Chapter 29

In the aftermath of Vector's horrendous triumph, the audience was filled with indigenous fury.

Who gave you the right?! They wondered where they can find someone to punish so they can let off steam.

(ZEXAL) Vector is the enemy of everyone at this moment and was made into a target by every one of the Barian Emperors including the newly recovered Merag.

Goes to show how much emotions can motivate a person.

However, thinking that (ZEXAL) Vector might still have some tricks up his sleeve, Nash and Merag went down to Earth in order to collect Abyss's "Number" Card. Inadvertently, the two met Yuma at the time and entered a debate with no victor decided.

While events in the ZEXAL world were moving along, the ARC-V world was still in the midst of a manhunt. A battered (ARC-V) Yuya has been evading everyone in the Fusion Dimension for the past week with the help of his friends. Of course, that didn't give him much time to settle down as the Akaba family was smart enough to know he would go to his friends in time of need.

(ARC-V) Yuya at this moment is now lying down trying to catch his breath when the sound of footsteps is heard in the distance. As he begins to get up, a familiar voice can be heard.

"Wait," (ARC-V) Yusho calls out to his son. The hunt for Yuya was so chaotic that it required a week for Yusho to be able to get a face-to-face chat with his son.

(ARC-V) Yuya wants to talk to his father that had been missing all of this time but the images from Yuya vs Yuri play in his head. He let his dad down, so he doesn't deserve to be with him right now. As the two were about to initiate a cat-and-mouse game, the familiar screen came to life with the next duel.

"Next duel. (ARC-V World): Yuri vs Yusho."

"Dad," (ARC-V) Yuya was startled to find his dad's duel next to show on the screen. He remembers how badly he reacted to his father's loss, now he has to watch it happen for himself?

"Son, watch it," (ARC-V) Yusho recommends to his son. Even if Yuya has to run away, the least he can do is pay attention to his father's final duel.

(ARC-V) Yuya begrudgingly stops where he is and focuses his eyes on the screen.

The screen opens up to a wall exploding. Reiji stares into the billowing smoke to see Yusho lying on the ground.

A still-confined Yuya looked down from his spot on the pillar to see Yuri walking into the hall.

Yuri has just finished absorbing Yugo and is ready to absorb Yuya and Yuto alongside him.

All of this happened right under the watchful eyes of the people who wanted to stop Z-Arc's revival.

In the ARC-V world, the (ARC-V) Fusion Dimension people shuddered in fear as the people on the screen tried and failed to stop Z-Arc despite only focusing their attention on Yuri. No wonder they failed when they were focused on both Yuri and Yuya. So many were lost when confronting Yuri, how can they continue?

Yuri uses the powers he obtained from absorbing Yugo to blow away Yusho and Reiji. The sight unconsciously makes Yuya raise a voice of concern for his father.

Yuri is curious about Yuya having a father but he isn't going to stop what he's doing simply because Yuya and Yusho are father and son.

Yusho comes up to Yuri wanting to stop him, but his mind isn't so much as a father but a teacher.

"I'm not just fighting for my son. I have another reason," Yusho explains. "Since you're here, that means Alexis lost. And not just her, you've carded so many of my students."

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" Yuri snidely retorts.

"As their teacher, it's my duty to avenge them," Yusho answers.

The sight would be so touching if the facts in the background weren't screaming the truth.

Yusho cares more about his students than his son judging by the lengths he spoke about them in comparison to Yuya and his motivation is revenge, not protection.

No wonder Yusho lost. As seen before, many of the duelists on the list who fought with revenge in mind ended up losing their duels.

"Hey, didn't he mention Alexis's name?" (GX) Jaden asks. The Alexis in the GX world looks puzzled at Yusho's speech but she cannot guess that another version of her exists in the myriad worlds.

Yuri believes the weak have no right to complain if they were turned into cards and dismisses the topic. He is rather curious about the sight of Yuya watching Yusho being turned into a card before his eyes.

(ARC-V) Yuya grits his teeth while watching Yuri. He will remember this score in the future.

Leo panics upon seeing Yuri so close to reviving Z-Arc so he hurries the process to complete dimensional integration.

The viewers of the myriad worlds frown upon seeing him use innocent people for his plans but his actions speak from a place of concern. Is Leo another villain doing evil for the sake of good?

Yusho's original profession was an entertainment duelist so seeing Yuri he is motivated to try and entertain him during his duel.

Yuri's duel motivation is governed by the strong eating the weak so he disregards the entertainment coming out of Yusho's mouth. The only entertainment he knows is the joy he feels when he crushes the weak.

[4000 LP] [4000 LP]

Yuri normal summons Predaplant Cephalotusnail before setting two cards and ending his turn.

Cephalotusnail: [1300 ATK]

Yuri uses snide remarks to try and get under Yusho's skin but two can play this game.

Yusho mocks Yuri's field and special summons Performapal Revue Dancer from his hand since he controls no monsters while Yuri does.

Revue Dancer can be treated as two tributes for a tribute summon so Yusho tributes Revue Dancer to tribute summon Performapal Sky Magician.

Sky Magician: [2500 ATK]

Sky Magician is the symbol of Yusho's Entertainment Dueling. With it on the field, he can now start his show. Yusho activates the continuous spell card Magician's Right Hand.

With Magician's Right Hand, he can negate and destroy Yuri's spell cards once per turn.

Yuri finds it silly that Yusho believes he can find a spell card among his set spell and trap cards but Yusho banters with him saying that he will. The atmosphere takes on a somewhat light feel as Yusho attempts to make Yuri enjoy this duel.

Yusho uses the monster effect of Sky Magician, giving it 300 ATK when he activates a continuous spell card.

Sky Magician: [2800 ATK]

He grabs onto Sky Magician's hoops and prepares to fly over to Yuri's Cephalotusnail. Yuri activates the continuous trap card Dark Seed Planter to turn the monsters on Yusho's field into dark-attribute monsters and negate Sky Magician's attack.

Reira is worried on the sidelines but Reiji and Yuya have seen Yusho's entertainment dueling before. They have faith in Yusho's Sky Magician, a faith that brings clarity to Yuya's eyes.

Sky Magician's monster effect activates when Yuri activates a spell or trap card. Yusho is allowed to return one of his continuous spell cards to his hand and activate another one.

Magician's Right Hand is swapped out with the Magician's Left Hand in Yusho's hand. Using the continuous effect of Magician's Left Hand, Yusho negates the trap card Dark Seed Planter. Sky Magician's monster effect activates once again to gain 300 ATK.

Yuya is moved by the sight of his father's entertainment dueling.

Sky Magician: [3100 ATK]

Yuri uses Cephalotusnail's monster effect to avoid battle destruction and reduces his battle damage by half.

Yuri: [3100 LP]

Yuri remarks that Yusho failed to destroy his trump card but Yusho planned for Yuri to activate Dark Seed Planter in the first place. For him to know which of Yuri's cards is the real trump card, he needed Yuri to activate the other first.

Yusho activates the spell card Clairvoyance and uses it to guess the type of card Yuri has set. If he guesses it correctly, it is returned to the deck and Yusho draws two cards.

The smell of gunpowder is in the air as Yuri dares Yusho to try and guess correctly.

Yusho continues his entertainment dueling by explaining how he deduced Yuri's set card. Through a series of actions, Yuri revealed his intended play during Yusho's turn was to turn Sky Magician into a dark-attribute monster and activate the quick-play spell card Super Polymerization to fuse Sky Magician and Cephalotusnail into his Starving Venom Dragon.

Since Super Polymerization cannot be negated, Magician's Right Hand is useless to stop it but not if Yusho guesses right with Clairvoyance.

Yuri's Super Polymerization is shuffled into his deck and Yusho draws his two hard-won cards. He sets one and ends his turn.

"I'm glad to have this duel with you old man," Yuri confides. "No one else has given me this pleasure, not even Yugo."

"Hey, hey, hey!" (ARC-V) Yugo barks, not happy with Yuri knocking him down.

Yuri normal summons Predaplant Lilizard and activates the continuous spell card Rapid Seed Fire. Sending Predaplant Cordycepts from his deck to his graveyard, he intends to inflict 300 points of damage and lower Sky Magician's ATK by 600.

Yusho activates the monster effect of Sky Magician to replace his Magician's Left Hand with the Magician's Right Hand in his hand. Yuri's Rapid Seed Fire is then negated and Sky Magician gains 300 ATK.

Sky Magician: [3400 ATK]

Yuya happily explains to Reiji his father's play, not noticing Z-Arc's corruption has totally subsided while watching Yusho's entertainment duel.

Since Rapid Seed Fire is destroyed by a card effect, Yuri uses its effect to destroy one of Yusho's cards for each of his "Predaplant" monsters. Yusho activates the trap card Performapal Sky Ring to negate the effect since it would destroy his spellcaster-type "Performapal" monsters.

Yuri activates the continuous spell card, Ivy Bind Castle. With its effect, Yusho cannot activate card effects on his field and his monsters will be unable to attack. Yusho will then take 800 points of damage for each of his monsters during his turn.

With Yuri setting up such a strong floodgate, he is excited to see how Yusho would get out of this one. Yuya isn't afraid though as he saw his dad get out of this situation before.

Yusho starts his turn and takes damage from Ivy Bind Castle.

Yusho: [3200 LP]

A puff of smoke comes up as Yusho remains standing as though no damage was dealt. The screen then pans up to show Sky Magician having made his escape from Ivy Bind Castle.

Sky Magician's monster effect allows it to destroy a spell card on the field when it leaves the field and Yusho chooses Ivy Bind Castle.

Amidst the fireworks of Ivy Bind Castle's destruction, Performapal Sky Pupil can be seen jumping onto the stage. With the monster effect of Sky Pupil, Yusho special summoned Sky Pupil by returning the Sky Magician to his hand.

Sky Pupil: [800 ATK]

This is the bond between teacher and student.

"Magnificent!" (GX) Professor Crowler weeps while biting onto his handkerchief.

"Good moves," (DM) Atem praises inside the Millenium Puzzle.

"That's the power of entertainment dueling," (ZEXAL) Astral analyzes.

"So amazing," (VRAINS) Ai cheers.

Yusho activates the continuous spell card Magician's Restage and uses its effect to revive Revue Dancer since he only controls one spellcaster-type monster right now. Yusho then tributes Revue Dancer, using its monster effect to count it as two tributes, to tribute summon Sky Magician. Yusho then activates his Magician's Left Hand and moves in to attack.

Sky Magician: [2800 ATK]

Predaplant Lilizard is destroyed by Sky Magician.

Yuri: [1500 LP]

Sky Pupul attacks Cephalotus and uses its monster effect to double its ATK since Sky Magician is on the field. Cephalotus's monster effects are then negated.

Yuri: [1200 LP]

Yusho ends his turn by setting a card.

Yuri is frustrated but his next draw turns his frown upside down. He is ready to finish things by revealing to Yusho that Super Polymerization wasn't his trump card as he thought.

It isn't? Then the viewers remember Yuri vs Yuya and the move that Yuya was worried about...

Yuri activates the monster effect of Predaplant Cordyceps in his graveyard, removing it from the game to revive the level {4} Pledaplant Cephalotusnail and level {3} Predaplant Lilizard in his graveyard. Since Predaplant Lilizard is revived, Yuri draws a card.

Yuri then activates the spell card Ultra Polymerization to pay 1000 LP in order to fusion summon using the monsters on his field as fusion material.

Yuri: [200 LP]

Fusion summon! Level 8 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!

Starving Venom: [2800 ATK]

Yuya and Yuto are paralyzed as Starving Venom Fusion Dragon make its appearance. Yuri then uses the effect of Ultra Polymerization to special summon Starving Venom's fusion materials to the field with 0 ATK. Yuri draws a card since Predaplant Lilizard was revived from the graveyard.

Thanks to the effect of Ultra Polymerization, Predaplant Lilizard then becomes a tuner for a synchro summon!

Yugo's mindless face overlaps with Yuri's as he begins his synchro summon.

Level {3} Predaplant Lilizard {+} and level {4} Predaplant Cephalotusnail {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 7 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!

Clear Wing: [2500 ATK]

In one turn, Yuri summoned both Dimensional Dragons!

Yuya screams out at the dragon's pull while Yusho activates his continuous trap card Sky Illusion to make Sky Magician the target of all attacks. Sky Magician is then unable to be destroyed by battle or card effects.

Unfortunately, Yuri's move isn't meant for attacking. He wants to put on a good show right now.

Using the effect of Starving Venom, Yuri attempts to negate the monster effects of Sky Magician. He then activates the monster effect of Clear Wing to negate Starving Venom's monster effect to then destroy it and add its ATK.

Clear Wing: [5300 ATK]

Starving Venom disappears into stardust and Yuya gets a brief moment to breathe. Yuri then sends Yusho's Magician's Left Hand and Magician's Right Hand to the graveyard as a cost in order to activate his continuous spell cards Destruction Fruit and Destruction Flower.

Using the continuous effect of Destruction Fruit, Yuri decreases Clear Wing's ATK by 3000 and revives Starving Venom from his graveyard. Starving Venom's reappearance once again pulling on Yuya and Yuto's souls.

Clear Wing: [2300 ATK]

The continuous effect of Destruction Flower activates, inflicting damage to Yusho and lowering Sky Magician's ATK by the difference in Clear Wing's current and original ATK.

Yusho: [3000 LP]

Sky Magician: [2600 ATK]

Yuri then uses the effect of Starving Venom, targeting Sky Magician. Clear Wing's effect then activates, negating Starving Venom's monster effect and destroying it. Starving Venom's ATK is then added to Clear Wing's to then be used for Destruction Fruit to revive Starving Venom. With the reduction in Clear Wing's ATK, Destruction Flower's continuous effect then activates.

This chain can be activated over and over again, inflicting pain to Yuya and Yuto as well as dwindling Yusho's LP.

Infinite Loop! The audience is in fear as Yuri has pulled off a show of fear that swallows even Yuto and Yuya's sanity.

In the myriad worlds, the number of duelists who have performed an infinite loop can be counted on one hand so as much as they are disgusted by Yuri's sadistic show they cannot help being drawn in.

Yusho's LP drops to 200 but he does not stop dueling. He wants to put on one final act for Yuya before leaving the stage.

Yuri is angered that Yusho still wants to act like a father for Yuya by trying to convince Yuya not to fuse with him and then inflicts the last bit of damage.

Yusho: [0 LP]

Yusho flies through the air, looking into Yuya's eyes one last time for a second Yuya's mind stabilizes.

"Smile, Yuya," Yusho says before a violet light enwraps him and turns him into a card.

The card falls to Yuri's feet and he holds it up for Yuya to see, laughing all the way.

"(ARC-V World): Yuri vs Yusho. The winner is Yuri."