Chapter 39

"To destroy the entire world, I integrated myself with a monster," Z-Arc states. "There is no way I could let go of my supreme power. I'm not going back."

Z-Arc activates the monster effect of Supreme King Z-Arc and special summons from his extra deck his two Supreme King Dragon Darkwurms since he destroyed a monster by battle.

Darkwurm x2: [1800 ATK]

Z-Arc sets two cards and ends his turn.

"The world's destruction is my entertainment," Z-Arc says. "Try and stop me if you can."

Inside the Fusion dimension castle, Reiji is learning that Leo Akaba is trying to use the four cards his sister used to split their dimensions along with Z-Arc.

When Ray used the cards against Z-Arc, the four summoning dimensions were split from the main dimension, with Ray and Z-Arc alongside them. Thus, the Yu-boys and the bracelet-girls came into being.

Yet, Leo Akaba's hubris and longing brought forth the dimensional war, and the pieces of Z-Arc were brought together again. At this rate, the only solution is to split the worlds once again.

When that happens, can people truly smile anymore?

Reiji runs back to the front of the castle, trying to act before his father.

Crow gets in front of Shingo, stealing the next move. Crow normal summons the level {4} tuner monster Blackwing Koichi the Daybreak. Then, using the monster effect of the level {3} Blackwing Gladius the Midnight Sun in his hand, Crow special summons it since he only controls one "Blackwing" monster on the field.

For Crow, the Synchro dimension was constantly struggling with its identities of high-class and low-class societies. Yuya's duel with Jack changed everything and brought them together. Now, it's time for Crow to pay him back and bring back his entertainment dueling.

Level {4} Blackwing Koichi the Daybreak {+} and level {3} Blackwing Gladius the Midnight Sun {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 7 Assault Blackwing Raikiri the Rain Shower!

Raikiri: [2600 ATK]

The Arc-V world's ace monster of Crow has arrived in the form of a black-winged swordsman. Z-Arc activates the monster effect of Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing in his extra deck. Z-Arc synchro summons during Crow's turn.

Level {4} Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm {+} and level {4} Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 8 Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing!

Clear Wing: [2500 ATK]

Clear Wing's monster effect activates when it is special summoned, Raikiri's monster effect is negated and it is destroyed. Crow activates the quick-play spell card Black Feather Illusion to negate the monster effect of Raikiri and revives it.

Raikiri attacks Clear Wing but Z-Arc activates the monster effect of Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing to negate the battle and destroy Raikiri. Clear Wing's monster effect then inflicts damage to Crow equal to its ATK.

"Now, here's where the real entertainment begins," Crow smiles.

Crow activates the quick-play spell card Black Feather Reversal to negate the damage dealt to him and then special summon from his extra deck a "Blackwing" monster with ATK equal to the damage taken.

Summon! Level 7 Assault Blackwing Chidori the Rain Sprinkling.

Chidori: [2600 ATK]

The monster effect of Chidori increases its ATK by 300 for each "Blackwing" monster in Crow's graveyard.

Chidori: [3500 ATK]

Chidori attacks and destroys Clear Wing. Z-Arc activates the Pendulum effects of his Supreme King Gates in order to convert the battle damage into LP gain. Crow activates the spell effect of Black Feather Illusion in his graveyard, removing it from the game in order to negate the effects of spell cards during the battle.

Z-Arc: [6000 LP]

Z-Arc's Supreme King Gates have been surpassed!

Before the audience can enjoy the moment though, Z-Arc activates the continuous trap card Supreme Face-Off and uses its effect to make Chidori attack again. With Supreme King Z-Arc being the only monster left on Z-Arc's side of the field, Chidori must attack it. Chidori is blown back and destroyed by Z-Arc's counterattack.

Crow: [1500 LP]

Z-Arc activates the monster effect of Supreme King Z-Arc special summoning his two Supreme King Darkwurms from his extra deck since it destroyed a monster by battle.

Since Chidori was destroyed by battle, Crow activates its monster effect to revive Raikiri from his graveyard.

Raikiri: [2600 ATK]

Crow uses the monster effect of Assault Blackwing Raikiri the Rain Shower to destroy a card for each "Blackwing" monster he controls.

Z-Arc reminds Crow that Supreme King Z-Arc protects his monsters from the monster effects of monsters Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ monsters. The comment gets a chuckle from Crow, saying that Z-Arc doesn't know the feeling of defeat like the people who used to be oppressed in the Synchro Dimension.

"Stop it!" Z-Arc howls. "I never lose."

"If Z-Arc never loses, he never learns how to grow as a person," (DM) Ishizu states.

"Only through failure, can a person mature," (GX) Shephard intones.

"The people in the Synchro dimension never gave up despite the failure, just like we used to," (5DS) Yusei praises.

Crow uses Raikiri's monster effect to destroy Supreme Face-Off. Z-Arc activates the continuous effect of Supreme Face-Off preventing its destruction by a card effect.

Crow ends his turn and Shingo takes the stage. He begins his turn by using Yuya's signature phrase, commencing his entertainment dueling.

Shingo sets the Scale {1} Abyss Actor Evil Heel and the Scale {8} Abyss Acor Funky Comedian in his Pendulum scales. Now, he is capable of Pendulum summoning monsters between the levels of 2 through 7.

Pendulum Summon! Level {7} Abyss Actor Superstar, level {4} Abyss Actor Wild Hope, and level {4} Abyss Actor Leading Lady.

Superstar: [2500 ATK]

Wild Hope: [1800 ATK]

Leading Lady: [1500 ATK]

Shingo welcomes his monsters onto the field but before he can begin, Z-Arc welcomes his Pendulum Summon with a Pendulum monster of his own.

"Could it be...?" (ZEXAL) Tetsuo gasps.

"Oh, the irony," (VRAINS) Emma covers her mouth.

"Please, no," tears fall down (ARC-V) Yuya's face. He has been struggling this entire duel, holding in the grief from watching his other-self act like this. If his key monster appears, he doesn't know how he is going to feel now.

Z-Arc tributes his two Supreme King Dragon Darkwurms and special summons from his deck Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes!

Odd-Eyes: [2500 ATK]

Shingo activates the monster effect of Superstar, adding from his deck to his hand the spell card Abyss Script Rise of the Abyss King. Supreme King Z-Arc's monster effect activates since Shingo added a card to his hand other than by drawing it, Rise of the Abyss King is immediately sent to the graveyard.

Shingo activates the continuous spell card Abyss Script Abyss Entertainment and uses its monster effect. By tributing Leading Lady, Shingo sets Rise of the Abyss King from his graveyard into his spell and trap card zone.

Crow and Shingo are continuously getting past Z-Arc's defenses and digging into his insecurities.

Shingo activates the newly set Abyss Script Rise of the Abyss King and uses its effect to destroy a card on the field for each "Abyss Actor" he controls. Z-Arc activates the continuous effect of Supreme Face-Off and uses its effect to prevent the destruction of his cards on the field.

Shingo is ready though. Since he controls the level {7} Abyss Actor Superstar, Z-Arc cannot activate card effects in response to the activation of Abyss Script Rise of the Abyss King.

"Ingenius!" (GX) Bastion exclaims.

"Supreme Face-Off's protection must activate in order to protect Z-Arc's monsters," (ZEXAL) Astral analyzes.

"With Rise of the Abyss King, none of Z-Arc's protective effects can activate and his defenses are down," (VRAINS) Varis explains.

An explosion goes off but when Shingo moves to perform a victory dance, Z-Arc's monsters can be seen standing in the clearing.

Since Z-Arc controls Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes, he can once per turn prevent the destruction of his Pendulum monsters. Since it is a replacement effect, Rise of the Abyss King cannot prevent it from activating.

Shingo stares down at Z-Arc and comments that the Yuya he knew wouldn't be so afraid. In their entertainment showdown, Yuya even braved danger to pull off a magnificent escape.

Shingo activates the continuous effect of Abyss Script Abyss Entertainment and tributes Wild Hope in order to re-set his Abyss Script Rise of the Abyss King onto the field. Activating it once again, he moves to destroy Supreme King Z-Arc.

The destructive blast, however, bounces off of Supreme King Z-Arc. Since Z-Arc's opponents have Synchro, Fusion, and XYZ monsters removed from the game or in their graveyard then Supreme King Z-Arc cannot be made to leave the field by the effects of cards including effect destruction.

Leo Akaba moves to enter the duel, taking a 2000 LP loss as per the intrusion penalty.

Leo: [2000 LP]

People from all dimensions are being brought into the merged world as the dimensions integrate, living and card alike.

Leo and Z-Arc spare a moment to chat about the original dimension that existed in the ARC-V world. Leo was the creator of Real Solid Vision which gave monsters the ability to cause real-life destruction. A feat that raised the destructive tendencies of the people in their home dimension, forcing Z-Arc to change his entertainment tendencies to please the crowd.

As the king of entertainment dueling, Z-Arc must fulfill the wishes of his audience. They wanted the strong, so he became the strongest. They wanted destruction, so he will destroy the world!

Now the myriad worlds know why Z-Arc exists. He is much like Yuya, someone naive who wishes to please the crowd. Even if that meant warping his worldview to become a world-destroying monster.

Z-Arc sends his Supreme Face-Off to the graveyard and uses its continuous effect to make all of his opponent's monsters attack this turn. Raikiri and Superstar run into Supreme King Z-Arc, taking its blast and sending their owners flying.

Crow: [100 LP]

Shingo: [500 LP]

The two duelists bounce down the duel platforms, trying to keep themselves afloat. Z-Arc activates the monster effect of Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes and doubles the battle damage, forcing their seemingly safe LP to drop down to the bottom.

Crow: [0 LP]

Shingo: [0 LP]

The two duelists fly off of the duel platforms and are knocked into the buildings below.

Leo begins his turn and activates the spell card Spirit Collapse and uses its effect to send a Fusion monster from his extra deck to the graveyard at the cost of 1000 LP.

Leo: [1000 LP]

Leo sends Master Spirit Tech Force Pendulum Ruler to the graveyard.

"This is my way of taking responsibility for creating the demon that brought the world to ruin with my Dimension Integration," Leo solemnly states.

"One person isn't responsible for creating that demon," Reiji rebukes.

Reiji joins in and takes the intrusion penalty for joining the duel.

Reiji: [2000 LP]

Since three Fusion monsters exist in the graveyard, the conditions are set for Leo to activate his winning formula. Z-Arc knows this so he activates the trap card Supreme Disdain and uses its effect to send four cards from Leo's hand to the graveyard since he controls four "Supreme" cards on the field. For each one sent, Leo takes 300 points of damage.

The audience in the ARC-V world starts to notice Yuya's figure of Supreme King Z-Arc's body.

Leo: [0 LP]

Leo is sent flying, Reiji barely managing to catch him.

With Leo having lost, Reira moves to the pool of Dimensional energy and comes into contact with Ray's soul.