Not a Chapter

Hello, guess I need to make some small talk again. For being a three-episode duel, Vector's duel in the last chapter was being unnecessarily cut by Alito vs Girag. Somehow that ended up with only 500-ish words an episode being published.

It was still emotional writing the duel though with how connected Durbe and Merag were with Nash. Vector deserves the hate with how well-written his plot can be.

Now for the topic of the day. Let's talk about fanfictions. When it comes to fanfictions, the ones I read through MTL and actual translations usually fall between three or four categories.

The decent ones are the ones I find no problems with and can read on a daily basis as they are updated.

The ones I find edible are the kind I don't enjoy but I can kill time quickly skimming them until I'm all caught up. At least they don't leave a bad taste when I'm done.

Garbage is what I call the stories I want to drop ASAP because the author seems to be purposefully writing a bad story. There were even some that made me nauseous.

At least there are those rare masterpieces that have authors who take their time and use their worlds to craft wonderful stories that get me coming back time after time. So far, the ones that I've sorted into this category fall under two roles: those who plan ahead or those who let their characters decide how they are going to move the story.

Out of all of the broadcast types of fanfictions I've read, all four of these categories have some representation. By the time I'm done, I hope to at least be edible if not acceptable. I'm not a well-accomplished writer so if there are any problems or complaints, please share them with me so I can work to resolve them. Thanks for reading and all of the support, see you with the (ARC-V) Yusho vs Yuri duel!