The Blue Dragon Token is out, who is the best (1)

Xia Ling's threat was extremely effective.

Long Chen didn't dare to imagine his woman suddenly marrying another man and having children. Just thinking about it made his scalp tingle.

In reality, Long Chen also knew that Xia Ling was only using this method to warn him and wouldn't really do it. However, the effect had been achieved.

"My babies, don't worry. I won't do anything stupid again. I'll go and supervise the training of those 17 guys."

Long Chen got up and left.

Looking at Long Chen's back, Xia Ling and the others laughed.

They didn't know that a major event was happening at this very moment.

In the ancient martial arts world and the cultivation world, the Blue Dragon Token reappeared in the world and delivered the same message: Suppress Long Chen and Dragon Shadow group at all costs.

The moment this token was released, the world boiled over.