being led astray (1)

long chen looked at li yuexin's grief-stricken face and felt his heart ache.

long chen didn't like li yuexin at first, and she didn't have the right values.

however, li yuexin changed a lot after that.

now that he saw li yuexin being tortured, long chen would not let it go.

"yuexin, i said just now that you can do whatever you want."

long chen stood up and grabbed nangong li.

nangong li was terrified and begged for mercy.

long chen stretched out his hand and pointed a finger at nangong li's neck.

nangong li instantly lost his voice. his eyes widened, and he was extremely aggrieved.

long chen continued to attack, controlling nangong li so that he could not move.

"yuexin, you can start now."

long chen said softly.

li yuexin got up, walked to the table in the corner, and picked up a fruit knife.

when nangong li saw her action, he was so frightened that his face turned pale.