Chapter 10 (Double-sized)

Nash lost because Yuma wasn't willing to attack.

This is the first time many have seen such a conclusion.

Meanwhile, the two concerned parties in the present-day (ZEXAL) were filled with complicated emotions. How will they talk to the other the next time they see them?

In the world of ARC-V, Reigi Akaba was mulling over the situation Nash and Yuma were in.

The ZEXAL world was like the ARC-V world in that it was composed of multiple different worlds or dimensions in ARC-V's case. Yet, through circumstances outside their control, the worlds entered a state where neither can survive while the other exists. It was that irreversible situation that forced Yuma and Nash to duel such an intense duel despite being close friends.

Could his father be facing a similar situation? No, that doesn't excuse the act of war he waged on other dimensions.

Either way, Reigi won't have time to investigate as not long after he receives a notice that a large amount of XYZ duel energy was detected. Time waits for no man and Yuto has arrived in the Standard dimension.

In other worlds, time is crawling ever forward as the (DM) Duelist Kingdom tournament is in full gear using the newer rules of Yugi vs Atem, and (VRAINS) Playmaker maintains his win streak against the onslaught of challenges that are coming his way.

Before you know it, another day has ended and it is time for the screen to present the next duel.

"Next duel. (ARC-V World) : Sora Shiunin Vs Kurosaki Shun."

"Yeah, go Sora!" (ARC-V) Mr. Hirage cheered at the You Show Duel School. Alongside him were the You Show Duel youngling cheer squad, each more excited than the last.

"Looks like you are on the list Sora," (ARC-V) Yuya said to Sora. What he failed to notice however was the nervous look on Sora's face after he saw his name on the screen. Yuzu didn't notice either as thoughts of Yuto are still swirling in her mind.

On the screen, a large tournament building could be seen with audience members filling the stands. It looks like the viewers in the present day aren't the only audience this time.

These audience members of the Minami Championship are all buzzing around with Yuya's Pendulum summoning having just amazed them.

(ARC-V) Yuya rubbed his head embarrassingly at the adoration his fans were showing him. He always strived to have an entertaining duel his audience will love.

Too bad it's Sora's duel as he and his opponent appeared on the match selection screen.

"Shun," (ARC-V) muttered at the sight of his friend.

Elsewhere, (ARC-V) Shun had just made his preparations for hunting LDS members in Standard when he saw his face on the screen. Why was he fighting for LDS?

The two duelists made their way to the stage. Sora was rousing the crowd but Shun was deaf to the audience's cheers.

Seeing Shun on the field, Yuya and Yuzu were wondering why he was fighting for LDS. According to what they knew, Shun had been going after LDS members causing destruction on a large scale but now no one is acting like that ever happened.

Seeing the mystery is laid out on the screen, the myriad worlds started to put the puzzle pieces together. This duel is filled with intrigue and mysteries that will slowly be revealed to them.

(ARC-V) Reigi thought to himself as he heard Yuya and Yuzu's conversation. If Shun is an XYZ duelist using large amounts of XYZ duel energy, then it is starting to make sense why he is fighting for LDS. He knows what his other self would do in that situation.

On the screen, his other self was watching alongside his associates. He had made a Pendulum card for Shun but seeing the other not use it was fine to him. What he wanted to see were Shun's duel methods.

On the stage, the announcer started the duel. A field spell was drawn to set up the duel field and the card drawn was the Heartland action field!

Heartland! Many of the ZEXAL world's and XYZ dimension inhabitants of ARC-V world were shocked at the sight of the familiar city on the field.

Shun was among them as he involuntarily started at the name, a sight that Sora took note of.

A magnificent city bearing a crystal tower in the city materialized on the stage, rousing the crowd.

Shun was not amused however as Reigi had intentionally chosen the field to rouse his fighting spirit.

Rouse his fighting spirit? Many ZEXAL world inhabitants started to feel a mixed sense of dread and comradery with this stranger on the screen. He was a citizen of Heartland like them but what happened that made the sight of their city rouse his fighting spirit?

Sora looked concerned at the sight of Sora trembling before him but Shun shrugged it off before telling Sora that if he is a true Fusion user he will be receiving no mercy from Shun.

Fusion-user? This time, people in the GX world started to feel connected to the duel. Fusion was rising in popularity in their world after all. Except, what does using fusion have to do with Shun's anger?

Both duelists started their duel disks and the crowd started to chant their mantra for the action duel to begin. Shun wasn't a part of it though as he remained steadfast. Before long, the duel began.

[4000 LP] [4000 LP]

A flurry of golden cards burst onto the field, each one bearing an action card.

Sora started the duel by summoning Fluffal Bear eliciting cute cries from the tournament audience. He then special summoned two Fluffal Sheep in defense mode before setting a card.

Fluffal Bear: [1200 ATK]

Fluffal Sheep x2: [800 DEF]

At the end of his turn, Sora encouraged Shun with a smug smile to join him in putting a great show on for the audience. At those words, Shun reminisced about how his home was once a place filled with entertaining duels to the brim. Until...

Sora's face had a somewhat strange look to it as he started to piece together who Shun is.

As Shun started to cryptically describe his home, many viewers in other worlds started to piece together what happened. Shun's home was invaded but for some reason, a majority of the Minami Championship's audience was clueless about the events that happened.

All the people of Standard wanted to see were entertaining duels yet Shun was a true blue combat veteran.

Shun continued his story oblivious to the reactions of the people around him and summoned Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius.

Vaniship Lanius: [1300 ATK]

Vanishing Lanius destroyed Fluffal Bear, making a small child in the audience cry. Sora then used the trap card, Fluffal Crane, to add Fluffal Bear back to his hand and calm the child down. Sora acts cute as Fluffal Crane draws him a card.

(ARC-V) Shun and Yuto frowned. They've noticed the methods Sora used to ingratiate himself into this society, methods that work well for an Academia spy.

Sora: [3900 LP]

Since Shun's "Raidraptor" attacked this turn, Shun activated the spell card Raidraptor - Symbol to add another Vanishing Lanius to his hand. Since he summoned Vanishing Lanius this turn, he special summoned his second one in defense mode before setting a card and ending his turn.

Sora summoned Edge Imp Sabres and used it to switch one of his Fluffal Sheep on the field with the Fluffal Bear in his hand. Since Sora added Fluffal Sheep to his hand, he gets to add one Polymerization from his deck to his hand.

Seeing Sora add Polymerization to his hand, the Minami audience was amazed but Shun had a look of extreme vigilance.

Sora put a show on reminiscent of his fellow You Show Duel School student, Yuya Sakaki. He fused Edge Imp Sabres and Fluffal Bear using his polymerization to fusion summon Frightfur Bear.

Frightfur Bear: [2200 ATK]

A demonic bear extended its claws and destroyed Shun's Vanishing Lanius.

Shun: [3100 LP]

Since Frightfur Bear destroyed Vanishing Lanius by battle, it will absorb it and gain ATK equal to the destroyed Vanishing Lanius's ATK. Shun wasn't having it though as he used the trap card Raidraptor - Return to add the destroyed Vanishing Lanius back to his hand.

"Well, I guess if you didn't do this much, it won't be fun. I set a card and end my turn."

Seeing the back and forth, the announcer riled up the audience but Sora wasn't taking part this time. He looked down on Shun while he placed a sucker in his mouth and made a snide remark that he spent so long defending that he can't fight back.

While the Minami audience can treat this as trash talk, the myriad worlds knew better. Shun's situation is very real and Sora just derided it.

Sora wasn't totally wrong though. Shun's people couldn't put up much of a counterattack when their enemy first invaded. With time though, his people grew and a clear resistance emerged.

In his observation room, Reigi tightened his hand as he listened to Shun's story.

A tense air filled the room as Shun summoned his second Vanishing Lanius. Using its monster effect, he summoned the third one from his hand.

Overlay! Level {4} Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius {=} x3

XYZ summon! Rank 4 Raidraptor - Rise Falcon

Raidraptor - Rise Falcon: [100 ATK]

XYZ! This new summoning method has returned.

Rise Falcon has the ability to attack all special summoned monsters. Rise Falcon then activated its monster effect, detaching an XYZ material and gaining ATK equal to Sora's special summoned monsters' total ATK.

Rise Falcon: [2700 ATK]

"He said he would show no mercy to Fusion users," (5DS) Yusei said.

"This monster is simply designed to fight against Fusions," (GX) Bastion concluded.

"That announcer said it was a back and forth duel but it looks like Sora will lose if he doesn't take Shun seriously," (DM) Pegasus thought to himself.

A blazing phoenix took to the stage as Rise Falcon soared through the sky and destroyed Sora's field. The shockwave sent Sora flying much greater than the Standard dimension's Real Solid Vision System.

Sora: [3400 LP]

On the stage, the viewers could all see the stairs Sora was on had a massive hole taking up a chunk of it.

It gave the audience a sense of a real battlefield.

Shun set two cards, ending his turn. Rise Falcon's ATK returned to normal.

Rise Falcon: [100 ATK]

Seeing how strong Shun is, Sora decided to get just a bit serious with a sinister grin showing on his face.

Reverting back to his playful persona, Sora summoned Ege Imp Saw.

Edge Imp Saw: [500 ATK]

Sora discards Fluffal Sheep using Edge Imp Saw's monster effect and draws two cards. He then activates the spell card Fusion Conscription to add Fluffal Lion from his deck to his hand since it serves as fusion material.

Hiding his sinister smile from the audience, Sora begins another round of "entertainment dueling" by activating the continuous spell card Frightfur Factory. By removing the Polymerization in his graveyard from the game, Sora is then able to fusion summon a Frightfur monster using Ege Imp Saw and Fluffal Lion as fusion materials

Fusion Summon! Frightfur Leo

Frightfur Leo: [2400 ATK]

A demonic lion entered the battlefield with a sinister laugh. The sight scared the children and prompted Shun to run through Heartland City.

"Oh, are you running? You can't get away."

Shun grabbed hold of Rise Falcon's claw and flew into the air. For the myriad world viewers, this seemed like a pointless act but they knew better than to doubt a combat veteran like Shun. They didn't know the power of action cards.

Frightfur Leo used its monster effect to try and destroy Rise Falcon. A falcon and two saw blades played a game of cat and mouse through the city of Heartland before Shun saw what he was looking for.

Escaping the destruction in the city, Shun jumps down and grabs from the side of a building the action spell card Mirror Barrier. Activating Mirror Barrier, a dome forms around Shun and his Rise Falcon to protect them from Frightfur Leo's monster effect.

Action spells! Another concept alien to myriad worlds including the XYZ, Synchro, and Fusion dimensions of the ARC-V world.

Action spells could be found everywhere in this duel environment and could spontaneously turn the tide of battle.

Several mirrors came down to block in the sinister lion, eliciting a cry from the beast.

Shun's response to Sora's dueling earned him the admiration of many with Reigi not looking down on him either. Those skills of his were well trained on the battlefield Shun's Resistance organization fought.

Not letting up, Sora commanded Frightfur Leo to crash through any wall in front of it in hopes of attacking Shun's Rise Falcon. An act that disturbed the announcer who wasn't used to seeing real combat.

"I found one. An opponent I should destroy," Sora said ominously.

Subconsciously, (ARC-V) Yuya and the others started to distance themselves from Sora next to them. The Sora on the screen was growing increasingly more sinister as his joyful facade was crumbling in the heat of the duel.

Frightfur Leo found Shun and Rise Falcon, preparing to attack. Shun activates the trap card Adversity to protect Rise Falcon and his LP from harm while increasing Rise Falcon's ATK by 1000.

Rise Falcon: [1100 ATK]

The usually playful Sora was now stomping his feet in anger. He didn't care about his acting anymore as all that was on his mind is defeating Shun. If he didn't hear his "friends" at You Show Duel School being concerned about him, he wouldn't bother about keeping up the act anymore.

Rise Falcon's monster effect activates and he attacks Frightfur Leo. Sora attempts to use the action spell Evade but the counter trap card Raptor's Storm was there to negate it. Frightfur Leo was destroyed, sending back Sora. Shun then sets two cards to end his turn.

Sora: [2300 LP]

With two fusion monsters down, Sora bit off a wrapper for a sucker in his hand and stuck the sucker in his mouth. Activating the spell card Suture Rebirth, Sora revives Fluffal Sheep to be used alongside Frightfur Factory. By removing from play Fusion Conscription from his graveyard, Sora fuses Fluffal Sheep and Edge Imp Chain in his hand.

Fusion Summon! Frightfur Sheep.

Frightfur Sheep: [2000 ATK]

With Frightfur Sheep, Shun will no longer be able to stop Sora's attacks. Though, Reigi doubts that will stop Shun.

A beam of light shoots out of Frightfur Sheep's mouth, chasing Rise Falcon in the sky before shooting it down.

Shun: [2200 LP]

Shun, not flinching, jumps down to the ground using the buildings beside him as stepping stools. With the damage step over, Shun activates the quick-play spell card Rank-up-Magic Raptor's Force.

Rank Up! Another duelist has used Rank-Up!

The destroyed Rise Falcon is revived and used to summon a new XYZ monster one rank higher.

Rank up! XYZ Change!

XYZ Summon Rank 5 Rairaptor - Blaze Falcon

Blaze Falcon: [1000 ATK]

Seeing Shun stand up time and time again, Sora praises him as someone with a talent for entertainment. What Sora was talking about was the entertainment prey brings to the hunter however and Shun knew it.

Not wasting any time, Shun activated Blaze Falcon's monster effect to detach one XYZ material to destroy Sora's special summoned Frightfur Sheep and deal Sora 500 points of damage. Several lasers came out of Blaze Falcon intending to blow up Frightfur Sheep.

Sora activates Frightfur Defender to protect Frightfur Sheep and gives it 800 ATK. The blasts bounce off the protective dome and set fire to the stadium, leaving an impression of a burning city.

Many viewers in the stadium and the myriad worlds feel the intensity of a battlefield as they imagined their own cities going up in flames.

Blaze Falcon's ability gives it the ability to attack Sora directly, bypassing Frightfur Sheep and knocking Sora hard into a building. A large crack starts to form after Sora crashes into it.

Sora: [1300 LP]

The building starts to come apart and pieces of rubble begin to fall toward Sora. Seeing the falling debris, Sora jumps from piece to piece in an expert motion before landing outside of the crash site.

An image of a confident Sora can be seen standing before the ruins.

Since Blaze Falcon dealt direct damage, its monster effect activates seeking to destroy Frightfur Sheep. Sora activates the action spell card Mirror Barrier that he found in the rubble, hoping to protect his monster. Another counter trap card was waiting for him though, Raptor's Gust negates the effect of Mirror Barrier and Frightfur Sheep going up in a huge explosion. Shun sets a card and ends his turn.

"Where'd that grin of yours go? Do you now feel what it's like to be hunted?"

A sinister aura floods the air as scenes of Academia's hunts fills Shun's mind.

"You people would laugh as you attacked and hunted my comrades. Now though, we are no longer the helpless prey we were before."

"Aren't you getting carried away? I can win a duel like this while having some candy," Sora said with a sinister smile plastered across his face. His joyful persona was gone. All that was left was the hunt as he bites off a chunk of a large lollipop.

Shivers go down the spines of the more innocent viewers living peacefully in their homes of the myriad worlds. The more righteous ones, however, were itching to go to the ARC-V world to help Shun's people. No one deserves to be hunted like animals.

"It's just a game," Sora continued. "There's no way I need to get serious. That's the same for my friends. We all hunted you just for fun! You all are just prey for our hunting game!"

That's right, Sora admitted to everything Shun said. His people were hunting Shun's people for sport!

(ARC-V) Leo Akaba shook his head. Sora just blew an undercover mission to get a thrill out of a duel. What he doesn't know though is that these events are future events and that Sora is now in a precarious position between escaping and kidnapping Yuzu.

The wheels of history in the ARC-V world were rapidly accelerating.

Sora draws and activates the spell card Frightfur Fusion to remove his three Frightfur monsters in his graveyard from the game as fusion material for a fusion summon.

Fusion summon! Frightfur Chimera.

Frightfur Chimera: [2800 ATK]

A gigantic monstrosity composed of several Frightfur monsters towers over Heartland and attacks Blaze Falcon.

Shun: [400 LP]

Since he destroyed Blaze Falcon with Frightfur Chimera, Sora is able to summon Blaze Falcon on his side of the field to reduce Shun's LP to 0.

"Now do you understand, you can never hunt me because the hunted will always be you!"

"We of the resistance always fight prepared for the worst-case scenario. All while considering the capture of our comrades."

On the streets of Standard, Yuto could be seen walking by a large television screen.

Those who didn't know any better would think that was just Yuya but Yuya was already displayed watching from the stadium. Who is this mystery man?

"We will always take back our comrades! Activate quick-play spell card Rank-Up-Magic Revolution Force!"

Blaze Falcon returns to Shun's side of the field, engulfed in a blaze of war.

Rank Up! XYZ Change!

Xyz Summon! Rank 6 Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon!

Revolution Falcon: [2000 ATK]

All of the audience was awestruck at Shun's tenacity. Sora laughed at the thought that a weaker monster like Revolution Falcon could possibly defeat his Frightfur Chimera but Shun's confidence is no lie.

Paranoid, Sora looks around to see if Shun had another set card. He was played with too many times by Shun's spell and trap cards.

Shun's confidence comes from Revolution Falcon's monster effect though. When it is summoned by ranking up a "Raidraptor" it will destroy an opponent's special summoned monster and inflict damage equal to half that monster's ATK.

Revolution Falcon takes to the air and deploys a flurry of bombs to destroy Frightfur Chimera and the city of Heartland. Yuya's cries can be heard as the entertainment dueling he believes in is destroyed along with the city.

Sora dashes through the city in search of an action spell card but he is too late as a pillar crashes down on him before he could activate it.

Sora: [0 LP]

The duel has ended but no one in Minami's audience is ready to appreciate it.

Sora walks up to Sora ready to finish the job but Reigi's voice could be heard from his duel disk telling him to stop since there were too many witnesses. The general public isn't allowed to know about this. Sora will then be used as a subject to learn about "Academia."

(ARC-V) Leo has an odd look on his face at the sight of his son preparing to take on his army in the Fusion dimension. Whatever the challenge, he will accept it.

With no need to card Sora, Shun walks away. Sora tries to stop Shun, saying he couldn't really lose to an XYZ waste like him but he falls unconscious halfway through his pleas.

"(ARC-V World): Kurosaki Shun Vs Sora Isshuin. The winner is Kurosaki Shun."