Angry Yuechan

At this moment, Long Chen called Gu Changming.

Gu Changming felt a little uneasy about Long Chen's sudden call because he had asked Gu Xiao to look for Gu Tai, but they had not found him yet.

"Young Master Long, did something happen for you to suddenly call?" Gu Changming asked carefully.

Long Chen didn't hide anything and told Gu Changming everything.

Gu Changming had been sitting on the sofa, but after hearing the whole story, he abruptly stood up, his whole body trembling.

"Then... Is Young Master Long's sister-in-law... Alright now?" Gu Changming asked.

"She's in shock and probably won't be able to recover for a while. Fortunately, she wasn't really violated. I'm calling to inform you that I've killed Gu Tai. If you want to avenge him or use other methods to solve this, I will not run away," Long Chen said solemnly.