Chapter 35

After a series of intense duels, Jaden and Zane's duel was a breath of fresh air to the audience.

While it may have been a bit touch and go at the beginning, the end had a feeling most of the audience enjoyed. While it may be fun to win a duel, not every duel needed a victory to be happy.

Of course, not everyone forgot what eventually became of Zane. Hell Kaiser Zane is simply a rough individual, completely different from the Zane who was graduating from Duel Academy.

Just, it seemed like Zane's message for Jaden is one that Jaden needs to always remember. Duels are not meant to be stressful but are supposed to be something you can take joy in.

Yusho may have lost against Yuri but he knew that a world where dueling cannot make someone happy isn't a good one.

A boom in the dueling scene occurred the next day with many fun duels taking place.

In the afternoon, the next duel was ready on the screen.

"Next duel. (5DS World): Yusei Fudo vs Dark Signer Kallen."

"Kallen," (5DS) Yusei muttered when seeing the two of them on the screen. Like in the original history, he defeated Kallen in a Turbo duel but it was a difficult one requiring the help of the Crimson Dragon.

This duel however was going to be their first from the original timeline, when Yusei still didn't know much about the Dark Signers...

The screen opens up to the Signers being warned by the Mark of the Crimson Dragon that Yusei has encountered a strong opponent. Yusei is shocked that this opponent is his old friend Kallen, who has now become a Dark Signer.

The Nazca lines erupt in Satellite, cutting off Yusei from Crow. Yusei is shocked to find such a large duel field.

"Let me warn you Yusei that this mark on my arm is the genuine article," Kallen explains to Yusei. "Much different from the fake one you saw."

A memory flashes through Yusei's mind of an individual being controlled by a spider and possessing incredible strength. This is all part of the ancient battle between the Signers and Dark Signers that constantly repeat itself.

In a hovering helicopter, Jack and Carly watch over the events happening. Bringing the helicopter closer, Jack spots Crow watching from the sidelines. Risking things, the helicopter gets closer before having to break away from the pressure. In a brief moment, Jack, Yusei, and Kallen all spot each other.

Kallen laughs saying the gang is all back together again. What better time to get his revenge for what happened in the past?

The audience is surprised as the Signers and Dark Signers seemed predestined to battle from before the Dark Signers were even formed.

A memory plays of Yusei's group of friends fighting other teams in Satellite, becoming a feared force to be reckoned with. Their leader, the man Yusei is now dueling.

Their goal was to make a better Satellite that can satisfy everyone without needing to move to Neo Domino City.

The Dark Signer Kallen's crackling laughter rings out as the field spell Speed World activates. Turbo duel acceleration!

[4000 LP] [4000 LP]

Kallen starts the duel by normal summoning Infernity Beast and setting a card.

Infernity Beast: [1600 ATK]

[SC: 1] [SC: 1]

Yusei normal summons Speed Warrior and uses its monster effect to double its original ATK.

Speed Warrior: [1800 ATK]

Speed Warrior attacks Infernity Beast but Kallen activates the continuous trap card Depth Amulet. Using Depth Amulet's continuous effect, Kallen discards a card and negates Speed Warrior's attack. Yusei sets two cards and ends his turn.

[SC: 2] [SC: 2]

Kallen normal summons Infernity Archfiend.

Infernity Archfiend: [1800 ATK]

Infernity Beast attacks Speed Warrior and intense flames wrap around Yusei's duel runner, sending it into the Nazca flames.

Yusei: [3300 LP]

Letting loose a peal of crackling laughter, Kallen orders Infernity Archfiend to attack Yusei directly. A large inferno hand comes down from the clouds above. Yusei activates the trap card Scrap-Iron Scarecrow to negate the attack and reset his Scrap-Iron Scarecrow using its effect.

"A re-usable trap," (DM) Yugi was surprised.

"Thanks to the effect of Scrap-Iron Scarecrow," (GX) Bastion analyzes. "Yusei is able to stop one of Kallen's attacks during each of his turns."

"That can be used to save important monsters or reduce damage to LP," (ZEXAL) Tetsuo marvels.

Kallen sets a card and passes his turn. A serious look passes over Kallen's face as Yusei hasn't changed a bit. Always clinging to life, a trait he used to admire but now detests.

[SC: 3] [SC: 3]

Yusei normal summons the level {3} tuner monster Junk Synchron and activates its monster effect when normal summoned. The level {2} Speed Warrior is revived to the field from the graveyard.

Level {3} Junk Synchron {+} and level {2} Speed Warrior {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 5 Junk Warrior.

Junk Warrior: [2300 ATK]

Yusei activates the continuous trap card Shard of Hope. Since spell cards are restricted in turbo duels, trap cards are the next best thing. Using the continuous effect of Shard of Hope, when Yusei inflicts battle damage he can draw a card and activate it if it's a trap card.

Yusei stares down at the continuous trap card Depth Amulet on Kallen's field, believing Kallen will avoid using its effect in order to preserve his hand. Right now, Kallen only has two cards in his hand and it is dangerous to deplete his resources any further.

Yusei attacks Infernity Beast with Junk Warrior but Kallen proves him wrong by discarding a card to activate Depth Amulet's continuous effect. Junk Warrior's attack is then negated.

[SC: 4] [SC: 4]

Kallen tributes his two monsters and tribute summons the level {10} dark-tuner monster Nightmare Hand.

Nightmare Hand: [0 ATK]

Dark-tuner?! The list keeps surprising them with methods outside of their imagination. With tuner monsters, the myriad worlds were exposed to synchro monsters. With dark-tuner monsters, is their minds going to be shattered even further?

Dark-tuners are used to perform Dark-Synchro summons. Using the monster effect of Nightmare Hand, Kallen special summons from his hand the level {2} monster Infernity Dwarf.

Level {2} Infernity Dwarf {-} and level {10} Nightmare Hand {=} dark tuning!

Dark tuning?! A swarm of dark energy explodes from Nightmare Hand before swallowing Infernity Dwarf. Ten stars surround Infernity Dwarf before crushing him into energy. Two solitary stars are then absorbed and the remaining eight stars turn pitch black.

Dark Synchro Summon! Level -8 One Hundred-Eyed Dragon!

One Hundred-Eyed Dragon: [3000 ATK]

It's a Dark Synchro summon?! Instead of adding stars, you take away stars to summon a Dark Synchro monster.

Kallen's large dragon covered with eyes flies through the air before sending a burst of purple energy at Junk Warrior. Yusei activates the trap card Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, intending to negate the attack. Kallen then activates the monster effect of One Hundred-Eyed Dragon, using the monster effects of his dark-attribute monsters in his graveyard.

Infernity Beast's monster effect allows Kallen to prevent Yusei from activating spells and trap cards during One Hundred-Eyed Dragon's attack as long as Kallen has no cards in his hand.

The strategy of Kallen's deck is now revealed! His deck is at peak performance only when he no longer has cards in his hand. Not to mention, discarding all of his monster cards allows him to obtain their monster effects with One Hundred-Eyed Dragon.

A current of electricity runs through Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, sending it back to the set position. One Hundred-Eyed Dragon's massive ball of destructive energy breaks through Junk Warrior's defenses and sends Yusei's duel runner spiraling.

Yusei: [2600 LP]

Yusei straightens his duel runner and begins his turn.

[SC: 5] [SC: 5]

Yusei summons in defense mode, Rockstone Warrior, and sets a card to end his turn.

Rockstone Warrior: [1600 DEF]

Since its been three turns since Depth Amulet was activated, it is now sent to the graveyard by its continuous effect. Yusei remarks how Kallen's dueling is nothing like what it was before.

[SC: 6] [SC: 6]

Kallen activates the speed spell card Power Baton and uses its effect to send Infernity Destroyer from his deck to the graveyard. One Hundred-Eyed Dragon gains ATK equal to the sent Infernity Destroyer's total ATK.

One Hundred-Eyed Dragon: [5300 ATK]

Using the monster effect of On Hundred-Eyed Dragon, Kallen then copies the monster effect of the Infernity Dwarf in his graveyard. Using its monster effect, while Kallen has no cards in his hand his One Hundred-Eyed Dragon inflicts piercing damage.

"One Hundred-Eyed Dragon is a one dragon army!" (5DS) Leo holds his head.

"No spells, no traps, and no monster defense," (ZEXAL) Astral analyzes. "It will be difficult to survive this attack."

"If Yusei wants to survive, he needs a monster effect," (VRAINS) Yusaku says aloud.

Rockstone Warrior is engulfed in One Hundred-Eyed Dragon's blast. A pile of rocks then forms a barrier protecting Yusei's duel runner as Rockstone Warrior's monster effect activates, preventing the battle damage.

Kallen says that he will reduce Yusei's LP to 0 sooner or later and Yusei is surprised at how much his close friend has changed. The screen then shows a memory of Kallen risking his life to save Yusei after one of their opponents tried to throw him down from a building.

Kallen at the time said he would never give up on Yusei, saying he's his friend.

The Dark Signer Kallen activates the monster effect of the Infernity Destroyer in his graveyard using One Hundred-Eyed Dragon's monster effect, inflicting 800 points of damage since he destroyed a monster by battle when there were no cards in his hand. Yusei screams as a large burst of energy comes his way.

Yusei: [1800 LP]

Yusei's duel runner is flung into the intense flames of the Nazca lines, struggling to ride out of the destructive energy. Yusei then remembers how he last parted ways with Kallen. That day was filled with rain and pain, Kallen's hatred-filled voice in the air and his shirt covered in blood. The two grapple each other on the ground.

"Yusei, you traitor!"

The myriad worlds' audience is floored by what they were watching. What kind of drama is playing out on the screen.

On the sidelines, Yusei's crew comes to Crow's duel runner and learns that Kallen and Yusei are dueling in a life-or-death duel. Something that would never happen in their imagination.

Yusei's duel runner starts to have trouble running, having taken too much damage from Kallen's attacks. Kallen begins to worry that Yusei's duel runner will fail before the duel ends.

[SC: 7] [SC: 7]

Since Yusei controls no monsters while Kallen controls his One Hundred-Eyed Dragon, he activates the monster effect of the Level Warrior in his hand. Level Warrior is special summoned to Yusei's side of the field as a level {4} monster. Yusei then normal summons the level {4} tuner monster Hyper Synchron.

Level {4} Hyper Synchron {+} and level {4} Level Warrior {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 8 Stardust Dragon!

Stardust Dragon: [2500 ATK]

It has appeared, Yusei's Signer Dragon! A graceful yet powerful dragon appears on Yusei's side of the field. Hyper Synchron's monster effect activates since it was used as a synchro material for the synchro summon of Stardust Dragon. The synchro summoned Stardust Dragon gains 800 ATK.

Stardust Dragon: [3300 ATK]

Stardust Dragon attacks One Hundred-Eyed Dragon and One Hundred-Eyed Dragon activates the monster effect of Infernity Guardian in his graveyard. While Kallen has no cards in his hand, Infernity Guardian will protect One Hundred-Eyed Dragon from destruction.

Kallen: [3700 LP]

The continuous effect of Yusei's Shard of Hope activates, drawing a card from Yusei's deck. The drawn card is the trap card Miracle Lotus. Yusei activates the trap effect of Shard of Hope, sending it to the graveyard and activating the trap card Miracle Lotus from his hand.

The trap effect of Miracle Lotus gives Stardust Dragon an additional 1000 ATK and the ability to attack again. In return, Kallen is forced to draw a card from his deck.

The handless combo is broken! The duelists in the myriad worlds applaud Yusei's quick maneuvering out of this difficult situation.

Stardust Dragon: [4300 ATK]

Stardust Dragon attacks One Hundred-Eyed Dragon and blows it to pieces.

Kallen: [2400 LP] [SC: 6]

Since One Hundred-Eyed Dragon is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, its monster effect activates allowing Kallen to search his deck and add a card to his hand. The viewers are given a glimpse of a laborious being flashing across the screen. Using their information from Jack vs Carly, it is clear to them that Kallen has added to his hand the symbol of his Dark Signer status, his Earthbound Immortal.

Yusei activates the trap card Synchro Destructor in order to inflict effect damage equal to half of the destroyed One Hundred-Eyed Dragon's ATK. Then, since Dark Synchro monsters are still treated as Synchro monsters, Yusei gets to inflict the same amount of damage a second time.

Kallen activates the trap card Damage Translation, reducing all effect damage this turn by half.

Kallen: [2400 LP] - [1650 LP] - [900 LP]

Yusei seems to have the upper hand but Jack believes Kallen might be able to turn things around with the card he added to his hand. Kallen activates the trap effect of Damage Translation during the end phase, special summoning a token for each time Damage Translation reduced effect damage this turn.

Token x2: [0 ATK]

Two spectral entities circle around in the air above Kallen's duel runner. In the distance, many men and women gather in Dark Signer robes.

[SC: 7] [SC: 8]

Since Kallen activated the speed spell card Power Baton during his previous turn, he does not draw this turn. He offers up his tokens and the souls of the robed people in order to tribute summon his Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu.

Earthbound Immortal! The devourer of souls! The viewers remember its power in Jack vs Carly.

A large entity in the distance emerges from the ground before eclipsing the entire field. Jack's helicopter rushes to avoid the monstrous entity's large hands.

Ccapac Apu: [3000 ATK]

Kallen orders Ccapac Apu to attack and Yusei orders Stardust Dragon to defend. Unfortunately, Stardust passes through Ccapac Apu's large hand unable to defend. The trap card Scrap-Iron Scarecrow is activated, hoping to stop Ccapac Apu's assault but it is then sent back to its set position. Ccapac Apu's monster effect prevents monsters and traps from stopping his attacks on the opposing duelist.

When it seems like Yusei is about to lose, the engine on his duel runner gives out and the duel runner spins out of his control. Ccapac Apu's assault sends his free-wheeling duel runner into the air before crashing into the ground. Yusei is flung from the driver's seat.

The viewers gasp and cover their mouths, unable to believe what they're seeing. Did the attack go through or is the duel considered invalid? Would it matter to Kallen?

Kallen stops his duel runner beside Yusei's broken body, telling him his duel runner's poor performance saved him. Ccapac Apu is absorbed back into Kallen's hand before he leaves Yusei on the ground to revel in the experience.

"(5DS World): Yusei Fudo vs Dark Signer Kallen. The duel has no outcome."