Chapter 85: New Alliance

The carriage stopped right outside the train station. Uncle Regulus said he would be dropping us off and going on his way as soon as possible.

He held the door open for us as we stepped out. Artorius got out first before I got out as well.

"Well then, I'll see you back at home!" I told Uncle Regulus as a farewell.

"Have a safe journey, young master," He said in a calm voice.

Felix came with us on this trip. He would be stopping with Artorius at the capital, as expected.

"Mmm~ Finally," Artorius groaned out as he stretched his arms. "Time for a well-deserved rest in the cabin,"

"Won't it be noisy? The cabin is at the front,"

"Oh my sweet summer child," He turned to me and smiled. "There's a reason I spent an extra sleepless week trying to make this vehicle,"

"Well, as long as it doesn't make any sound that wakes me up,"

"Trust me, the only sound you will be hearing is my snoring," He chuckled before walking away.

The train station was a massive building that covered the railway. It was shaped in a half-tube design. The roof was made of glass and had a unique design to it.

At the entrance, a colossal doorway would let in big crowds. The architect of the station definitely knew what he was doing.

Wait… The architect is Artorius.

Uncle Regulus hopped back on the front of the carriage and left swiftly. He was not in a rush but the speed at which he usually drove was fierce as usual.

"What are you waiting for?" Artorius turned around and asked me. "Come, we have no time to waste,"

I was spending an extra minute marvelling at the design of the station. Felix walked beside him while Amelia lazily lay on his head, having a nap as usual.

There was a crowd inside but the way was cleared off by guards at the station. It was a heavily guarded area. With at least a hundred guards present, monitoring everyone as they enter.

"Seems like it's another busy day," Artorius said as he walked up the small staircase that was outside the entrance.

"Every day is busy," Felix said out of the blue. "Everyone wants to be on it at least once,"

"Thanks for boosting tourism in our county," I said sarcastically.

"No need to thank me. It was part of my plan,"

Cheeky bastard.

A crowd awaited us as we entered the station. They all roared as we entered the station, deafening my ears.

Guards held the crowds in place, not letting them through and flocking around us. Artorius smiled and waved at the crowds as we walked through the pathway made by the guards that held the crowd.

My eyes quickly looked at the train. Once it caught my eye, I could not stop staring at it. It was so… interesting.

It was so powerful. Anyone can tell just by looking at it and hearing it. Made of steel and iron. Coloured in black paint that you could still smell.

Our carriage was at the front. It was coloured in a dark hue of red, similar to Artorius' cape that he usually wears. Except, today he wore something simple. Black slacks with a white shirt. The only piece that stood out was his red vest with golden buttons.

We continued our way towards the carriage, waving and smiling at the crowd as we walked past. It's become a tradition of royalty to put up a cheerful act in front of the public.

A prideful feeling grew in my chest. Seeing how I could help thousands, if not the whole world, by sacrificing a few small needs.

Artorius stepped inside the carriage without a second thought. Felix stood by and waited for me to enter. He motioned me to enter with his hand, giving me a friendly smile.

As I entered, I was hit with a cold chill. The cabin was spacious as if it was Artorius' bedroom. There was seating for at least twelve people. Each seat is as big as a single bed.

The interior was as royal as it could get. Red carpet and golden lights. It was clearly designed by Artorius as well. The amount of red showed.

Felix entered the cabin after me and closed the door behind him. He shoved me gently to take a seat.

"Grab a seat, get comfortable, and enjoy the ride," Artorius said as he picked a seat and kicked his legs up on the table in front of the seat.

"Heh, you outdid yourself, really," I said while taking a seat in front of him.

Felix looked around with curious eyes. Looking around the cabin and taking in the cool air that was inside this cabin.

"I knew it would be special, but I didn't know how special," He said before taking a random seat.

Artorius stared out the window. Crowds of people still cheering and waving at him. He smiled and waved back to them casually.

"You look like you're at home," I said, staring out the window.

"This is home," Artorius turned to me. "For the next two hours at least,"

"How are the other cabins?" I asked. "It can't be this royal, can it?"

"Obviously not," Artorius chuckled. "The others are just seats with a good amount of legroom. I can't promise much legroom if you're as big as Astrid though,"

I began to crack out laughing. Felix does the same from behind me, staring out the window beside him.

"Well, this should be a pleasant ride,"

He wasn't lying about noise cancellation. The sound of the crowd was deafened out inside the cabin. As if they were far, far away from us.

A door in front of the cabin opened as a well-dressed man entered. He shot me a smile and bowed down.

"Welcome, your majesty," The man spoke out. "I'll be your servant for today,"

"Ah, thank you," I said while nodding.

The man was quite well-groomed. Silky blonde hair and a clean face. He seemed young from the looks of it. Just below my age.

"Bring me a bottle of wine," Artorius said while standing back up.

"As you wish, your majesty," The man bowed and exited the cabin.

"There's wine!?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, there's a kitchen too. We can order from a menu,"

He really has outdone himself on this.

Amelia laid down on Artorius' seat and rolled around. She was enjoying every bit of this trip.

The seating was comfortable. It was made of the same material used in sofas in his living room. It was cozy and made me feel comfortable as if I'm on the edge of a bed.

My heart raced as we awaited for the train to set off. It would set off in two minutes. Five minutes past half past two.

The extra five minutes were for any late passengers. Though I expect everyone would be early rather than late.

The servant entered with a bottle of wine and a wine glass in his hand. He had a towel with him as well, oozing with steam.

Artorius, being him, grabbed the wine bottle and began chugging it down. The servant saw it and went wide-eyed.

"Y-your majesty! I brought you a glass!" He exclaimed while putting it forward.

"Ah, just put it on the table. I don't need it," Artorius told him after finishing half of the bottle.

"A-as you say," The servant stuttered and walked past.

Felix chuckled from behind me. The servant was not used to Artorius' antics yet. Soon he should be used to it.

"Hot towel?" He asked me as he placed the glass down on the table.

"Sure," I said with a kind smile.

His smile returned to his face as I asked for the towel. He handed me the towel with the same smile.

I dab the warm towel on my face, freshening up and cleaning my hands before handing it back to him.

"Bring me a bottle too," I told him. "Don't bring a glass, I'll just use this,"

"Ah, as you say, young master," The servant turned and said.

Artorius stared out another window and chugged the bottle of wine periodically. A small frown rested on his face. But the frown was not of sorrow. It was just his resting face.

A muffled whistle sounded as the clock struck the time I awaited. It was the final whistle before we would set off. Before long, the sound of the steam engine began to roar.

Without realising it, the train began to move. Only when I looked outside I realised it began to move away from the station. Steam from the front covered the view as we began leaving the station.

"And~ we are off," Artorius voiced in a hushed voice.

The rumbling of the wheels could be felt even inside. But it was difficult at times to tell. The only noticeable sound that Artorius told me about was when the train went over a set of rails. It would make a clanking sound.

It took some time but the servant finally came back with my bottle of wine. For a second, I heard the deafening sound of the train moving. It made my heart skip a beat.

"Here's the wine, young master," The servant said with a bright smile.

He poured the wine into the cup and kept it on the table. He hurried back to the door and stopped right in front of it.

"If anyone needs anything, just call me," He said before bowing.

"Yeah, there's a system," Artorius turned around. "You know the system, right?"

"Yes, your majesty," The servant said.

He quickly left the cabin and left the three of us alone. Artorius got back up from the window he was staring at and walked back to me.


"Move," I told Amelia through telepathy.

She did not respond. She was out cold.

"Oh, hey Kathlyn! I didn't expect to meet you here!" I exclaimed through telepathy.

"Huh!? Mama!?" Amelia jolted awake.

"Now move," I looked at Amelia with a stern gaze.

"Liar!" She hissed at me.

Alexander saw the entire interaction play out in front of him. He took a sip from his glass of wine and pretended to not notice.

Amelia moved out of the way and gave me space to sit down. I kicked it back once more and relaxed once again. She jumped onto my stomach and curled up as I stared out the window.

The train should be moving at cruising speed right now. It was moving at a speed that no one has seen in this world.

"Woah… the speed is incredible," Alexander stared out the window and muttered.

"Explains the journey time, doesn't it?"

"Really does."

Felix sat alone at the back. But his face was an open book. He was also astonished by the speed.

"Well, let's talk about some business," I said while fixing my posture, sitting properly for once.

Amelia sat next to me this time. I placed the bottle of wine on the table and put my hand together.

"What business?" Alexander asked with keen interest.

"Will you get married?" I asked him with a straight face.

"Not beating around the bush, eh? Alexander leaned back and crossed his arms.

"If you want me to beat around the bush," I smiled. "When or will you pop the question?"

"Well, I cannot confirm it. But from the way things are going… it might be the only answer,"

My lips naturally widen into a smile. "Great! Future Duke of Caelfall!" I exclaimed.

"Why do you need me to be a duke anyways?" Alexander asked naturally.

"I needed someone who has close ties with one of the two kingdoms," I explained. "You are my key to success. If you get married, I can use you as a key to one of the port cities,"

"Port city? What business do you have there?"

"I'm sailing across, what else?"

Alexander gave me a blank stare. He must've blanked out for a minute.

"W-wait, you mean you're going to sail around the continent?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, I'm going to search for new land,"

"Outrageous!" He exclaimed. "You must be drunk!"

"I'm as sober as I can be," I shrugged.

"There's no way you can find new land! It's outrageous you think that there's a whole new continent that is not inhabited by the four races!"

"Oh, you naive duke," I teased him. "I have inside information.

"What information?"

"Before Alaric passed, he wrote me two letters. One he gave to me personally, the other he gave through Zenith. He told me to open the first one when I was free. The day I was free was after the train was opened to the public.

It talked about some things that aren't important to you. But the important clue he left me was that there is a chance of a new continent,"

"It's just a chance!" Alexander slammed his hands on the table and protested.

"A chance is a chance. If I see it, I'll seize it," I stayed calm and stared into his eyes.

He sat back down and shook his head. "Sheesh. I'm not sure if you're suicidal or just brave,"

"A bit of both," I chuckled. "Bravery is suicidal,"

"Well, what do you think you will accomplish finding a new continent?" Alexander calmed himself and asked.

"Aren't you looking for a sense of adventure? A thrilling tale you can tell for generations to come,"

He scratched his chin and thought. "Well… you aren't wrong. I have no stories to tell my children or grandchildren,"

"Neither do I!" I exclaimed. "It will be good storytelling for the future and we get a kick out of it,"

"But, it seems dangerous. Too dangerous," He still wasn't sold.

"Alexander…" I muttered. "Do you not realise what this could mean for the world?"

"Huh? What can it mean?" He looked at me with ignorant eyes.

"There is much more to explore than this tiny continent of Morroin. There is adventure left undiscovered. If we discover it, we will be heroes!"

"Well, that does sound nice.." Alexander sounded nervous with the passing minute.

"We won't be inventors. We will also be explorers. We will be so much more," I continued to pressure him more and more.

"Okay, okay," Alexander caved in. "I'll help you on this,"

"That's the Alexander I wanted!" I exclaimed with joy.

"Let's find a new world then, shall we?" He smiled for once and put his hand forward.

"Together, we can rule this world," I tell him while giving him a strong handshake.

After all this time, we finally allied. A friendship is made of trust and loyalty. We could trust each other to watch each other's backs now.