Chapter 27 (Double-sized)

Different from the original history, Zane's duel with the Yubel-Jesse will be known by a wider audience.

If the screen hadn't shown this duel alongside hits like Yugi vs Atem and Yuma vs Nash, it would've been a forgotten footnote in the GX world. While the duel has a great gravitas and is greatly memorable, it fell into the background as it is followed by darker and more dangerous events for the GX world.

Now though, the duel led to a boom in the dueling scene among the more "peaceful" worlds as the duelists constantly butt heads in attempts to better themselves.

With the events of the myriad worlds spinning their wheels like this, another missed duel starts to queue up for the 5DS world.

"Next duel. (5DS World): Yusei Fudo vs Akiza Izinski."

"Yusei?" (5DS) Akiza questions staring at her friend. With how simple their meeting was in the current course of events, the duel and conflict from the Fortune Cup never occurred. It didn't occur to them that things could've gone even worse.

Then the screen started the footage beginning with the build-up for the duel. Inside a large stadium, the end of a duel is playing out. The first thing that comes to the viewers' attention is the screams of Akiza's last opponent as her psychic abilities begin to run amok.

Much like the rest of the more life-threatening duels, the virtual images aren't just a spectacle but a life-threatening weapon. Akiza's abilities are one of the rare cases in the 5DS world for someone's life to be put in danger because of dueling.

Roses scatter all over the field as a lifeless-looking man lays in a crater, the announcer calling for the emergency doctors on standby. Akiza watches it all while her bright red Mark of the Crimson Dragon glows.

In a separate room, Yusei's appearance can be seen as he watches the end of the duel. He grabs onto his arm, feeling the emotional feedback of Akiza's duel.

"What do you think of that card?" Bolt asks him.

"There's rejection and anger, but..." Yusei answers before stopping himself short. "There's something else lying dormant."

The (5DS) present-day Yusei looks over at the conflicted Akiza. From what they've learned from each other in the time they've gotten to know each other, Akiza was filled with a longing for companionship that conflicted with the pain her psychic abilities caused. It was this pain that brought her to the Arcadia Movement to be Sayer's pawn.

From the looks of the screen, this duel was another one of the "original" duels that took place in history before the screen's appearance. According to (5DS) Illiaster, it is theorized that the screen acts as a preservation of the original course of events and that everything after the appearance of the screen is left to the viewers' actions to be shaped. That is how the Signers were able to have an early battle with the Dark Signers but Illiaster is unable to change the timeline so that the Signers no longer know of Z-One's plan.

On the screen, Jack is seated in a high-class room with Rex and Lazar to the side. The Fortune Cup tournament is Rex Goodwin's strategy to gather all of the Signers together and Akiza was the last one.

With the duel over, Akiza left the stadium to return to her quarters. While in the hall, she meets with Yusei who shares a nasty history with her. The screen flashes back to their "first meeting" where the sight of Yusei's Mark of the Crimson Dragon sends her into a rage.

Yusei asks her what the birthmark means for her and she replies that she hates it and its bearers.

For the myriad worlds' viewers, this is the earliest in the timeline they have seen the Signers and the first time they learn that they weren't originally companions. The Mark of the Crimson Dragon is a heavy burden with it requiring Leo to nearly die before earning his and Jack had to kill his lover because of the destiny that his Mark brought him. It stands to reason that Akiza had a troubled past because of her Mark too.

Two familiar faces, Leo and Luna run to Yusei and spot Akiza next to him. Leo cannot help but cry out that Akiza is a witch after seeing her previous duel. Luna stares at Akiza as a tremor runs through her eyes before she looks away with mixed feelings on her face. The sight did not escape Yusei's eyes.

The sound of snickering laughter can be heard as Lazar walks up to Akiza. Knowing that Akiza is a Signer, Lazar invites her to meet with Director Goodwin. Before Akiza can answer, a group forms around her as Sayer's Arcadia Movement protectively acts to take her off the premises.

"Sayer!" (5DS) Akiza grits her teeth. After knowing his true nature, Sayer has been a rough thorn reminding her of how she has been tricked.

"It's okay now," (5DS) Yusei says with a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"That's right, it's now over," (5DS) Crow says with a smile on his face. While Leo became a Signer before him, the Crimson Dragon still chose him as a bearer for Rowan's Mark of the Crimson Dragon. As a fellow Signer, he is a perfectly sociable and reliable "big brother" of the group.

Seeing Sayer walk off with Akiza, Leo cannot help remarking how scary she is but is rebuked by Luna whose Mark of the Crimson Dragon is telling her that Akiza is a troubled individual.

As can be seen in the following scene, Akiza experienced pain from being outcasted for her psychic abilities and associates the Mark of the Crimson Dragon with that experience. Sayer then used that as fuel for controlling her and turning her into his weapon against Rex Goodwin. Since Rex Goodwin is interested in the Signers and the Crimson Dragon, Sayer will use his own Signer Akiza to bring about the end of his plan.

Thanks to their knowledge of the Crimson Dragon and Signers in general, the audience cannot help but feel that Sayer is scum for trying to use a girl like Akiza to carry out his plan.

Yusei feels the same as he remarks that the Mark of the Crimson Dragon is trying to bring the Signers together and the two groups who know this are trying to use them for their own plans.

Not wanting either of them to be a pawn, Yusei plans to use his duel to bring out Akiza's true feelings. He takes out his signature dragon, Stardust Dragon, and adds it to his extra deck.

Fireworks go off as the stadium gets riled up for the finals of the Fortune Cup tournament. The problem is, that they are disparaging both finalists. Yusei is treated as Satellite scum and Akiza is a witch. If it wasn't for Akiza being more threatening, Yusei wouldn't have as many people cheering for him as he does.

"Still dissing Satellite, huh?" (ARC-V) Yugo barks.

"They never learn," (ARC-V) Crow sneers.

"Despite coming from different worlds, some things stay the same," (ARC-V) Jack shakes his head.

With the exception of the (ARC-V) Synchro Dimension, all of the other worlds are shocked at the abuse the 5DS world audience is throwing. Sure, trash talk exists but dueling should still be done with integrity, right?

"Do they not have any integrity?" the entertainment duelist (VRAINS) Onizuka asks.

"I'd hate to duel for that kind of audience," (GX) Aster remarks.

"That's just like humans," (DM) Dartz sneers.

The announcer sets up the stage with a fierce show, riling up the crowd in the process. Both duelists come up to the stage and start their duel.

[4000 LP] [4000 LP]

Akiza starts the duel by summoning her Wall of Ivy in defense mode and setting a card.

Wall of Ivy: [1200 DEF]

Yusei normal summons Speed Warrior and uses its monster effect to double its ATK during the turn it is normal summoned.

Speed Warrior: [1800 ATK]

Speed Warrior attacks Wall of Ivy and Akiza uses the effect of the attacked Wall of Ivy to special summon a token on Yusei's side of the field. If the token is destroyed, Yusei will take 300 points of damage.

Akiza starts her turn and activates the set continuous trap card Cursed Ivy to revive her Wall of Ivy in the graveyard in defense mode.

Yusei tributes his Speed Warrior and summons Turret Warrior. Using the monster effect of Turret Warrior, Speed Warrior's ATK is added to Turret Warrior's.

Turret Warrior: [2100 ATK]

Turret Warrior attacks Wall of Ivy and Akiza special summons another token to Yusei's side of the field. With Cursed Ivy destroyed alongside the Wall of Ivy, Akiza increases the number of tokens on Yusei's side of the field by two.

Now, Yusei has no more monster zones to summon monsters.

It changes back to Akiza's turn and she activates the spell card Seed of Deception to special summon from her hand the level {2} plant-type monster Dark Verger. Dark Verger is then tributed to tribute summon Rose Tentacles.

Rose Tentacles: [2200 ATK]

A rose-themed octopus is summoned to Akiza's side of the field and begins attacking Turret Warrior. The sturdy Turret Warrior manages to block most of the impact before being destroyed.

Yusei: [3900 ATK]

Rose Tentacle's monster effect allows it to gain attacks for each of Yusei's plant-type monsters. With Yusei still controlling four plant-type tokens, Rose Tentacle is ready to perform a torture show with Yusei as the main protagonist. With each subsequent attack dealing 300 points of damage when destroying a plant-type monster.

The Fortune Cup audience moves away in preparation for Akiza's psychic attacks.

The first attack blows away a token and narrowly misses Yusei's head before pulling back and curling around one of his arms.

Yusei: [3300 LP]

The second destroyed a token and wraps around Yusei's leg.

Yusei: [2700 LP]

Leo encourages Yusei from up in the audience while his sister prays for his safety. Rose Tentacles increases its might and attacks the third token on Yusei's field. The outstretched tentacle hooks around Yusei's other leg.

Yusei: [2100 LP]

Akiza's emotions are being vented to Yusei and he feels them through her psychic attacks. The last attack comes in and curls around Yusei's entire upper torso before carrying him up into the air. Yusei grits through the pain and look down to see a smile plastered on Akiza's face. Before he can think more about it, he is flung down to the ground.

Yusei: [1500 LP]

The myriad worlds' viewers watch in shock. Tears come down (5DS) present-day Akiza's face as she apologizes for what is happening on the screen. None of her companions blame her though after all that they know about her. Certainly not Yusei.

The Fortune Cup audience screams out in anger at the witch on the field but Yusei stands up and continues to duel. He summons Shield Warrior in defense mode and sets two cards.

Shield Warrior: [1600 DEF]

"I've figured out your other emotion," Yusei says. "You enjoy using your power to inflict pain and destruction."

"I... I enjoy it?" Akiza asks.

What brave words to say to someone with psychic abilities. Not that Yusei is wrong as Akiza has been the shunned all her life and these abilities give her the chance to strike back at her oppressors.

Just, can the viewers from the myriad worlds understand the logic behind one of the Signers having an affinity for inflicting pain?

Akiza activates the continuous spell card Ivy Shackles, using it to turn all of Yusei's monsters on the field into plant-type monsters during Akiza's turn. Rose tentacles attacks and destroys Shield Warrior, using its monster effect to inflict 300 points of damage and striking Yusei's body on the flyback.

Yusei: [1200 LP]

Yusei comments that she really does take joy in hurting him and Akiza hurries up to declare another attack. Yusei activates the trap card Card Defense to negate Rose Tentacles' attack at the cost of a card in his hand. Yusei then draws a card.

Yusei starts his turn and normal summons the level {3} tuner monster Junk Synchron. Using the monster effect of the normal summoned Junk Synchron, Yusei revives the level {2} Speed Warrior from his graveyard to his side of the field.

Level {3} Junk Synchron {+} and level {2} Speed Warrior {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 5 Junk Warrior!

Junk Warrior: [2300 ATK]

One of Yusei's ace monsters has been summoned to the field. He then uses the spell card Junk Barrage and equips it to Junk Warrior. Junk Warrior then attacks Rose Tentacles and destroys it.

Akiza: [3900 LP]

The effect of the equipped Junk Barrage activates and inflicts damage equal to half of Rose Tentacles' ATK.

Akiza: [2800 LP]

While the Fortune Cup audience is happy Akiza is on the losing end, Luna notices that Yusei's aim is different from just winning the duel.

Akiza normal summons the level {1} tuner monster Copy Plant and uses its monster effect to change its level to the plant-type Junk Warrior's level {5}. The monster effect of the level {2} monster Dark Verger activates in Akiza's graveyard, reviving itself since Akiza controls a plant-type tuner monster.

Level {5} Copy Plant {+} and level {2} Dark Verger {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 7 Black Rose Dragon!

Black Rose Dragon: [2400 ATK]

Akiza's Signer Dragon makes its appearance amidst a gale of roses, Yusei's Mark of the Crimson Dragon glows in response. Akiza activates the monster effect of Black Rose Dragon by removing from the game her plant-type Wall of Ivy in her graveyard in order to reduce Junk Warrior's ATK to 0.

Junk Warrior: [0 ATK]

Amidst several of Black Rose Dragon's thorny vines, Junk Warrior greets Akiza's attack. Yusei activates the monster effect of Shield Warrior in his graveyard to remove it from the game and protect Junk Warrior from destruction by battle.

A purple wave of flames speeds towards Yusei since he still hasn't dealt with the battle damage and he activates the trap card Spirit Force to reduce the battle damage to 0. A golden energy shield protects Yusei and sends the blast into the surrounding glass walls.

Since Yusei has the warrior-type tuner monster Junk Synchron in his graveyard when he activated Spirit Force, he adds Junk Synchron back to his hand. Akiza sets two cards before ending her turn.

The crowd hurls abuse at Akiza, wanting her to go somewhere far away. In the fact of the insults, Akiza wears a big smile and retorts that she enjoys inflicting pain on people since they hurt her so much in the past.

Yet, why do her eyes and her voice shake so much if she enjoys it?

Yusei believes it is because the joy she feels does not truly make her happy. Yusei normal summons Junk Synchron and uses its monster effect to special summon Speed Warrior in defense mode. The appearance of Speed Warrior gives Junk Warrior a power boost.

Junk Warrior: [3200 ATK]

If Yusei's aim was a victory, Junk Warrior would be enough to do it but his purpose is more than just victory.

Level {3} Junk Synchron {+} and level {5} Junk Warrior {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 8 Stardust Dragon!

Stardust Dragon: [2500 ATK]

Yusei's Signer Dragon majestically appears on the field. The two dragons stare at each other as Akiza's Mark starts to glow. She never really enjoyed inflicting pain and hates herself and the Mark of the Crimson Dragon for being the symbol of her ability. As time went on, the use of her psychic abilities grew into impulses and she gave up on the person named Akiza Izinski.

A new persona was born: The Black Rose Witch. A mask that hid her from the world. With Sayer being the first one to tell her she didn't need the mask. That's how Akiza fell for his manipulation.

Yusei tells Akiza that she needs to think for herself but history has shown her how painful it is to be herself. With Akiza not listening to Yusei, Stardust Dragon attacks Black Rose Dragon. A shot of pain flares through the Marks of the Crimson Dragon as the Signers feel the Crimson Dragon trying to help them connect with each other.

Akiza: [2700 LP]

Akiza pulls out the Black Rose's mask and puts it on, trying to hide behind her persona. She activates the spell card Magic Planter and uses it to tribute her continuous spell card Ivy Shackles to draw two cards. Akiza then activates the continuous trap card Wicked Rebirth to pay 800 LP in order to revive the synchro monster Black Rose Dragon in her graveyard.

Akiza: [1900 LP]

With Black Rose Dragon's revival, she uses its monster effect to try and destroy all cards on the field. A giant gust of roses threatens the Fortune Cup audience but Yusei activates the monster effect of Stardust Dragon to sacrifice itself and negate Black Rose Dragon's destruction effect. The ability name: Sanctuary of Victims.

A fitting name for the savior of the misfortunate.

Akiza normal summons Phoenixian Seed and uses its monster effect to sacrifice itself and special summon from her hand Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis.

Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis: [2200 ATK]

Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis attacks and destroys Speed Warrior. Since Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis attacked, its monster effect destroys itself and inflicts to Yusei 800 points of damage.

Yusei: [400 LP]

The shockwave of Amaryllis's monster effect cracks off a part of Akiza's mask and a smile can be seen peeking through. Akiza sets a card and ends her turn. Since it is the end phase, Stardust Dragon revives itself due to its monster effect. Since Yusei destroyed Black Rose Dragon with a monster effect, Wicked Rebirth revives Black Rose Dragon.

Akiza activates the continuous trap card Overdoom Line and uses its effect to increase Black Rose Dragon's ATK by 1000 since it was revived from Akiza's graveyard.

Black Rose Dragon: [3400 ATK]

Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis's monster effect then activates, reviving it in defense mode since it was destroyed this turn using its monster effect.

Yusei draws the trap card Cosmic Blast. Since it can inflict damage when a dragon-type monster is removed from the field, Yusei now has a strategy to win the duel. He switches Stardust Dragon to defense mode and uses the spell card Prevent Star, equipping it to Stardust Dragon.

Stardust Dragon: [2000 DEF]

Since Stardust Dragon was equipped with Prevent Star, Yusei uses the effect of Equip Star to target Akiza's Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis and prevent it from attacking during Akiza's next turn.

Akiza activates the trap card Synchro Back and uses its effect to return Black Rose Dragon back to her extra deck. During her standby phase, the Black Rose Dragon sent back will be special summoned to her field.

It can be said that the Black Rose Witch is attached to the destructive ability of the Black Rose Dragon.

Yusei sets a card and ends his turn. Synchro Back's effect activates on Akiza's turn and her Black Rose Dragon storms onto the field. Akiza's mark starts to hurt and she is unable to understand what it is saying. Yusei tries to convince her to think for herself as the Mark of the Crimson Dragon is asking her to.

Akiza denies the Crimson Dragon's guidance and uses Black Rose Dragon's monster effect to destroy everything on the field. The storm threatens to engulf the Fortune Cup audience members but Stardust Dragon acts to stop Black Rose Dragon.

The large white dragon grabs Black Rose Dragon and pulls it into its embrace. Black Rose Dragon resists with its whips but Stardust Dragon holds on tightly. Just like Yusei, it is here for its companion.

"How sad," (DM) Tea cannot help but mutter.

"Both Yusei and Stardust want to help their companions let go of their hatred," (VRAINS) Emma analyzes.

"So moving!" (GX) Professor Crowler howls while biting into his handkerchief with tears in his eyes.

The two dragons disappear and Akiza remarks that the pain has gone away. She readies to switch Phopenixian Cluster Amaryllis into attack mode and end the duel but what she doesn't notice is her tears trickling down her face. Yusei tells her though as he activates his trap card Cosmic Blast.

The spirit of Stardust Dragon comes back to the field as it sends one last fragment at Akiza's mask. Cosmic Blast inflicted damage equal to Stardust's when Stardust left the field.

Akiza: [0 LP]

Akiza's mask falls to the floor as tears fall down her face.

"Help... me," she cries.

Before Yusei can move to help her, the crowds' jeers ring out once again. Seeing his chance, Sayer moves up to Akiza, places his jacket around her, and leads her away from the stadium. Yusei left behind watching Akiza's sad departing back.

"(5DS World): Yusei Fudo vs Akiza Izinski. The winner of the duel is Yusei Fudo."