Chapter 1: A new start

A 22-year-old man with shabby hair was sound asleep. Empty beer cans and fast food boxes filled with half-eaten slices of pizza and cold ramen littered his dark room. The smell of alcohol wafted into his nostrils, yet he remained unperturbed in his stupor, his body limping over the wooden desk.

Without warning, a rift of blazing light flickered into being, just behind him. The room was engulfed by the scintillating flare. The portal slowly closed and the room grew dimmer

When the portal finally extinguished, the room was left empty save for the litter scattered throughout it.


"Where... Am I...?"

A strained cough escaped from my lips. I jolted upright, my eyes still bleary as sunlight landed on my face from all directions.

Birdsong interwoven with the chirps and diverse calls of unknown creatures reverberated around my ears, as my gaze swept through my surroundings, taking in the sight of the verdant bushes and luxuriant trees that seemed to dominate the landscape.

A strange insect vaguely resembling a beetle darted from the shelter of a lone log into the cover of the lush vegetation.

A forest. I was in a forest. A place that seemed like a whole world apart from my dull and dreary apartment.

I felt a hard object poking me against my back. Shifting over, I glanced at what looked like an open wine bottle atop a brilliant crimson cape, both strewn haphazardly on the damp ground I was lying on. The smell of alcohol was overwhelming.

"This has to be a dream." I probably got too drunk. Yet.. why were my senses so sharp and alert, just as if it was real?

I had no idea where I even was. All I remember was being on my computer till I passed out.

Right now, I was trapped in the middle of some unknown forest with no paths or signs. The air felt much warmer too like it was an entirely different season.

I looked down and realised I wasn't in the same body either. My clothing was different. I had a white shirt and black trousers, and my build felt different as well, along with something else in my chest I couldn't quite describe.

I touch my face and feel that my nose is smaller and my chin is sharper. I also have no stubble growing from my face like I used to. Nevertheless, I pinch myself to see if I was in a dream or not.

That was a failure.

I walk around aimlessly trying to find a way out of the forest--stumbling and tripping over rocks and roots before making it out of the labyrinth of trees that are as old as time.

Far into the distance I could see a large structure but could not make anything of it. I decided to sprint towards it as it could give me more clues about where I was.

While running I looked around to see the plains for miles and steep hills far into the distance, some of the summits being snow-capped.

As I got closer to the building in front of me it revealed itself to be an extremely tall wall with vines and grass growing on it. The wall was well guarded with cannons on the top and guards on duty even in the early hours of the morning.

I got closer to the gate where the guards seemed to recognize me and bowed.

"Welcome back, my lord. I am glad you returned safely," spoke out one of the guards, startling me.

"M-my lord!? You must be mistaking me for someone else!" Not knowing what to say, I stumble on my words.

The guard looked at me with a brow raised. "You must be hungover," He chuckled nervously. "Perhaps I should bring you a drink to sober up."

When the gate opened it revealed a magnificent city behind it with countless houses and buildings that had a medieval style. It was quite early so the shops were closed but I could already imagine the city bustling with people.

I walk in but realise that the city was out of shape and wasn't well looked after as many walls were damped and had vines or grass growing on them.

But then, all the pieces of the puzzle clicked in my mind. I was not in my old world. This is not a dream.

I was then approached by the same guard who came to me with a wooden mug with the concoction he had made.

"Here you go, my lord. This should help with your hangover from last night." Says the guard after handing me the mug.

I give my thanks to the guard that was ever so kind to me. But, as soon as I took a sip from the wooden mug, the taste of raw eggs mixed with herbs exploded in my mouth.

For a moment, I gag and choke as I try to swallow the drink forcefully.

"Are you alright!? Was it not to your taste?" The guard yelled in horror.

"Not the worst, just not what I was expecting..." I say, recovering from the taste of such a horrid concoction.

"My apologies, I should've warned you about the taste." The guard bowed down and said.

"There is no need for an apology, I should've known that it would taste bad." I try to reassure him.

I head off after gulping down the rest of the drink and try to find my way around the massive kingdom.

My head swivelled and turned in all directions as I look at such architectural masterpieces.

Everything was medieval. The streets had wooden lanterns and the houses were made of wood and bricks–coloured in pastel palettes.

But, the city felt gloomy. It felt eerie walking around in a vast empty city with the howls of dogs and screeches of cats quarrelling.

The houses and shops were beautiful but overrun by vines and bushes. The roads had holes, uncommon for roads back then to break and not be fixed. It was almost like an abandoned city.

Even the wall that loomed over the city, protecting it from the outside world, looked depressing and downcast. It had vines and shrubs ingrowing from the walls. The maintenance was a joke.

As I aimlessly walked through the city, an old man dressed in formalwear approaches me. He had a nicely trimmed beard and moustache that was the same colour as his grey hair.

"I've been looking for you, Young Master Artorius. Shall we go back to the palace?" The old man said with a calm voice.

"S-sure, lead the way." I stammer and lie.

I follow the man as he leads the way through the city where I find many more faults with the kingdom, more damped walls and even littering of food and broken down wood. If I were to be the head of state of this kingdom I would be ashamed of my ruling.

After walking for a few minutes we reached a magnificent palace that was not flashy in showing wealth but was elegant in its designs from the walls to the pathway leading into the foyer. The palace seemed to be the only place that was well-kept.

The strange old man turned around and looked at me with an eerie smile. "Would you like a bath or breakfast first, young master?" He asked.

"I'd like both, honestly. Could you set them up together..."

"Is everything alright? You sound restless and tired,"

"Not really... I seem to have forgotten some things, could you remind me of your name?"

He blankly stared at me with knitted eyebrows. "Well, that's certainly odd. My name is Felix Launcelot, I am the man that has been by your side since your birth,"

"Oh, yes!" I clapped my hands and smiled. "It clicked now! Well, Felix, prepare my breakfast and bath, please."

"As you say, young master."

It appeared as though I was the ruler, be it a count, duke or king. I'm the man that runs this city.

I followed Felix upstairs and through a maze of walls, decorated with beautiful pieces of art and collectable artifacts.

He opened the doors to a room which led into a deep red-coloured room, decorated with a bed big enough to fit a family and a balcony overlooking the entire palace's front.

I lay down on the bed as Felix went into my bathroom. It gave me a moment to reflect on my current predicament.

This cannot be a dream anymore. I've been... transmigrated or reincarnated into the body of a young ruler who also has no idea how to rule.

If that is how everything stands, I can take advantage of this. All I have to do is fix everything and I can live a perfectly comfortable life, slacking off and living like royalty.

Felix came out of my room while wearing his gloves. "The bath is ready, young master,"


What on earth happened to him!? He hasn't shouted or thrown a tantrum so far! How could he change in an instant? There is no way he changed in a single night after getting drunk and wrecking the pub. There is something off about him.

I walked to the kitchen, pondering what happened. There's something wrong. Was this an impersonator? It cannot be. I felt his mana core be the same as before–stronger than anyone's

If he has somehow hit his head and changed for the good, that must mean we have him back!

I entered the kitchen with a bright smile on my face, the first time I had smiled sincerely since the passing of King Theo.

"Everyone! Listen! I have great news for the first time in months!" I shouted out as I entered the kitchen.

A chef sighed and yelled back from the opposite end of the kitchen,

"Felix, could you not? It's early morning and I am growing restless about whatever we are having to deal with since King Theo's passing. I am quitting next week if this continues I swear."

"Chef, please listen to what I have to say. This will make you regret what you just said."

"What could be better news than being fired right now."

"Just listen, trust me it will make you rethink quitting the job."

"Well, I trust you enough and you've piqued my interest. Go on."

"You may not believe it, but Lord Artorius has changed! By some blessing from the gods above he has changed and is acting normally."

"I've heard rumours from the city guard," A maid chimed in on us. "He said he was much nicer and a lot more like his old self."

The chef shook his head with an expression of disbelief, his eyes strung together in ambivalence.

"Are we sure it's the same young master as we knew? What if it's someone different."

"I have my doubts as well but, I noticed no change in mana or physical change other than his behaviour being like his old self," I replied.

"This is great news! This will bring forth a new beginning to the kingdom! The chef squealed with excitement


I laid my back on the bathtub and got comfortable in the lukewarm water. It was chilly in the morning and this water was helping making this entire experience a joy.

A sweet and pleasant fragrance of flowers filled the bathroom and stuck to my body. I washed my body with the water and let my body smell of flowers.

I got out of the bath and dried off with a towel that was provided. I took the bathrobe that was right next to it and put it on.

Before I could leave, I quickly glance at the mirror. It took me back for a moment, making me realise how handsome I am.

Crimson hair that came down to my eyes, A sharp jawline and red pupils. My face was nearly perfectly symmetrical with my nose, mouth and eyes being perfectly lined up.

I spent a while admiring myself in the mirror. My body was nothing to be ashamed of either. It was lean but had muscle. Not an ounce of fat could be spotted as my abdominal muscles stayed visible without any tension.

After being infatuated with myself in the mirror, I came out of the bathroom and noticed a pair of clothes neatly placed on my bed. It was the first time I had someone prepare clothes for me so kindly.

It wasn't much–just a white shirt, black trousers and a jabot to go with it. My shoes were not shining too brightly but were clean and fit well around my feet.

These were all properly medieval clothing. It wasn't anything special but it all fit well.

I fix my hair in front of a dressing table which gave me access to a plethora of perfume and items to use. I combed my hair before messing up my hair, letting one side cover my eye completely.

A knock came from my door as I was fixing my hair. I hopped over with a bright smile to open the door, only to be given the fright of my life

"Follow me please," Felix said with a smile on his face, being only inches away from me.

"Woah! Alright," I jumped back and replied

He certainly knew how to make an entrance...

I follow Felix silently through the hallways. The awkward silence made me slightly anxious so I spoke up

"What work do we have today?"

Felix looked at me, a glint of apprehension flashing across his eyes.

"To start, we need to pay back compensation to the pub owner for the damages you've caused. The city walls are decaying and the streets are breaking apart from the influx of travellers and merchants visiting, our territory is being threatened by the Aberdeen kingdom and lastly, our infrastructure is falling apart."

"O-okay, okay," I rub my hand on my face, exhausted from hearing everything that the inhabitant of my body did before.

I silently stared at the food that was presented in front of me. Steaming hot steak, freshly baked bread, vibrant and versatile fruits, to top it all off... wine!

I dug into the heavy but nutritional breakfast and felt the steak melt into my mouth. It was the first time I had tasted such a perfectly cooked meal. It formed tears in my eyes, making me remember the last warm meal, cooked with love and care.

"Felix, could you get me a pen and paper? Prepare an envelope while you're at it. I will go visit Wilkins personally to pay for the damages."

As I say that an audible gasp could be heard in the room, possibly from a maid who did not expect the trash monarch to be dealing with issues so trivial.

"As you say, Master Artorius."

Felix leaves while the maids clean the table. I think of what to do when I meet Wilkins and how to explain to him. I need to be approachable and not make him frightened. I need to sheath my powers as the ruler.

I also realise I need to know how to swordfight. No king should be an amateur in sword fighting. Luckily I was quite the enthusiast in multiple hobbies which also included swords. I had no first-hand experience in fencing or sword fights but I did know the basics.

Felix came to me with an envelope, paper and a pen, he also had a stamp. I started to write a letter that could be given to him and he could use it for a month in the kingdom to take money from me.

After writing the letter Felix puts it in the envelope and puts the royal stamp on it–a bird, seemingly a hawk. Felix and I set off from my palace to meet with Wilkins.


The kingdom, as I expected, was crowded during the morning. I felt the people stare at me, not with happiness but with distaste. Feeling slightly anxious from the glares I try to avoid any eye contact.

As we went past a training ground I found out something that made my eyes light up. There was a man wearing a long robe training, but he was not doing ordinary training. The man was creating different elements such as fire and making spikes from the ground. It was a mage in training.

I looked with curiosity which Felix noticed.

"Mage in training," Felix said out of the blue, seeing my curiosity.

"Are there any books that I can read about magic?" I asked with curiosity.

"Hah! Why would you need to read about magic and mana? You are a prodigy!" Felix laughs as I try to figure out how to solve this situation I threw myself in.

"I have become quite rusty lately. My drinking habits made me dull." I shamefully admit even though I have no clue about my habits or my past.

"I understand. Change is hard, there are still books left over from your youth."

We walk in silence the rest of the way until we stop in front of a pub where the windows were broken and multiple pieces of broken furniture were placed outside. I felt shameful for actions that I didn't even do myself.

"O-oh! Welcome back, master Artorius! I'm sorry I haven't put the place together yet. Please bear with me!" Wilkins stutters as he speaks to me.

"Don't be afraid, Mister Wilkins. I'm not here for a drink or to wreck more of your furniture, I'm here for the opposite."

I hand over Wilkins the letter that he reads and become ecstatic. He smiles and laughs while reading the letter while I wait for him to finish.

"Y-you didn't have to do this! Bless you!"

"Well get this cleaned up. I will come back later for drinks maybe."

"As you say, young master."

Feeling proud of myself, I left the pub with Felix and headed back to the palace where I wanted to study all about magic and mana throughout the day. It didn't take long for us to reach the palace–arriving in just about five minutes.

I went up to my room as Felix went out to grab as many books as he can find about magic. He also went to prepare tea for me so that I can focus while studying.

He came and left me with the books. To say there was a lot would be an understatement. But I had a lot of experience cramming in studies at the last minute which meant I could probably finish mountains of books in a day.

Felix leaves me with the books to get me tea so I can focus on my studies. The books contained everything from mana storage and manipulation and even the basics of mana and the mana core.

The basics of how to control mana were simple. Mana can be found all around us like oxygen.

They are floating molecules like any gas but they can be manipulated and stored inside the mana core. The mana core stores the mana and then you can turn the mana into any of the six elements.

Fire, water, wind, earth, electricity and ice are the elements and the mana core can be strengthened to store more mana and make it easier to manipulate it. When a mana core reaches a certain strength it changes colour and becomes darker. The normal colour of a mana core is a light blue hue and it slowly becomes yellow to red to black.

Though, changing the colour of the mana core is rare. It has only been recorded a few times, all done by nobles from the past.


I went to pick up the tea for Artorius. The kitchen was still quite happy with the changes. It boosted the morale of the entire palace and the kingdom itself soon.

"Isn't it odd for him to read these books? He is a prodigy." Said the head chef skeptically.

"He just wants to revise everything once more," I reassure him

"I'm just glad he's back to normal."

"So am I."

The chef smiles and hands me the tea which I take back to Master Artorius who was really focused on his studies.

"Felix, could you just tell me the current situation of the politics that is happening in the continent?" Lord Artorius asks which caught me off guard

"The four countries are quite peaceful currently. There are no major incidents that took place since the new year started. Mainly the eight kingdom's economies are growing slowly except Faunus kingdom, our kingdom cannot keep up as well. Seeing the weakened state of our kingdom, our neighbours have been eyeing out the empty and fertile lands that are perfect for farming."

"That's a lot of information... Nevertheless, I suppose we must make moves to protect the farmlands, right?"

"Indeed we do." I hoped for a plan or something that would take action against the Aberdeen kingdom.

"I will think about what to do with them. For now, I would like you to help me train."

"P-pardon!? How would I train you? You are a better swordsman and an excellent mage."

It caught me off guard as I thought I would not be able to teach him anything. He must know everything already, why would he need me to train him?

"Well, Felix. It's difficult to train alone so I want you, someone I can trust, to train me."

"Very well then."


Felix leaves my room and I get back to studying. The political situation of the world is better than my old world at least.

Though the issue with the Aberdeen Kingdom is an obstacle. I would like to deal with this with no bloodshed and in a civil manner. For now, learning how to use mana is good enough, and knowing how to swordfight is also good enough.

Felix sets up a training routine for me and a fixed diet so that I can get back into my prime shape.

I studied throughout the day and got through each book with ease. I nearly finished all the books just before midnight struck and had learnt everything from the book. It was all quite simple. Simple enough to me since my body was already used to the mana and manipulating it.

I tried to make a few elements that won't destroy my room. Luckily none of them destroyed anything but it proved that mana manipulation was easy. I also had large storage so I would not be out of mana any time soon. Regenerating the mana was also easy as I could restore a full core in under twenty minutes.

As I lay down on my comfortable bed, I look at the ceiling. My room was lit up by moonlight shining down into my room from the balcony and windows. The night sky was full of millions of stars, glittering in the deep blue.

This is not a dream anymore. I've been reborn. My life as a king in a fantasy world begins!