Chapter 34 Shopping

Chu Jungui opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep. He looked at the time, it was exactly 4:00 in the morning, not less than a second. He rolled over to get up, opened the curtains and looked out. At this time, it was still dark outside, and the campus was silent without any movement.

   The second park was originally a vast area and sparsely populated. Now it is the time people are used to sleeping, so naturally no one will walk around. Qin Yi and Fang Yu had a fight at 1:00 last night, and it has been nearly three hours now. Three hours of sleep is quite enough for the subject.

   It was still too early, and breakfast had not been delivered yet, so Chu Jungui put on clothes that were convenient for exercise and came to the basement floor of the apartment. There are dedicated swimming and fitness areas, and the facilities are said to be professional.

  Chu Jungui walked into the gym, looked around, picked up a 10kg dumbbell and weighed it in his hand. Feeling light and weightless, he picked up the 30kg one on the far side of the shelf. This is a bit of a feeling, but after lifting it for dozens of times, Chu Jungui found that there was no change in the muscles. It seems that this weight has no effect on the exercise at all, and it is not even enough to maintain muscle strength.

   He put down the dumbbells silently, and looked in front of a sandbag whose ends were fixed to the ground and ceiling respectively. There are multiple sensors built into the sandbag, which appear to be testing the power of unarmed attacks. Chu Jungui stood in front of the sandbag, and a three-dimensional display image of the sandbag appeared beside him. Chu Jungui tried to pat on the sandbag lightly, and the corresponding part on the image was slightly brightened, and the figure of 45kg was displayed, and the punching time was 0.8213 seconds.

   "It's very accurate." Chu Jungui became interested, took a step back, and then charged forward, clenching his fists and hitting the sandbag with a punch.

With a muffled sound of   , the sandbag moved abruptly, pulling the two fixed steel cables to the end. The 3D image instantly turned into a dazzling full red, and at the same time, a sharp alarm sounded, and the electronic synthesis sound kept prompting: "Warning! Exceed the design limit, please stop using it immediately!"

  Chu Jungui was startled, and quickly hugged the swaying sandbag to prevent it from swaying around again. The alarm lasted for a few more seconds before it was lifted. He wiped away a cold sweat and looked at the three-dimensional image again, which showed a large number of error messages. I didn't even remember the data of the punch just now. Fortunately, everyone was sleeping at this time, so there was no commotion.

   Looking at the sandbag, Chu Jungui was very dissatisfied. He didn't understand why the academy was so rich, why couldn't he buy some better sports equipment. The crooked logo on the sandbag is unprofessional. The dumbbells were too light, and the sandbags could not be touched. Chu Jungui had run out of things he could use, so he stared at the barbells. There was originally a piece of 30kg weight on the barbell, which was not enough for Chu Jungui. So he brought a pile of 50kg plus, and then mentioned it again, feeling that it was a little interesting.

   He knelt on the training chair with one hand and one leg, propped his right leg on the ground, and grabbed the barbell with his right hand, intending to move the muscles that are not easy to move first. However, as soon as he exerted his strength and the barbell lifted off the ground, he heard the creaking sound of the training chair, as if it was about to fall apart. The floor under his feet also made a small crackling sound, and there were several small cracks.

  Chu Jungui hurriedly put the barbell down, thought for a while, then took off half of the weight plate above and put it back in its original place. Then I used this greatly shrunk barbell to make do with an hour of practice. He returned to the apartment, had breakfast, and had some time before class. Chu Jungui came to the personal terminal, opened the apartment advertisement again, and then stretched out his hand to click on the screen.

   A few seconds later, a girl in business attire with a sweet smile appeared on the screen, saying, "This planetary belt property, is there anything I can do for you?"

  Chu Jungui said: "I want to find a house suitable for the elderly to live in. Oh, by the way, he lives in an environment with dark weather for many years."

The girl replied: "The damp environment can easily cause joint and emotional problems, and it is quite unfriendly to the elderly. However, plenty of sunlight and sea water are natural treatments. We have many such properties on hand, ranging from apartments to villas. .Do you want a natural or artificial view?"

  Chu Jungui replied: "Natural."

The girl smiled and said, "I admire your taste. The natural scenery is completely irreplaceable, in fact, the apartment you have been putting on the page is ideal, its only drawback is that it is too small. If you need a A property that allows the elderly to run in the living room in the morning..."

Chu Jungui interrupted her recommendation and said, "Uh, no need! This set is enough." Although the apartment was not big, the total price of more than one million yuan was enough to crush Chu Jungui to half death. .

The girl did not mind saying: "Your choice is perfect. In fact, this apartment has impeccable views and sunshine, and we can provide financial support in many ways. Even you don't need to pay any cash, you can Get it early. Here's an overview of the financial support options we offer."

  No need to pay any cash? This sentence immediately made Chu Jungui feel unable to refuse. In the blink of an eye, a table appeared on the screen, densely listing dozens of different repayment plans. And there are more than ten kinds of programs that do not need to support any down payment. In the eyes of Chu Jungui, a complex calculation is completed in an instant. The annualized interest rate corresponding to each plan varies. The cashless plan actually has the highest interest rate, which is equivalent to an annualized rate of more than 19%.

  The girl said: "The form in front of you is the standard version. You can enter your complete identity information, and we will evaluate your comprehensive credit and give you a discount."

  Chu Jungui hesitated for a while, but still put his hand in the information interface area and passed the identity information. When the identity information of the students participating in the business school appeared, the actual interest rate of each plan immediately plummeted, and the annualized interest rate of the no-down payment plan finally dropped to 7%. Although the interest rate has been cut in half, the annual interest payment still exceeds 100,000. But seeing the warm and sleepy sunshine in the apartment, Chu Jungui still gritted his teeth and clicked OK on it.

   The girl's voice immediately looked very happy, "Thank you for your support, the next step is the registration of property rights. Is the owner you?"

   "No, Chu Longtu." Chu Jungui sent the old man's identity information.

   After a moment, an electronic legal document was sent.

The girl said: "This is a legal document on the property rights of the house. The other one has been bound to Mr. Chu Longtu's identity, and the third one has been filed with the Yueyongxing Property Rights Registration Center. After Mr. Chu Longtu arrives, he can use his identity chip. Enter the condo. Plus, as a first-time buyer benefit, the condo will receive a three-year cleaning service, starting when you buy it."

  Chu Jungui let out a long sigh, and a shadow seemed to disperse in his heart. Although he has a debt of more than one million yuan and an annual interest of nearly one hundred thousand yuan, he owes so much anyway, and he doesn't care about more. He pressed to close the page, and the girl on the screen saluted and said, "I wish you a happy life." Then she slowly disappeared, and she waved to him before disappearing.

   The class time is almost here, but Chu Jungui did not immediately close the personal terminal, but randomly sketched the outline of an interstellar fighter on it. After thinking for a while, he wiped off the nose and tail of the fighter plane, leaving only the fuselage wing. After adding some details, he began to search the Internet for matching. He painted the fighter plane that attacked the base at the beginning, and wanted to find out the culprit who attacked the space research base at that time in this way.

Dr. Chu never left, always in his heart. After a while, the matching results appeared one after another. There were 35 star fighters with similar characteristics, but none of the mysterious fighters Chu Jungui saw that day.

  Chu Jungui narrowed his eyes slightly, reached out to erase all traces of the search, then left the apartment and joined the stream of students in class.