quality of the materials is not high enough, so it has great power and poor accuracy. Besides, his bullets are limited, and each bullet is made by himself bit by bit, and cannot be wasted. The green dot was gradually approaching, and Chu Jungui's muzzle also touched the wooden wall.

   In the darkness of the night, a dark shadow suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the wooden house, its long claws so fast that it was almost invisible, and swept towards the wooden house fiercely! All the way! Almost at the same moment, the dull gunshots sounded, the wooden wall burst, and long flames spurted out. The shadow fell to the ground, unexpectedly rolled over and got up, hunched over, staring at the wooden house.

   "Can you still move?" Chu Jungui was amazed. He was shot three times in a row at such a close distance. Not only did he not die, but he seemed to want to fight back. These guys are indeed strong enough.

   But the reason why the heavy machine gun is the king of the battlefield is that it was never intended to solve the problem with three bullets. Three bursts, that's what an assault rifle would be a treasure. With a bang, Chu Jungui stepped on the broken wooden wall and rushed into the night. The heavy machine gun kept spewing fire dragons and swept over the black shadows that rushed up around him. The first two shadows were blasted backwards in an instant, and the third one had already arrived in front of Chu Jungui!

  Chu Jungui used the muzzle of the fire to finally see what creature was attacking. They are upright walking humanoids with long limbs and claws, but an insect-shaped head. At this moment, the mouthpiece that flew over was wide open, and the green and yellow saliva was constantly flowing. It was extremely terrifying, and a strong sour odor could be smelled from a few meters away. If you bite down, I am afraid that you will be able to bite off half of Chu Jungui's head.

   In the face of the attacking bug man, Chu Jun Guiyi was not afraid, turned the heavy machine gun, the muzzle almost touched the bug man's chest, and then pulled the trigger fiercely! The fiery warhead with terrifying kinetic energy slammed into the insect man's chest. At such a close distance, even the muzzle flame could burn the insect man, but it was not blown upside down. The first few bullets did not shoot through its body, and the bullets all stopped in the body.

  Chu Jungui gritted his teeth fiercely, his heart was ruthless, and he held the trigger tightly! Heavy machine guns never rely on bursts! More bullets slammed into its chest, and the jet of hot metal ripped apart its body in a blink of an eye, and finally shot out from its back. The worm's body was directly smashed in two by the ferocious firepower, and the upper body flew backwards and fell to the ground with a bang.

  Chu Jungui was so excited to kill him that he spat on the ground with a pooh, and glanced around proudly. These worms still want to fight in close quarters, but they really have no brains. Didn't they see that he had a heavy machine gun in his hand? He is a man who has mastered 0.1a of melee firearms fighting skills. With a heavy machine gun in his hand, it is an uncompromising melee artifact. The rest of the bugmen finally felt terrified and turned around and ran.

  Chu Jungui looked at the direction they were running, and didn't chase them, just sneered. The body of the two worms sank suddenly, stepped into the trap, and immediately screamed loudly. They jumped up like an electric shock, leaping dozens of meters, but when they landed, their feet were soft and they fell down. They climbed up again in a blink of an eye, and ran away, whining all the way as they fled. Their originally strong and long feet, the skin has now turned from dark yellow-green to charred black, and is still smoking, and it looks painful when it touches the ground, and it falls directly several times.

  Chu Jungui is not surprised, no matter how powerful these worms are, as long as they are still creatures, it is impossible to be indifferent to the 98% pure sulfuric acid in the pit. He doesn't have much other things these days, but the sulfuric acid is too much to hold. A few lucky bugmen escaped without stepping on the trap. Chu Jungui didn't care either. After this lesson, they probably won't come again in a short time. Even if they dare to come, they will no longer be waiting for these simple and passive trampling traps.

   Seeing that there was still some time before dawn, Chu Jungui began to rummage through the memory data while clearing the battlefield to see if there was any information such as Advanced Trap Arrangement 2.0 that could be used for reference. Although the trap information has not been found, but after a fight with the worms, Chu Jungui knows their characteristics. It seems that the surrounding area is their hunting ground, and if this group of worms is wiped out, there is nothing for Chu Jungui to worry about.

Of course, ammunition is also an additional concern for him. It took him another whole day to print a hundred rounds. At this time, he can set off with a heavy machine gun and prepare to occupy the valley. The small lake in the valley is the only source of water in the vicinity and is a must-have.

  Chu Jungui didn't know that at this moment, a transport spacecraft was entering the orbit of this planet and began to land on the surface of the planet.

In the cabin of the spacecraft, a burly man in military uniform faced hundreds of fully armed soldiers, both men and women, and said solemnly: "The target area of ​​this operation is a valley with a small lake in the center. After a while of airdrop , you are no longer friends and comrades in arms. Remember, everyone you meet on the battlefield is an enemy! In this battle, there will only be one winner in the end!"