Liam POV

As Bella and I start to head inside we get blindsided by a kid I can already tell he's acting weird " oh hi your Isabella swan the new girl hii I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place, Anything you need a tour guide, lunch date or a shoulder to cry.

Ok I've had enough

"Hi I'm Liam Her brother," I say, letting a tiny bit of my aura leak out.

He starts to back away. Bella starts hitting me. "Sorry about my bonehead brother he was dropped a few times when he was younger"

"n-no worries," Eric says still glancing at me nervously.

After I got my schedule I went to my first class which is Government I walk inside. "Hello you must be Liam swan, I am Mr.Jefferson your government teacher just find an open seat," he says with a smile on his face. "Ok" I turn around and look for an open seat. I look around while hearing whispers.

(The whispers)

"Omg look at him he's so hot"

"He looks ripped"

"I wish he would rail me right now"

A slight smile forms on my face if only they knew I could hear them.

{Well you are hot your Majesty so it only makes sense for them to want you} "Beru say another word and you are not coming out for the rest of my life" after looking around I find an empty seat. I sit down and turn to my left and find a girl about 5"2 short black hair. Omg, it's Alice I think to myself {Who is Alice?} Bellion questions. "A friend," I say.

"Hello" I extend my hand to give her a handshake she starts smiling.

"I'm Alice what's your name?" "Liam, nice to meet you," I say. "Nice to meet you too," she says while bouncing up in down in her seat.

I hear something over my shoulder.

"OMG, look at her she's so weird no wonder she's got no friends hahaha"

"Yeah, she's probably scaring him rn".

When Alice heard what they were saying she stopped moving and looked down. When I heard their next words I lost it.

"She should just kill herse- EUGH EUGH EUGH"

When I heard those words I started releasing my aura The 2 girls that were talking started to shake. Then I heard Alice start to apologize.

"I'm sorry for being weird" Alice says looking sad

I look at her "weird? When were you being weird in my opinion your just a bundle of joy" I say smiling at her. She looks up with a confused look on her face. "Wanna be friends?" I ask. She starts smiling. "Really?" "well you are really cute and you seem super fun to be around so yea everyone else here is weird," I say acting Excited.

"I would love to," she says.

"What do you like to do?" Alice asked. I can't tell her I like to run into dungeons and talk to living shadows that would be weird. "Ummm my favorite pass time probably spending time with my family and working out," I say chuckling if only she knew how much I used to work out.

After a while it was time to go to a different class school was boring without little pixie.

Finally, it was lunch after grabbing my tray I look around and find Bella sitting at a table surrounded by people I walk up and move Eric to the side, and ain't down once I do I start to eat. " how was class so far?" Bella asks " it was good I made a new friend she's super nice"

"She," Bella asks raising an eyebrow. "She's just a friend" I start laughing.

"What's with that look," I ask Bella.

"I just can imagine why someone would wanna be your friend," Bella says while smirking at me.

"I'm a very friendly guy when people are nice to me". I explain.

I start eating again. "Who are they," Bella asks.

Jessica one of Bella's friends starts explaining who they are.

"There the Cullen's that tall guy there that's emmet and that girl next to him is Roselle. That's Jasper he looks like he's in pain all the time and the weird girl next to him that's Alice she's weird nobody lik-" I cut her off before she can finish.

"ALICE" I yell from across the room and start waving when she looks my way. She waves back. Everyone is starring in the cafeteria now I start to walk towards Alice. "May I join you at your table?" I ask

"Why of course best friend, wait we are best friends right?" Alice looks at me with a hopeful expression. "Hmmm let's see your my only friend I have you bring joy to my day soooo YESS we're best friends."

Alice jumps on me and gives me a hug I give her a hug back. Alice starts dragging me to her table I sit down Alice starts introducing me to everyone "this is my brother emmet he looks mean but won't bite" I hear a slight chuckle. "this is Rosalie, my sister". Alice made her way to jasper who looked happy for some reason I thought he was supposed to be in pain a the time. "This is Edward, my other brother" when she introduced me to him he didn't even look he was staring at someone when I followed his gaze I saw he was looking at Bella I flexed my aura at him and he started Coughing. " EUGH EUGH EUGH. "Edward what's wrong," Alice asks. "Nothing I just got the chills" he looks my way and notices I'm staring at him he looks down so I look back at Alice a put my smile back on.

"Last but certainly not least" she didn't even have time to Finnish introducing her because the moment our eyes met they were locked together and the whole world went silent.

Author here let me know what y'all think!!