wu nuan's trouble (1)

wu nuan felt like she was reaching her limit.

long chen didn't hesitate any longer. he slowly reached his hand under the covers and began to treat wu nuan.

wu nuan's body trembled as she felt the warmth from long chen's palm.

this was the first time she had been in such close contact with someone of the opposite sex.

even though it was only to treat her, wu nuan kept telling herself that it was normal to treat her illness.

however, right now, wu nuan could clearly feel that her thoughts and her body were at odds with each other. her body's thoughts were no longer under her control.

a very natural reaction was rapidly growing.

as long chen's treatment gradually improved, wu nuan couldn't help but ask,

it made some inappropriate sounds.

this sound affected long chen's treatment of her.

however, long chen was unable to stop.

seven minutes later, long chen's face suddenly froze.

wu nuan's eyes were covered as well, as if she was extremely ashamed.