Chapter 90: Trouble underground

"The… capital…?"

"Yes, the capital," I said with a confident smile.

Father looked unsure of me going to the capital. Even though Olivia offered to take me in her carriage, father wasn't sure if I was ready.

"But, you just came back home after a long trip," He sat at the head of the table with his hands locked together.

"It will be a short trip!" I reassured him. "Just three days,"

"Well, as long as you're going for a vacation rather than work," He said with an unsure gaze.

"I'm tired of work anyways," I prop my head on my hand. "I just want three days at the capital,"

He scratched his chin and looked at my mother. She was also hesitant about sending her precious son on a three-day vacation to the capital.

She nodded her head but looked uncertain.

"Well, come back in three days," She said with a mellow smile. "We'll be waiting for you,"

"As you say, mother," I smiled back and finished my meal.

Olivia's request is the reason I'm going to the capital. If it weren't for her, I'd have stayed here and enjoyed the two weeks I have to myself.

Artorius is probably inside the cave risking his life. He gave me two weeks to get closer to Olivia. By the time he returns, I should be close enough.

There's no turning back. After last night, my marriage is sealed.

"I'll go get ready then," I said as I got up from the table.

"Take care then," Mother said while she enjoyed her meal.

I left the dining room swiftly, striding with confident steps and a clear mind. The morning has been going perfectly so far. Not a single issue.

At the foyer, Emily was walking down the stairs, just waking up from her sleep. I waved to her as she came down.

"Good morning, sis," I greeted her with a jolly smile.

"Good morning…" She replied as a long yawn came from her.

She isn't a morning person after all.

"By the way, Alexander," She stopped me. "What was the noise coming from your room?"

My heart sank as soon as she mentioned the noise. "W-what noise?" I asked her.

"I heard a lot of screaming from your room," She turned around and continued. "Are you alright? It went on for the majority of the night,"

"Damn it… you heard it,"

"Heard what?" Her pointy ears perked up.

I said too much.

"I- well, uhm…" I stuttered, trying to come up with an answer.

"What happened?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

"I was just… letting out some stress," I chuckled nervously.

"As in? What were you doing?"

"I was shouting in excitement!"

"You have a really feminine scream," She said with dreary eyes.

I continued to laugh nervously as I saved myself from embarrassment. Before she could ask anything anymore, I ran upstairs and let her have breakfast.

Maybe I got too carried away last night. I didn't think we were too loud. But her room is right next to mine, it would make sense if she heard some noise.

I continued through the estate to my room. Though I had just returned, I'd have to get my bag ready once more to leave home again.

"Alexander~" Olivia's voice suddenly called out.

She came rushing towards me with open arms before embracing me tightly. All the air in my lungs instantly left as I struggled to breathe.

"What did they say?" She asked as she held on tightly.

"I-I can c-come," I stuttered out.

"Just what I wanted!" She exclaimed joyfully, tightening her already strong grip on me.

"C-Calm d-down, please…!" I said while hugging her back.

She lets me go and walks past me. Before I could say something, she rushed away on a blissful walk. Her golden dress dragged across the floor as she danced away.

I took back all the air that I lost and continued down to my room. But I'd need to find someone to help me first.

In the distance, I spot one of the servants. We both passed by each other without uttering a word.

"Hey, golden hair," I called out from behind him. "Come with me,"

He smiled and turned around. "Me, young master?" He said while smiling at me.

"Obviously. Now follow me."

The servant followed behind me. He seemed young but older than me.

"What's your name?" I asked him as we turned a corner.

"Windson Knowles, young master,"

"Would you like to be my personal assistant?"

We stopped in front of my door. His face went from a happy smile to emotionless. A look of skepticism dawned on him.

"Huh, am I qualified to be your personal assistant, young master?" He questioned.

"I'm sure you know I'm not picking you randomly," I turned to him and said. "You have the qualifications and I need someone to help me with my busy scheduling,"

He smiled and began to chuckle. "Well, if you say so," He shook his head. "This is sudden but, I accept the offer,"


Amelia and I took another break. It was morning by now. That's what I think at least. My watch tells me the time but it doesn't tell me if it's night or day.

Amelia needed sleep while I needed food. She fell asleep on the rucksack as usual while I laid back on the walls of the cave, eating away at the dry and tasteless bread that was packed for us.

It continuously got stuck to my mouth and sucked up all the moisture. I had to drink after every bite.

We went down another layer. We were technically on the fifth floor now. Fifth of the unknown amount of floors there is. But I need to figure out a way to get out fast.

The tunnels seemed like the safest place. No creature lives here. Except for the one instance of the dwarf skeletons. But I expect it to be a one-time experience.

Though, I still haven't figured out what they are. It would've been nice to save a skeleton or two to take back. But we were so crowded, I had no choice but to cremate them all.

But, after a lot of thinking, I may have found an explanation.

There's a certain hierarchy to all living beings. Each plays a role in the tree of hierarchy that exists.

But these creatures didn't fit in the normal hierarchy, as far as I remember. It goes from gods to undead.

They aren't normal. They aren't like any creature that exists at the surface level. These creatures are too short. They can't be classified as any known being.

So, what are they?

I scratched my head out of frustration, gulping down bread that I had chewed for too long. It was infuriating to think about. There were so many questions in my head but none were answered.

My throat went dry once again. I take a drink from my jar of water and finish it. The sound of the metallic jar being thrown away echoed through the tunnel.

I turned to Amelia to check on her. Luckily she was still asleep. I feared that my carelessness woke her up.

Though, it had been a long time since she fell asleep. I've sat here and pondered to myself, like a philosopher trying to figure out the meaning of life. All the bread I took out was finished and I was left with 1 jar of water.

I swiftly took my watch out to check for the time. It was nearing noon or something. It's nearly twelve, that's all I knew. Means I've sat here for two hours.

Amelia seemed tired but not exhausted. Maybe two hours is enough for her.

"Wake up, sweetie," I gently shook her awake.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking around in a daze. Her ears perked up before she looked at me.

"How long has it been…" She asked in a sleepy voice.

"It's been nearly two hours," I replied. "Is it enough?"

"Yep," She said while stretching. "Let's continue!"

Her energetic voice returned once again. We were off once again after I had tied the rucksack on her.

"Have you figured out the skeletons yet?" Amelia asked as we began walking.

"Nope, no clue," I answered. "I figured out a clue, but not what they are."

"What's the clue?" She asked curiously.

"You know the hierarchy, right?"

"Yep, the hierarchy of creatures,"

"The last part of the hierarchy is undead creatures. Undead humans and animals. Though it's not limited to humans. Elves and beasts are also counted. Which means…"

"Which means these are similar to the undead?"

"Well, yes," I scratched my head. "But the confusing part is their structure. These are skeletons that I've never seen,"

As we continued down the tunnel, Amelia suddenly became alert.

"What do you sense?" I asked as I placed my hands on the handle of my swords.

"A new threat," She said while looking around.

The both of us looked in front of us, into the darkness in front. It was barely visible. But we both heard a noise, a noise we haven't heard before.

"These are new," I whispered.

We proceeded with caution. I took out my swords and got ready to fight. Amelia moved gently, trying to not make a sound.

The closer we got to the sound, the faster my heart began beating. A rush of adrenaline filled my body. I was ready to fight once again.

"You see the exist?" Amelia said as we grew closer to it.

"Yes, clearly," I replied.

It was the same. Blue light lighting up a cave. But this cave was different. This one was much smaller and had less room to work with.

We made it to the exit of the tunnel, stopping only a few meters away. I hid behind Amelia to not be spotted. Her obsidian colour would make it difficult for anything to spot us in the little light.

"Goblins," Amelia whispered in telepathy. "A camp of them,"

"I was wondering when they would show up," I said while getting back up.

"What do you mean?" She asked as I walked past.

"I knew they would be nearby,"

I walked out of the tunnel and into the cave. For the first time in my life, I'd see goblins, real goblins that lived underground.

It was a camp of them, as Amelia mentioned. There was a campfire in the middle of the cave. Everywhere I looked, there was a group of goblins huddled together. Their numbers were in the hundreds.

Grey skin, large pointy ears like an elf, bulging eyes similar to an owl. They wore nothing but a loin cloth to cover up any sensitive parts of their body. They were short, really short in fact. But their faces were not like humans.

All of them turned to me, looking at me with bewildered expressions as if they never saw a human. They all were lounging it seemed, hanging around the campfire and relaxing. But I was here to ruin it.

"Greetings, lower beings," I greeted them with a bow. "Sorry for the intrusion,"

They all turned to each other and looked angry. Growling and shouting at me. A chaotic mess.

"I come in peace," I reassured them, hoping they would understand the human tongue.

One of the goblins came walking towards me. His face said it all. He was not happy to see me.

"Grr… Human… bad…" He growled.

"Me? Bad?" I began to laugh uncontrollably. "I said I come in peace!"

"Grrah!" The short goblin tried to claw at me.

I jumped back and smiled. "Easy, lower being," I said. "Last chance. Do you let us pass?"


Without hesitation, I swung my sword through his throat, slicing it clean off.

Blood spilt on the floor as his head rolled away. His body limply stood before it came down to its knees, falling flat as blood gushed out and created a puddle around its headless body.

No one likes peace it seems.