Chapter 5

What ominous golden eyes!

Across the myriad worlds, viewers were taken in by the sight of Jaden's golden eyes.

It was as though it held majesty that commanded their respect.

While Atem commanded a somewhat similar feeling, they attributed this phenomenon to his experience as Pharoah and the three Egyptian God cards.

Jaden however, was a kid still in school. Yet, these eyes held majesty no different from Atem's.

In front of the screen, present-day Jaden was surprised at the sight before him. Why didn't he have eyes like that? No, wait, why didn't he know why the other him had eyes like that?

Unfortunately, the Jaden on the screen wasn't willing to explain. With a remorseful attitude, he began his turn.

Sacrificing all of his elemental heroes, Jaden used the spell card Neo-Spacian Wave to summon three new neo-spacian monsters to the field.

"Neo-Spacians?" the present-day Jaden didn't know what kind of monsters these were but he thought they looked cool.

Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin: [600 ATK]

Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird: [600 DEF]

Neo-Spacian Glow Moss: [300 ATK]

"The Dark Waves of Justice will wipe out the Light Waves of Evil," Jaden said.

Darkness is justice while the light is evil?

The GX world is so different.

Many dark forces in other worlds scoffed at their prided dark powers being used for the forces of good.

Not surprising as no single force in the GX world was good either. The original series of events ended with both the Light of Destruction and the overwhelming Darkness lying in wait to envelop the world.

Light and darkness were two constantly competing forces and not beings with any concept of justice like Jaden says.

Since Jaden used the spell card Neo-Spacian Wave, Spell Chronicle gained another counter. Jaden didn't care about Spell Chronicle though and used another spell card NEX to evolve Glow Moss into Twinkle Moss.

Twinkle Moss: [500 ATK]

Jaden then used Air Hummingbird's monster effect to gain 500 LP for each card in Yubel's hand.

Jaden: [2500 LP]

Twinkle Moss attacked, allowing Jaden to draw a card and activate an effect corresponding to the drawn card's type. Since he drew the spell card Neo Space Gift, Twinkle Moss's attack was a direct attack.

Yubel: [3400 LP]

Since Jaden was using the power of the Supreme King, his duel energy rose and even a small monster like Twinkle Moss exuded a divine aura upon attacking.

Jaden activated Neo Space Gift to draw three cards since he controlled three neo-spacians and then set a card before ending his turn.

Yubel started its turn by using the effect of the continuous spell card Spell Chronicle to add another card to add the trap card, Fiend Cannon, to its hand.

Yubel then attacked Aqua Dolphin, bouncing the damage back to Jaden.

Jaden: [1900 LP]

"Are you okay, Jaden!" Aqua Dolphin cried out upon seeing his partner in pain.

Looks like this neo-spacian holds a duel spirit like Yubel.

Of course, even if he knew that in the present-day Jaden couldn't go out and find him ahead of time. He could only wait for the Aqua Dolphin out in the cosmos to find him after watching the duel with Yubel.

Since Yubel was equipped with Zero Sprite, it can declare an attack twice per turn so Jaden bore the brunt of Aqua Dolphin's damage once more.

Jaden: [1300 LP]

Yubel set two cards and sacrificed the revived Samsara Lotus to keep itself on the field.

Yubel might've dealt two blows two Jaden but thanks to Air Hummingbird, he gained back the LP lost and more.

Jaden: [2800 LP]

Jaden then summoned Card Excluder to try and remove from the game the Samsara Lotus in Yubel's graveyard so that it wouldn't be able to maintain itself on the field. Unfortunately, Yubel's trap card Zero Hole negated its effect and destroyed it.

Since Jaden lost a monster, he activated the trap card Neo Signal to summon Neo-spacian Grand Mole from his deck.

Grand Mole: [900 ATK]

With Grand Mole, before damage calculation, both it and any monster it battles would return to the hand so Jaden would be rid of Yubel. Yubel wasn't going to let Grand Mole have its fun however as it activated the trap card, Hate Buster, destroying both itself and Grand Mole, inflicting damage equal to their ATK.

Jaden: [1900 ATK]

Wow, no compassion even for yourself.

Yubel was willing to destroy itself to deal damage to Jaden in whatever way it can.

Marik Ishtar approves!

Yami Bakura approves!

Dark Signer Kallen Kessler approves!

Except, the point of the trap card wasn't to hurt Jaden. Instead, it was to allow Yubel to evolve to a higher being!

Yubel - Terror Incarnate summon!

A two-headed dragon appeared from the smoke on Yubel's side of the field.

Many couldn't believe it but the troublesome duel spirit Yubel could even further.

No wonder it is considered for the list of best duels.

Since Jaden forced out Yubel's evolution for using his friends the neo-spacians, Yubel discarded the idea of returning Jaden's affection. No matter how much it tried to show its love to Jaden, his friends would get in the way while it discarded the only one willing to help it.

In front of the screen, Professor Thelonious Viper couldn't help but be taken aback.

No one liked to see their end at the hands of someone they trusted.

He thought if he helped the Yubel in the container regain its strength, he might be able to get back his son but by the looks of it, that was a lie.

Unfortunately, Yubel is too strong after being bathed by the waves of evil light so when Professor Viper tries to destroy it all he will see happen is his early end.

Jaden had enough of Yubel's talk so he declared an attack using Twinkle Moss but the card drawn was the monster card Elemental Hero Prisma so his battle phase ends. What is left is setting a card and ending his turn.

Terror Incarnate inherited its original's ability to inflict damage so Jaden received another blast of his Aqua Dolphin's damage.

[Jaden: 1300 ATK]

With the evolved form, Yubel's malevolent aura has increased once again.

It had also shed itself free of the shackles of sacrifice, so Samsara Lotus played a different role now.

When there exist monsters other than itself, Yubel - Terror Incarnate will destroy both them and as many monsters on Jaden's side of the field as Yubel lost.

Goodbye Air Hummingbird!

"Man," Yugo complained from ARC-V world. "Jaden just can't catch a break."

"How is he supposed to put up a counter-offensive without any LP?" Leo asked in 5DS world.

"It's not over yet," Yuma cheered on in ZEXAL world.

"Jaden, use me," Aqua Dolphin said to his friend. Jaden had drawn Polymerization, so if he wants to summon one of his ace monsters he will need the help of Elemental Hero Prisma on the board. Since Prisma in GX world is a level 5 monster, it will need to sacrifice Aqua Dolphin to hit the field.

With Prisma in defense mode, Jaden moved to attack with Twinkle Moss. The drawn card was the spell card Fake Hero so the attack was a direct attack.

Yubel: [2900 LP]

Prisma may be a useful monster but right now, it can only be used by Yubel to inflict greater pain to Jaden.

Jaden: [1300 Lp] - [200 LP]

With the battle over, Yubel destroyed Twinkle Moss alongside its newly revived Samsara Lotus.

Many duelists in the worlds of DM and GX have started to understand just how fearsome a monster with 0 ATK can be.

Without any ATK, Yubel was able to drive Jaden this far back into a corner.

Watching Jaden's struggle, Syrus on the side started to worry that the Supreme King's power will go crazy once again. Unfortunately, this is the effect of the Doubt rune transcribed on him and cannot be easily gotten rid of.

Seeing his other self like that, the present-day Syrus just wanted to teach his future self a lesson for doubting his best friend like that.

With many of his friends lost and Yubel chastising him, Jaden reaffirmed his bonds with his departed friends before using the spell card Fake Hero to summon his signature monster Elemental Hero Neos.

Elemental Hero Prisma's monster effect then activates, sending Jesse's Rainbow Dragon from his deck to the graveyard to be used as Rainbow Dragon for the fusion summon of a fusion monster.

"Yeah, you can do it Jaden," Jesse cried out in North Academy. He had been searching far and wide for Rainbow Dragon and seeing his future pal use his card gave him a sense of pride and a brotherly bond.

A radiant dragon appeared on Jaden's field, ready to join Neos with the help of the spell card Polymerization. It may give Yubel enough counters to add another card to his hand but the monster summoned will be enough to help Jaden get the upper hand.

Rainbow Neos summon!

Rainbow Neos: [4500 ATK]

A titanic warrior in white appeared on Jaden's side of the field, giving off a divine aura.

"So strong," Yugi muttered.

"It could even rival the energy of an Egyptian God card," Seto Kaiba thought to himself.

"How could a monster like this be equal to an Eqyptian God?" Marik Ishtar questioned himself.

Using the first effect of Rainbow Neos, Jaden put a stop to Yubel's strategy by shuffling all of the cards in Yubel's graveyard back into the deck. Now, Yubel can no longer use Samsara Lotus to destroy his field.

Jaden then used the spell card Hidden Armory to get the equip spell Rainbow Veil and equip it to Rainbow Neos. This equip spell should negate the effect of Terror Incarnate allowing Jaden to win the duel.

Yubel was ready though with the trap card Fiend Cannon Jaden gave it previously. Fiend Cannon shielded Terror Incarnate from Rainbow Neos' attack.

On the following turn, Yubel added the spell card Mystical Space Typhoon to its hand using Spell Chronicle and used it to destroy Rainbow Veil. Yubel then tried to finish the duel but Jaden had Necro Gardna in his graveyard to negate Terror Incarnate's attack.

With no other choice, Yubel ended its turn.

Jaden used the spell card Fifth Hope to shuffle the elemental heroes in his graveyard back into his deck and drew two new cards. He then summoned Elemental Hero Clayman to be used as a tribute to Rainbow Neos' second monster effect, destroying Yubel - The Terror Incarnate.

When Terror Incarnate is destroyed though, it evolves again!

Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare summon!

Yubel's final form emerged onto the battlefield. A demonic being that rivals even Rainbow Neos in size.

Two different energies could be felt emanating from the viewers' screens.

For many, this type of duel was in a dimension they were incapable of stepping in.

When Jaden gets a lead, Yubel will quickly take it back. It is troubling seeing a lopsided back and forth like this.

With Yubel's final form, Rainbow Neos couldn't attack for fear of self-destructing. Jaden is forced to set a card and end his turn.

On Yubel's turn, The Ultimate Nightmare attacked Rainbow Neos, forcing Jaden to use the trap card Alchemy Cycle to reduce Rainbow Neos' ATK to 0.

Normally, this kind of card wouldn't get a second glance but now it helps preserve Jaden's LP as well as draws him a card.

With Yubel not able to finish Jaden off for another round, it has become increasingly clear to Jaden that Yubel fears the power of the Supreme King and that all of its bravadoes are used to try and weaken the Supreme King's power.

Both the Ultimate Nightmare on the screen and Yubel in the tube were annoyed at the idea Jaden has entertained.

Yubel sets a card, ending its turn.

Jaden draws and uses Elemental Hero Necroshade's monster effect in the graveyard to summon Elemental Hero Neos without tributing.

Neos: [2500 ATK]

Jaden sets two cards and ends his turn.

Why summon a high-level monster? The Ultimate Nightmare has 0 ATK, so it cannot reduce Jaden's life points to 0 unless Jaden summons a monster.

The viewers had no idea why Jaden would do such a detrimental move but he got this far so it's unlikely he made a misplay.

The play Jaden was going for though, was the spell card Mirage Tube that could only be used when Yubel attacked Jaden's Neos. The attack is negated and Yubel takes damage equal to Neos' ATK.

Yubel: [2900 LP] - [400 LP]

Taking Neos' attack, Yubel was unscathed. It lamented that it could only hurt others but never feel the pain it dishes out.

A storm of smoke billowed out, carrying the power of memories.

Jaden was shown Yubel's past and how they had gone from an ordinary servant to a malevolent duel spirit in order to follow Jaden in his past life and his current one.

Many viewers felt pain in their hearts at the thought that Yubel had given so much for Jaden in not just this life but his past life only to be dumped when Jaden didn't know any better.

Jaden himself felt sorry that he couldn't do any better to help Yubel.

The storm on the screen bellowed, showing the lone figure of Jaden looking down. He asked Syrus to convey his thoughts to his friends when they return. Syrus knew Jaden was about to sacrifice himself but Jaden wouldn't listen.

He had let Yubel down before and he was not going to do that again.

In a burst of light, Jaden vanished leaving only a rainbow pillar engulfing the duel arena.

A sense of dread filled the audience as the inevitable conclusion of the duel came to the forefront of their minds.

In front of the screen, Jaden's friends from Duel Academy have started to cry. They may not have known Jaden for long but they do not like the idea of losing a friend like this.

Syrus cried with them on the screen, shaking off the rune of Doubt that has been haunting his mind as he cried out for his best friend.

Inside the rainbow pillar, Yubel's face is distorted trying to control its monstrous form. In a rare form of concern, Jaden asks if it's okay but Yubel's mind is strained too far to notice.

Using the continuous effect of Spell Chronicle, Yubel shows the two remaining cards Jaden can choose from expecting him to choose Grinder Golem but Jaden chooses Super Polymerization!


Is Jaden really going to let Yubel fuse the twelve dimensions?

Yubel cannot figure it out either but it cannot stop now. It uses the trap Chain Material, allowing it to fuse monsters from its hand, field, deck, or graveyard for a fusion summon.

By using the monsters from each of the twelve levels, Yubel will be able to fuse the twelve different dimensions to become one: the Super Fusion God!

"Activate Super Polymerization!"

Twelve beams of light flew out of the rainbow pillar, each seeking another one of the twelve dimensions.

"It's over! By ending everything, there will be no one but myself to love you and you to love me. It's over, Jaden!" Yubel cried in ecstasy.

"That's right."


The beams of light fade and it can be seen that the twelve dimensions didn't fuse together.

What Jaden did was activate the trap Spiritual Fusion. Normally, this would not be possible because Super Polymerization cannot be responded to, but Jaden activated Spiritual Fusion in response to Yubel's Chain Material allowing him to choose the fusion materials.

The new fusion materials will be his and Yubel's souls!


Does this kind of operation exist?

No matter what the viewers in the myriad worlds thought, reality proved that it does.

With one last look of remembrance, Jaden prepared for the possibility that he would cease to exist and activated the effect of Super Polymerization targeting both his and Yubel's souls.

The duel ended with Jaden in Yubel's arms as the two flew off for parts unknown.

"(GX World): Yubel Vs Jaden Yuki. No Result."