great xia is famous all over the world (1)

"what's wrong?"

long chen asked.

li yuechan looked at the villa in front of her and was shocked."you ... why did you buy such a big villa?"

"isn't it better to be a little bigger?" long chen smiled.

"of course, a bigger size is good, but ..."

"it'll only hurt?" long chen interrupted li yuechan.

li yuechan was taken aback, and her face turned red. she rolled her eyes at long chen."i'm talking to you seriously, but you're acting like a hooligan. hmph."

" i'm also seriously being a hooligan. don't you like it? "

long chen stared into li yuechan's eyes.

li yuechan was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to look long chen in the eye. she turned her head to the side and asked in a low voice, " "then tell me, how much did you buy this villa for?"

"it's not much, about 100 million,"

long chen said.

"a hundred million? oh my god." li yuechan was stunned.


long chen nodded.