Chapter 23

Reincarnation link summon!

Another new term has been introduced to the duelists of the myriad worlds. Even the VRAINS world was no exception since this summoning method is exclusive to the Flame Ignis and his future partner Takeru. At present, no one has seen it until this duel.

"Soulburner," (VRAINS) Flame murmured. He had a feeling about who this duelist was in real life.

Since Heatleo was reincarnation link summoned, its special effect activates. Propelion's ATK becomes the same as a "Salamangreat" monster in Soulburner's graveyard. His selected target is the weak Salamangreat Balelynx.

Propelion: [500 ATK]

Normally, this would be enough to turn most monsters into chicken scraps but "Appliancer" link monsters are good at gaining effects based on how well they cooperate with each other. Since Propelion is co-linked with Celtopus, Propelion will gain 1000 ATK for each of Celtopus's co-linked zones.

Propelion's Theoretical: [2500 ATK]

Soulburner is determined to take Propelion down though, so he equips Heatleo with the equipped spells Salamangreat Claw and Salamangreat Fang.

Salamangreat Fang increases Heatleo's ATK by 300 for each of Soulburner's link markers.

Salamangreat Claw can then increase the number of attacks Heatleo can make up to three times.

Heatleo: [3200 ATK]

The lion is ready to hunt!

Heatleo attacks Propelion and Roboppi uses the effects of his Appliancer link monsters. Celtopus's monster effect increases Propelion by 1000 for each of its co-linked zones.

Propelion: [2500 ATK]

The effect of the co-linked Propelion then activates since it is attacked while co-linked, reducing Heatleo's ATK by half.

Heatleo: [1600 ATK]

It is too late to stop Heatleo's attack as it strikes a blindingly blue wall. If it wasn't for the effect of Salamangreat Claw, Heatleo would be gone now.

Soulburner: [3100 LP]

Since the attack is over, the effects of Roboppi's Appliancer link monsters end.

Propelion: [500 ATK]

Heatleo: [3200 ATK]

Heatleo uses its second attack to destroy Propelion who had already used its monster effect in this turn. Celtopus tries to help Propelion fight back but it is not enough.

Propelion: [2500 ATK]

Roboppi: [3300 LP]

Since Heatleo was a reincarnation link summoned monster equipped with Salamangreat Fang, it deals damage to Roboppi when destroying a monster by battle equal to half of the destroyed monster's original ATK.

Roboppi: [2700 LP]

Now it's time for Heatleo's third attack. Heatleo attacks Vacculephant triggering Celtopus's monster effect one last time.

Vacculephant: [2000 ATK]

Roboppi: [1500 LP]

Salamangreat Fang activates again, dealing half of Vacculephant's original ATK to Roboppi's LP.

Roboppi: [1000 LP]

Soulburner ends his turn and an odd silence settled over the area. The people on the screen may not hear it but the people watching can somewhat hear the sounds of data being computed in Roboppi's mind.

Soulburner thinks he has Roboppi on the ropes and tries to convince him to turn on Ai. Roboppi however would never turn on Ai, let alone to someone like Soulburner who is partly to blame for Ai's pain!

Soulburner couldn't believe it but according to Roboppi's argument, Soulburner was supposed to protect Flame, the Flame Ignis. It was because he failed that Ai was forced to be the one to eliminate his fellow Ignis!

"I see now," (DM) Yugi said. "Ai had to sacrifice his family and the guilt made him wonder if there was any other way."

"Since Soulburner could've prevented everything when that Flame Ignis was still around," (5DS) Jack thought.

"His very existence is a living reminder of what could have been," (ARC-V) Shun concluded.

Roboppi for all of his intellect is still a child at heart, so he places the blame for his brother Ai's suffering on Soulburner who could've done better. Playmaker and Soulburner try and explain to Roboppi how there was no other way but Roboppi has no intentions of knowing if knowing isn't going to fix anything.

"Even if he's suddenly smart, his heart can't mature as fast," Shoichi analyzed from his computer screen. "Roboppi's heart can't keep up, so he can't control his emotions."

Roboppi's turn begins and he normal summons Appliancer Socketroll once again.

{1} Appliancer Socketroll {=} set.

Link Summon! Link 1 Appliancer Kappa Scale

Kappa Scale: [0 ATK]

The field spell card Appliancer Electrilyrical World activates its effect once again, adding the Appliancer Socketroll from Roboppi's graveyard back to his hand.

Roboppi then uses the monster effect of the Kappa Scale to tribute itself and revive one of Roboppi's Appliancer link monsters to his side of the field. Propelion revives itself only to be used as link material.

Link {1} Appliancer Propelion {=} set.

Link Summon! Link 1 Appliancer Laundry Dragon

Laundry Dragon: [1500 ATK]

Soulburner desperately tries to remember the data saved on Roboppi's new monster but the multi-situational effects of Roboppi's Appliancer monsters make it difficult for a human to be prepared for everything.

Laundry Dragon attacks Heatleo. Celtopus's monster effect then activates, increasing Laundry Dragon's ATK by 1000.

Laundry Dragon: [2500 ATK]

Since that isn't enough though, Roboppi uses the co-linked monster effect of Appliancer Laundry Dragon to reduce all combat damage to 0 and remove from play Soulburner's battling monster.

A mass of laundry folded into the shape of a boomerang fly out of Laundry Dragon's doors before being incinerated by Heatleo's rays. The blast hits Laundry Dragon and it disappears in a blazing explosion. Heatleo then starts to turn into data as Laundry Dragon's monster effect removes it from the game.

Roboppi activates the quick play spell card Appliancer Recycle to remove from play the Kappa Scale in his graveyard and the Balelynx in Soulburner's. Roboppi can then revive an Appliancer monster in his graveyard and Soulburner can special summon a link monster he has that is removed from the game.

Soulburner chooses to bring back Heatleo while Roboppi revives the recently destroyed Laundry Dragon.

"Wait, why would you do that?" (DM) Joey asks.

"Won't it end in another draw?" (GX) Syrus wonders.

"Was Roboppi's aim, removing from the game Balelynx?" (ZEXAL) Astral analyzed.

(ZEXAL) Astral isn't wrong in his assessment. Salamangreat Balelynx is a troublesome card to keep track of as its monster effect while in the graveyard can be used to remove itself from the game to protect one of Soulburner's monsters if Roboppi tries to destroy it.

There's one flaw though. Now, Laundry Dragon is in a different monster zone so its monster effect when battling an opponent's monster is different from before. The new monster effect of Laundry Dragon instead of removing Heatleo from the game now destroys it and inflicts damage equal to its original ATK.

A barrage of laundry rapidly beats down on Heatleo, leaving it no room to resist. It wants to fight back but the effect of Appliancer Recycle protects Laundry Dragon from being destroyed by battle. Soon, all that can be seen is an exploding lump of laundry on Soulburner's side of the field.

Soulburner: [800 LP]

The absence of Balelynx in Soulburner's graveyard can be felt as he couldn't protect Heatleo, so he went for the next best thing. Using the monster effect of Salamangreat Lemming in his hand, Soulburner sends it to the graveyard to special summon the Salamangreat Gazelle in his hand.

The effect of Salamangreat Gazelle activates, sending Salamangreat Zebroid X from his deck to the graveyard.

Roboppi activates the spell card Appliancer Reduce to remove from play the newly special summoned Gazelle and draws a card for each of Roboppi's different-type Appliancer Link monsters on his side of the field. Since he has two, he draws two cards and sets them on the field.

Soulburner normal summons Salamangreat Falco and activates the monster effect of Salamangreat Spinny in the graveyard to revive itself.

{1} Salamangreat Falco {+} and {1} Salamangreat Spinny {=} set.

Link Summon! Link 2 Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf.

Sunlight Wolf: [1800 ATK]

The monster effect of the linked material Salamangreat Falco activates, setting the spell card Salamngreat Claw in Soulburner's graveyard back onto the field. Soulburner then uses the monster effect of Jack Jaguar in his graveyard to return one of the Heatleo's in his graveyard back to his extra deck in order to revive Jack Jaguar to Sunlight Wolf's link zone.

Since a Jack Jaguar was special summoned to Sunlight Wolf's link zone, Soulburner uses the monster effect of Sunlight Wolf to add Salamangreat Falco from his graveyard to his hand.

{1} Salamangreat Jack Jaguar {=} set.

Link Summon! Link 1 Salamangreat Balelynx.

Balelynx: [500 ATK]

Another Salamangreat Sanctuary field spell is added from Soulburner's deck to his hand, courtesy of the monster effect of Balelynx.

Link {2} Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf {+} and link {1} Salamangreat Balelynx {=} set.

Link Summon! Link 3 Salamangreat Heatleo!

Heatleo: [2300 ATK]

The monster effect of Heatleo sends back Roboppi's set card.

One more! Reincarnation link summon!

Link {3} Salamangreat Heatleo {=} set.

Reincarnation link summon! Link 3 Salamangreat Heatleo!

"Seriously!" (ARC-V) Shingo exclaims.

"No matter what Roboppi does, Soulburner can just rebuild his field," (GX) Zane comments.

"How can you beat that?" (ZEXAL) Tetsuo wonders.

Since Heatleo was reincarnation link summoned, the other set card on Roboppi's field disappears. Soulburner then equips Heatleo with the spell card Salamangreat Claw. Heatleo can attack three times once again.

Heatleo uses its first attack on Laundry Dragon, hoping to start a kill streak.

Unfortunately, Roboppi's much smarter than he thinks. The effect of Appliancer Electrilyrical World activates, sending up fireworks in the background. Roboppi then uses the effect of Electrilyrical World to then move Laundry Dragon to the link zone underneath Celtopus.

Since Laundry Dragon and Celtopus are now co-linked, Laundry Dragon's ATK goes up by 1000.

Laundry Dragon: [2500 ATK]

Laundry Dragon counter-attacks! Heatleo is defeated and banished courtesy of Laundry Dragon's monster effect. Since Roboppi used the effect of Laundry Dragon though, Soulburner takes no damage.

Roboppi brags about how much more he planned ahead than Soulburner but Soulburner has an ace in the hole as well. Using the monster effect of Salamangreat Zebroid X in his graveyard, Soulburner revives the level {4} Zebroid X and level {4} Jack Jaguar from his graveyard. The two special summoned are then used to Xyz summon a "Salamangreat" XYZ monster!

Overlay! Level {4} Salamangreat Zebroid X {=} and level {4} Salamangreat Jack Jaguar.

Xyz Summon! Rank 4 Salamangreat Blaze Dragon!

Blaze Dragon: [2300 ATK]

A great blue dragon blazes onto Soulburner's field. Thanks to Zebroid X's monster effect, Blaze Dragon gains 300 ATK for each of its XYZ materials.

Blaze Dragon: [2900 ATK]

Blaze Dragon attacks Laundry Dragon and Soulburner activates the quick play spell card Salamangreat Tail from his hand. Blaze Dragon's 1200 DEF is added to both its ATK and Souburner's LP.

Blaze Dragon: [4100 ATK]

Soublurner: [2000 LP]

The effect of Celtopus activates, increasing Laundry Dragon's ATK to 2500. Unfortunately, without being able to use Laundry Dragon's monster effect again this turn Roboppi is at risk of losing all of his LP in this attack. Not wanting that, Roboppi removes from the game his Appliancer Reduce in his graveyard as a cost for its effect.

Roboppi reduces the damage he takes by half.

[200 LP]

A blast of fire from Blaze Dragon destroys Laundry Dragon and sends Roboppi flying into the air. Roboppi once again feels one with the universe similar to his dreams. The viewers can hear an increase in the number of data computing sounds coming from Roboppi. His computing power is evolving through this duel!

Soulburner sets a card and ends his turn. Blaze Dragon's ATK returns to normal since the effect of Salamangreat Tail has ended.

Seeing that Soulburner couldn't finish the job, Roboppi lets out an uncharacteristic laugh. As he gets up once again, he compliments the dueling ability of humans but he is now beyond who he was before.

Roboppi opens his eyes and glares at Soulburner, his eyes now mutated into something completely inhuman now.

Roboppi laughs hysterically as he feels he has now surpassed even his idol, Ai. This image scares the audience and the Ai who has been secretly watching the duel.

"Roboppi," both future and (VRAINS) present-day Ai cannot help muttering.

Where was the little appliance AI who was content just cleaning Yusaku's room? It is clear he is no longer here.

An image of a galaxy can be seen in Roboppi's eyes as he starts his turn. He activates the spell card Appliancer Test to revive several of his link 1 "Appliancer" monsters in Celtopus's link zones. The selected targets are Vacculephant and Propelion who are now special summoned from the graveyard co-linked to the extra monster zone's Celtopus.

Monsters revived by Appliancer Test are revived with 0 ATK.

Roboppi then activates the monster effect of the co-linked Vacculephant to destroy Soulburner's Blaze Dragon. Soulburner detaches one of Blaze Dragon's XYZ materials to negate its destruction, Blaze Dragon losing 300 ATK in the process.

Blaze Dragon: [2600 ATK]

The galaxy in Roboppi's eyes shines brighter as he moves to link summon once more.

Link {1} Appliancer Vacculephant {=} set.

Link Summon! Link 1 Appliancer Laundry Dragon.

Laundry Dragon: [1500 ATK]

The effect of Electrilyrical World then activates, returning Copybokkle from Roboppi's graveyard to his hand.

Link {1} Appliancer Propelion {=} set.

Link Summon! Link 1 Appliancer Dryer Drake.

Dryer Drake: [0 ATK]

Appliancer Dryer Drake gains 1000 ATK since it is co-linked.

Dryer Drake: [1000 ATK]

With two monsters co-linked with Appliancer Celtopus, Roboppi is ready to begin his assault. Laundry Dragon attacks Blaze Dragon, gaining 2000 ATK from the co-linked Celtopus.

Laundry Dragon: [3500 ATK]

Soulburner activates the continuous trap card Salamangreat Ring to send the Salamangreat Sanctuary in his hand to the graveyard in order to give his "Salamangreat" monsters an additional 500 ATK and immunity from card effects.

Blaze Dragon: [3100 ATK]

Soulburner: [1600 LP]

Blaze Dragon uses its last XYZ material to protect itself from destruction.

Blaze Dragon: [2800 ATK]

Dryer Drake attacks Blaze Dragon, gaining 2000 ATK from Celtopus.

Dryer Drake: [3000 ATK]

Theoretically, Blaze Dragon should fall now that it no longer has XYZ materials but "Salamangreats" are incredibly versatile. Blaze Dragon's monster effect activates since it is attacked while having no XYZ materials. Blaze Dragon is then used as XYZ materials for an Xyz Summon of a "Salamangreat" XYZ monster from Soulburner's extra deck.

Xyz Summon! Reincarnation Xyz Summon!

Reincarnate! Rank 4 Salamangreat Blaze Dragon!

Blaze Dragon: [2300 ATK]

Even his XYZ can Reincarnate?! He also did it on his opponent's turn!

In many worlds, there are duelists who now fear having to face a "Salamangreat" deck and Soulburner in a duel.

Salamangreat Ring increases Blaze Dragon's ATK by 500.

Blaze Dragon: [2800 ATK]

Then, since Blaze Dragon was reincarnation Xyz summoned, Soulburner uses its monster effect to destroy Roboppi's Laundry Dragon.

Seeing Soulburner trying to remove his field again, Roboppi gets ticked and a burst of electricity starts to shoot out from his head.

Roboppi activates the effect of Appliancer Coating in his graveyard, removing it from the game and reviving the newly destroyed Laundry Dragon. Roboppi then removes from the game Salamangreat Balelynx and his Appliancer Coating from both of their graveyards.

Roboppi's monstrous eyes widen even farther as a sinister cackle erupts from his throat.

Dryer Drake's attack continues, defeating Blaze Dragon. The blue dragon barely survives the destruction by using its last XYZ material.

Soulburner: [1400 LP]

If it were earlier, Roboppi may have been hard-pressed to finish Soulburner off this turn. Unfortunately, since Soulburner destroyed Laundry Dragon, Roboppi was able to revive it and gain another attack this turn.

Celtopus's monster effect activates, increasing Laundry Dragon's ATK by 2000 once again.

Laundry Dragon: [3500 ATK]

Soulburner: [700 LP]

"I survived," Soulburner says as the smoke clears.

"Underestimating me is what makes you human," Roboppi retorts. "I'm an AI who is going to conquer this universe. This isn't enough to stop me!"

Sparks shoot out of Roboppi's head and everyone starts to understand the direction this duel is heading.

Roboppi uses the monster effect of his Dryer Drake to switch the monster zones of Laundry Dragon and Dryer Drake to then give the switched Laundry Dragon the ability to declare another attack!

With no way for Soulburner to stop Laundry Dragon's attack, Roboppi feels like he's now at the top of the world.

He can be the hero of the story now, the savior of AI! Be the little Roboppi that could...

As Roboppi's aspirations come out to the forefront, his voice begins to change.

No longer is it the terrifying AI speaking but the adorable cute appliance AI that used to clean Yusaku's room.

Roboppi's thoughts start to short-circuit as he routes to the end of his turn.

End his turn?! Soulburner cannot believe it but Roboppi can now no longer tell where he is or what he's doing.

Eventually, Roboppi's face freezes and his body returns to that of a cleaning appliance.

Roboppi's AI was a housekeeping AI, so the strain of Ai's backup grew to be too much for the little AI.

The housekeeper AI tries to get up and clean its master's room. That's when the little housekeeping AI was most happy. It's where all of its happy memories are.

Playmaker remembered the times he returned home to see the little AI looking happy at the work it has accomplished.

Sadness fills the air as everyone looks at the broken housekeeping AI.

Soulburner moves to end things by activating the equip spell Rising Fire and equipping it to the Heatleo in his graveyard. Rising Fire revives Heatleo and attacks Dryer Drake for the game.

Roboppi looks up at the Heatleo's incoming fireball and marvels at how beautiful it looks.

The little cleaning AI is then reduced to golden specks of dust of data.

Roboppi: [0 LP]

In the distance, Ai apologizes for getting Roboppi involved in his fight and says farewell.

"(VRAINS World): Soulburner vs Roboppi. The winner of the duel is Soulburner."