Anything for survival

He sat on the chair, which was in front of a plain wooden desk. He leaned back with his hand on his chin. He appeared to be drowning in thoughts.

"Where should I start? There are too many things ."

He said, rubbing his chin and looking out the window. He was in a state of disarray because he couldn't decide where he should write down the details.

He organized his thoughts in order. He took a deep breath and relaxed his stiff muscles. He opened the upper drawer and took out an empty notebook.

"Shall I commence? Let's start with me."

"I am Lloyd Hatzok. According to the novel I am going to be a medium villain who will be killed by the protagonist in the future"

He began writing it down in a notebook.

"I took over this family after I killed the current patriarch who killed my parents."

He got to know that from his memories.

"My father Arthur the previous patriarch and mother Evelyn who was one of the sword reapers both were killed by the current patriarch along with the help of another prominent member of this family."

"There wasn't much story to his character in the novel but here I know almost everything about him."

Even though there wasn't much described in the novel about his past, he knew most of the details because of Lloyd's memories.

"There are still enemies that I don't know about. I know the patriarch is my enemy and it makes absolute sense that his allies are involved in the death of parents even though their identities weren't exposed in the novel."

He became a little anxious because there were hidden foes that might be pulling the strings to kill him. But he expected it, but he still couldn't help but be a little afraid because he had never experienced something like this.


"I predicted this much but it's still scary to know that there is a sword hanging over my throat. I have so many for even though I'm in preadolescence I have yet to hit puberty."

It was a normal reaction to feeling unnerved. It was because there were enemies who wouldn't even spare a child if it begins to grow wings. They were heartless.

There were enemies of his parents who would want to execute their revenge by killing their only descendent. They would want their bloodline to end by killing him. There were too many enemies hidden in the shadows. It was the primary reason for his worries.

"I don't know how powerful they are and who are they it is a complete mystery to me. I don't know how influential and how powerful they are."

"Aside from this, after his parents died he fell into despair and was banished from the main family into this barren lands of the border town."

"After that, he stopped training and honing his sword skills. Even though he has talent but he is far behind his peers and nothing compared to Daven."

As Lloyd was still a child after his parent's deaths, his world also crumbled into pieces. He felt as if there was nothing for him to do and it affected him severely. He went into depression and stopped training and did nothing except cry every day and night, wishing he was dreaming.

Not training affected him directly. Lloyd, who used to be in a league of his own, was now weaker than every kid around his age. His title of genius was stripped and his existence withered away.

"Every kid around my age is now at least a 2-star knight and I haven't achieved a single star yet. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if I call myself the weakest kid of this generation."

"With the talent I have, it wouldn't take long to become stronger than everyone and caught up to my peers who had left me dust but that's not my goal."

"I have to become stronger than the protagonist. Saying it is like reaching the edge of the universe with the speed of an ant."

The gap between them was already too big to complete in a short amount of time, but that wants it he was a guy who was blessed by fate. He had a system and the blessing of the gods along with the knowledge of the future just like him. His words weren't an exaggeration.

"I don't want to play this shitty game! I thought I would be able to enjoy it to the fullest with the knowledge I have but I am here trying to find my way to survive!" He ranted with displeasure and vexation.

The resentment and uneasiness were obvious to show on his face. He would maul off the face of the being that did this to him. He thought that he would be enjoying his life to the fullest, but now the only word on his tongue was 'survive'.

"Fuck you! To whoever did this to me."

He knew that lamenting about what had happened wouldn't do anything, but it was unavoidable to do so because he was also a human with emotions.

"I don't have to worry much about his knowledge of the future because I know his plan I at least got this benefit. I will react before him and will steal his resources."

"I will interfere with the story if it means I can survive."

His goal was straight he wanted to survive by any means possible. He wouldn't hesitate to ruin the main leads if it helps him to survive.

"I don't have full knowledge about the story because this book is still publishing and I have only read up to chapter 200 out of 300 chapters after that I don't know what's going to happen."

"My interference in the story may or may not change the story. Me stealing their resources will mostly reduce their rate to increase in strength it will not have a major impact."

"Even if it causes changes I won't care unless it's something major that's going to bring harm to me because for me nothing is above my own life."

He knew most of the changes that would occur were going to be harmless and they would be able to handle it unless it was something serious, then he wouldn't hesitate to interfere.

"Meanwhile, if I get a chance to kill Daven I would seize that opportunity without a second thought."

He wouldn't let go of any opportunity to kill the protagonist because he had a mission and that was to survive. His intentions were clear from the start he would do anything to survive.