Chapter 18

The sun was in the sky but nobody wanted to play.

Darkness was a dark shadow over everyone's hearts. Even with Jaden's words acting as a pick-me-up, psychological problems aren't so easy to solve.

In the myriad worlds, aside from the regular civilians who had to go through the motions, everyone wasn't motivated to do any work.

Even the most dedicated people in their worlds were busy digesting the philosophical debate in the previous duel.

They are afraid that if they haven't done enough groundwork analyzing the previous duel, they will be drowning in paperwork by the time the next one comes around.

Since the introduction of the list, its contents have seeped into all parts of society. If the higher-ups cannot properly manage the information contained, they will fall behind in information warfare. This can be seen in the several worlds that have started to enter an open war between factions caused by information being disclosed ahead of time.

At this rate, before the list is finished every major event in the near future will have already broken out. Theoretically speaking. It is impossible for some though since certain things take time somewhat like a certain enemy deep in the space of the GX world.

Things continued like this for the entire day until nightfall when the next duel was ready to be played on the screen.

"Next duel. (5DS World): Dark Signer Carly Vs Jack Atlas."

Dark Signer? For the people of the other worlds, this is title is unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time.

When Leo was revived during his duel with Aporia, it was the Mark of the Crimson Dragon and the powers of the Signers that played a major role in his rebirth. Now, there's a Dark Signer dueling one of the known Signers Jack Atlas?

People can smell a story without owning a dog's nose.

As for the parties involved, things are different from the initial series of events. Thanks to the Signers not infighting during the Fortune Cup, Jack was never sent to the hospital and never met Carly Carmine. While she did end up turning into a Dark Signer thanks to an unfortunate accident at the Arcadia Movement, she and Jack no longer share a close relationship like in the original history of the 5DS world.

Unfortunately, the screen wasn't going to tell them that the duel was from a parallel history so the 5DS world inhabitants are free to come up with multiple theories regarding what happens between now and then.

On the screen, Jack Atlas can be seen riding his duel runner with a determined face. Looking at a tower in the distance, he thinks back to his memories of a cheerful go-lucky girl. Why would a girl like her become a Dark Signer?

"Is that me?" (5DS) Dark Signer Carly wondered as she looked at the images on the screen. She and Jack didn't recognize the images on the screen so the other Carly and Jack seem almost alien to them. Yet, they seemed so happy?

From behind the tower, a woman in black and orange drove her duel runner past Jack and circled around to meet him. Dark Signer Carly looks vastly different from her cheerful self in Jack's memories.

"I've been waiting Jack," she says to Jack. "I've come back from the dead as a Dark Signer, to see you."

Back from the dead?! Doesn't this mean all of the Dark Signers share a similar story? It's not impossible considering how the Signers were able to revive Leo when he was on the cusp of death.

(5DS) Akiza came to the same conclusion as everyone else and thought back to the Dark Signer Misty she met at the Arcadia building. If she is dead, what happens if the Dark Signers lose the war with the Signers? Will Misty end up dying again?

The (5DS) Dark Signer Carly in the present-day wondered why her other self sought out Jack Atlas.

The Carly on the screen was different from the present-day Carly though as her death wasn't an accident. While she did die at the Arcadia Movement, she was killed by Divine in order to cover up secrets she had discovered. Secrets she would never have dug up if she wasn't chasing after Jack.

This frustrated Jack as that meant there was no way to save Carly from the clutches of the Dark Signers. Left with nothing else, the two can only duel each other.

Purple Nasca lines covered the surrounding area as intense purple flames set up the two's duel arena.

Jack and Carly started their duel runners as the field spell "Speed World" turned on to commence the duel.

[4000 LP] [4000 LP]

Turbo Duels follow a different set of rules much like Action Duels in that the duelist must not just fight using their decks but their surroundings as well.

The first duelist to turn the corner with their duel runner earns the right to go first. In order to go first, Carly bumps her duel runner into Jack's and sent him into the Nasca's wall. Carly laughs as she takes the first turn.

Carly summons Fortune Lady Light, a level {1} monster with the ability to increase its level each turn and whose ATK and DEF are equal to 200 times its level, in defense mode. She then sets a card and ends her turn.

Fortune Lady Light: [200 DEF]

This card was given by the Earthbound Diety controlling the Dark Signers and is its gift to Carly to make her fight.

[SC:1] [SC:1]

Jack draws a card and ends his turn without doing anything.

[SC:2] [SC: 2]

Light goes up to level {2} but Carly sacrifices it to tribute summon Fortune Lady Earth. Since Light left the field because it was tributed, Carly gets to special summon Fortune Lady Dark from her deck. Both Fortune Lady Earth and Fortune Lady Dark's ATK and DEF are equal to their levels times 400.

Fortune Lady Earth: [2400 ATK]

Fortune Lady Dark: [2000 ATK]

It's a combined total of more than 4000! Earth attacks Jack directly, sending his duel runner spinning. The excessive damage reduces his speed counters by 2.

Jack: [1600 LP] [SC: 0]

Dark moves to finish Jack off but Jack special summons Crying Ogre since Carly declared a second direct attack this turn. Crying Ogre's ATK is equal to the amount of damage Jack took from the first direct attack and the monster that declares the second direct attack must attack Crying Ogre.

Crying Ogre: [2400 ATK]

Carly: [3600 LP]

Carly sets a card and ends her turn.

[SC: 3] [SC: 1]

Jack takes his turn, believing that the Carly he knew would never willingly fight for the Dark Signers. Jack summons Power Supplier in defense mode and tries to use its monster effect to increase Crying Ogre's ATK by 400. Carly negates Power Supplier's summon using the counter trap Bending Destiny and returns it to Jack's hand. Jack ends his turn by setting a card.

[SC:4] [SC: 2]

Earth's level goes up by 1 and its monster effect deals Jack 400 points of damage.

Earth: Level {6} - {7} [2800 ATK]

Jack: [1200 LP]

Earth attacks Crying Ogre, destroying it with a flurry of rocky spikes rising from the ground. The damage forces Jack's duel runner to a stop.

Jack: [800 LP]

Carly stops her duel runner in front of Jack and activates the card she believes will show his fate, the trap card Enlightenment allowing Earth to declare a second attack. Jack's vision blacks out as a vision of another future come to his mind.

On the screen, Jack wakes up to find himself having become a Dark Signer. After losing to Carly, she revived him using the powers of the Dark Signers. Since his birth as a Dark Signer, the Crimson Dragon was defeated and Jack became the world's new Dark King.

"Impossible!" (5DS) Jack exclaimed. He refused to believe in that kind of future.

"I doubt my other self would be weak enough to fall for that kind of illusion," (ARC-V) Jack remarks.

"The Dark Signers are fated to lose or else Aporia wouldn't have come back from the future," (VRAINS) Windy concluded.

The screen returns to the image of Carly activating Enlightenment, explaining her reason for fighting Jack. Earth declares her attack hoping to end the duel but Jack is woken up by the image of Carly's broken glasses falling to the ground. He quickly activates the trap card Changing Destiny to negate Earth's attack.

"Why do you want to keep fighting?" Carly pleaded. "If I win this duel we can have a future together."

"It's because that isn't the future we want," Jack answered while picking up Carly's broken glasses. The sight of them shocking Carly. "You showed me that."

Jack thrust the glasses in front of Carly's face telling her that she isn't the kind of girl who wants to find happiness in a dark world like the one she showed him.

Carly refused to accept it. She wants to be happy by helping Jack become the king of this world, this is her destiny. Jack doesn't believe in destiny though, not after the old Carly helped him break free from the burdens in his own life.

In the 5DS world, both (5DS) Jack and Carly looked lost in thought as they watched their other-selves have a lover's quarrel on the screen. Who can blame them? For as dark as the situation seems, it is filled with too much dog food for the single people in society.

Since Jack activated the trap card Changing Destiny to negate Earth's attack, Carly gets the choice of whether to inflict half of Earth's ATK to Jack as damage or gain LP equal to that amount.

Jack wants her to change the destiny she believes in.

If it were any other duelist, they would happily use this chance to reduce his LP to 0. For Carly though, seeing Jack so determined to help her made her change her mind. Looking sad, she chooses to regain LP by Changing Destiny's effect.

Carly: [5000 LP]

She really chose the other effect! Does this mean the duel is over? No, it cannot be that easy.

Just as Carly started to settle down and stop the duel, the Nasca mark on her arm started to act up. A dark mist spills out and controls her, an eerie voice telling her to fulfill her destiny as a Dark Signer.

Why you?! Many viewers wanted to rage seeing the couple on the screen being forced to fight like this. Among them, (5DS) Jack and Carly looked lost as though they lost something and no longer had a way to get it back.

The Dark Carly activated a speed spell card Curse of Destiny which can be activated while controlling two or more speed counters to place two fate counters on Fortune Lady Earth. If the Dark Carly chooses not to attack and removes a counter starting with the next turn, Fortune Lady Earth will inflict effect damage equal to its ATK to Jack. She then sets two cards and ends her turn.

"You shall lose your soul by your own beloved's hands. Hahaha," Dark Carly laughed.

The Dark Carly succeeded in infuriating Jack as he takes his next turn.

[SC: 5] [SC: 3]

Since he controls no monsters, Jack special summons the level {5} Vice Dragon and normal summons the level {3} tuner monster Dark Resonator.

Level {5} Vice Dragon {+} and level {3} Dark Resonator {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 8 Red Dragon Archfiend!

Red Dragon Archfiend: [3000 ATK]

Jack's ace monster was now on the field. Proof of Jack's Signer status.

Dark Carly activates the trap card Class Change to increase Earth's level by 1.

Fortune Lady Earth: Level {8} [3200 ATK]

Since Fortune Lady Earth's level went up by 1, Jack takes 400 points of damage.

Jack: [400 LP]

Forget the curse counters, just by starting her turn Dark Carly can reduce Jack's LP to 0 by leveling up Fortune Lady Earth.

Jack won't let that happen. Since he has three or more speed counters, he activates the speed spell card Half Seize to drain half of Fortune Lady Earth's ATK and add that amount to his LP.

Earth: [1600 ATK]

Jack: [2000 LP]

Red Dragon Archfiend attacks and destroys Earth, sending Dark Carly into the flames.

Dark Carly: [3600 LP] [SC: 4]

The concerned Jack calls for Carly but the Dark Carly is still in control. She rides out of the flames and activates the trap card Inherited Fortune to special summon two "Fortune Lady" monsters on her following turn. Jack sets a card and ends the turn.

"Is there... nothing I can do to save you, Carly?" Jack wonders.

[SC: 5] [SC: 4]

In her turn, Carly uses the effect of Inherited Fortune to special summon from her hand Fortune Lady Wind and Fortune Lady Water. Since she special summoned Fortune Lady Water, Dark Carly draws a card for each of her "Fortune Lady" monsters.

Drawing two cards, Dark Carly smiles upon seeing her Earthbound Immortal.

Dark Carly sacrifices her two Fortune Lady monsters to summon her Earthbound Immortal.

In the dark skies above, a giant engine can be seen fueled by countless innocent souls from Satellite.

Many viewers clenched their fists as another nightmarish monster was about to be summoned to the field.

"If the real Carly would see this scene, I wonder how much she would blame and resent herself," Jack wondered.

"Summon, Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu!" Dark Carly cried.

A beam of light flew out of the engine and a gigantic hummingbird can be seen towering over the field

Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu: [2500 ATK]

Earthbound Immortal Assla Piscu has the ability to attack directly so Dark Carly moved to end the duel.

Not wanting to be finished, Jack used the monster effect of Battle Fader in his hand to negate the direct attack and end the battle phase. The level {1} Battle Fader is then special summoned to Jack's field in defense mode.

Battle Fader: [0 DEF]

Dark Carly sets a card and ends her turn. Jack tries again to reach the real Carly by reminding her how important she is to him and how she helped him change into a better person.

"Right now, I'm doing all I can to try and save the person I love. You, Carly!" Jack says.

The confession moves viewers and Crimson Dragon alike as the Signer's marks vanish only to end up covering Jack's back with the full Mark of the Crimson Dragon.

The top card of Jack's deck glows and he draws it ready to use its power.

[SC: 6] [SC: 5]

Drawing the monster card Majestic Dragon, Jack is taken into a white void where Carly's voice can be heard asking him to end it and stop her.

Jack tried to argue for her not to do this but Carly asks him to do it if he truly cared for her.

Jack determinedly summons the level {1} tuner monster Majestic Dragon.

Level {1} Majestic Dragon {+} and level {1} Battle Fader {+} and level {8} Red Dragon Archfiend {=} tuning!

Synchro Summon! Level 10 Majestic Red Dragon!

Majestic Red Dragon: [4000 ATK]

A gigantic red dragon encloses Jack inside as it flies over the skies. Using Majestic Red Dragon's monster effect, Jack negates the effects of Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu and gains ATK equal to Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu's.

Majestic Red Dragon: [6500 ATK]

With victory in sight, Jack looks down at his set trap card Shockwave. If he activates it and destroys Majestic Red Dragon then both players will take damage equal to its ATK. If that happens, the duel will end with both sides losing and Carly will not die alone.

The viewers hold their breath ready for what is about to happen.

Dark Carly however activates the trap card Earthbound Release to tribute her Earthbound Immortal and destroy Majestic Red Dragon to inflict damage equal to its ATK. Since the effect would destroy Majestic Red Dragon, Majestic Red Dragon's monster effect activates to negate it and deal its ATK to Dark Carly as damage.

Carly saw through Jack's intentions and voluntarily chose to sacrifice herself so that he can live on. Majestic Red Dragon blasted a large fireball at Carly's duel runner, knocking her into the air.

Carly: [0 LP]

The purple Nasca lines fade into the background as Jack kneels by a weakened Carly. She can no longer see him in front of her. Jack puts her glasses on her face to help her see him even a little bit.

If only she wasn't so greedy, Carly thought. Then, none of this would happen.

Wanting happiness isn't a sin though. Jack hugs Carly, listening to her last words as she turns into dust in Jack's arms.

"I love you, Jack."


"(5DS World): Jack Atlas vs Dark Signer Carly. The winner of the duel is Jack Atlas."