
Li Yuechan and Han Jieke didn't know that Long Chen had been watching the two of them.

Long Chen clenched his fists, feeling an indescribable pain in his heart.

However, Long Chen still believed in Li Yuechan. She wasn't a loose woman and wouldn't really do anything with Han Jieke.

However, Li Yuechan's words today had truly disappointed Long Chen.

Long Chen couldn't stand people like Han Xiao and his wife.

He, Long Chen, could tolerate Li Shiqi and his wife because they were Li Yuechan's parents.

However, Long Chen had no obligation to tolerate Han Xiao and his wife!

Long Chen had already made up his mind. He wouldn't compromise.


Long Chen's phone rang while he was thinking.

Long Chen opened the message and saw that it was a message from Zhao Churan. What are you doing standing there? Did you guys have a fight? Come to my house.