Restriction order (1)

Long Chen's words further infuriated li yuechan.

Li yuechan took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Then, she said in a serious tone,"My father has already told me clearly that if you don't leave the Imperial City, you will be restricted. In other words, you will find it difficult to move around in the Imperial City. No hotel will dare to accept you, no restaurant will dare to let you eat, and no place will dare to take you in.

So, if you're a smart person, you should leave as soon as possible and not make things worse."

"Does your father have such great power?" Long Chen sneered, " since you've said so, I'll tell you clearly. Not only will I stay in the Imperial City, but I'll also build a house there. I'll kill anyone who dares to stop me. The great Xia Manor has the right to kill anyone who creates chaos, including your father.

"Then let's see who can punish who. Good luck."

Li yuechan turned around and left.