Grand Selection Ceremony

"Don't I at least have to be from the branch family to participate in the competition?" he asked, tilting his head slightly to the right.

As he pondered, he mumbled to himself, "Hmm, for GSC, one must be from the branch family to participate in the competition. You can't participate if you are an outsider." He furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed his chin in contemplation.

Eadric's hoarse voice spoke up reassuringly, "Don't worry about that." He paused for a moment before continuing, "As a member of the main family, I have enough authority to invite someone stronger to compete in the competition, as long as it benefits the family."

With a swift motion, he pulled out a fancy-looking paper with a few blank spaces left on it and a pen from his ring. He began to write something on the paper, his hand moving quickly across the page.

"Put your signature on it, Edith," he commanded, passing the paper to her.

Edith remained unfazed by his behavior and signed the paper with grace before flexing her magic and teleporting it in front of Lloyd.

"Here's the invitation for the Grand Selection Ceremony," he said, handing the paper to Lloyd with a flourish. "Once we've both signed it, no one can keep you from competing as you please."

As Lloyd read the invitation, his eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't believe his luck - this was his chance to get back into the main family. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, knowing that he wouldn't have to go through the unnecessary hassle of trying to prove himself to the main family.

Edith cleared her throat and addressed the group, "I know you are already familiar with the Grand Selection ceremony, but let me give a quick rundown."

Although Lloyd was confident in his knowledge, he didn't refuse the offer for a review.

"The Grand Selection is a competition held every three years, and it's an opportunity for members of the branch family to rise and replace the main family by defeating their heirs. The participants are kids between the ages of 13 to 18 who have attained 3 stars in the aura."

Edith continued her explanation, breaking it down for him simply and concisely, "The participants first compete amongst themselves to determine the best of the best. Then, they go on to face the heirs. If the heirs are more powerful than the challenger, their power level is set to the level of the challenger."

"In the end, the winner takes all and gains entry into the main family. The main family is demoted to the rank of the branch family. However, for those challengers who couldn't defeat the heirs, they get support from the branch family as they are the best in their ranks."

Lloyd's mind raced as he thought to himself about the ruthless nature of his family. They valued strength above all else, even if it meant oppressing the weak. The possibility of heirs being demoted was uncommon, but it did happen occasionally.

"Why are those two here in the first place?" Alaya asked, looking at Grait with a hint of annoyance.

Grait shifted his weight from one foot to the other, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze. "Well, you know how kids can be, right?" he said, trying to lighten the mood. "And since they're the young master and mistress, I had no choice but to bring them along."

Grait found himself with no other choice but to bring the young master and mistress with him, as he was unable to refuse their order.

She nodded in understanding and then she asked, "Do they have any intentions of causing harm to the young master?"

Grait replied, "As far as I know, no. They don't seem to be interested in bothering with you guys anymore. The young master has been deemed worthless in their eyes."

"That's good," Relieved, she let out a deep breath.

He changed the subject, "Speaking of which, you've become incredibly powerful. You're even stronger than me now." Grait was amazed by her remarkable growth in strength.

"I've recently had a breakthrough and achieved peak 6-star aurar. If I continue to progress at this rate, I may even reach 7 stars by the end of the year," she shared with him.

He inquired, "Is it because of Young Master Lloyd?"

She nodded in agreement.

"To be honest, your talent surprises me more than any heir's. You were orphaned and abandoned in front of the church, yet you were taken in by the previous Patriarch and grew under his guidance," he continued.

"Despite not having access to as many resources as the heirs, you have still managed to come out on top without much external help. That's truly remarkable..."

He then asked her a question, "You have the talent and skills to make it on your own and live a better life away from here. So why do you stay with him?"

She responded coldly, "Would you let your little sister Maria die for the sake of money? That should answer your question."

After hearing her response, he fell silent as he comprehended the weight of her words.

"I suggest that you refrain from bringing up the past to me," she advised him.

"May I ask what level you're currently at, Eadric?" he inquired.

"I'm a 3-star peak Aurar," Eadric replied with a smug expression, brimming with pride.

'Knowing his current level will enable me to better gauge his potential for growth by the time of the competition and help me prepare accordingly,' He thought to himself.

"Have you done interrogating me? I'm getting tired of staring at this pitch-black ceiling for over half an hour. The young masters are waiting for me outside," he said irritably, eager to leave the stifling room.

She nodded in response and exited the room.

"Finally, I'm free!" he exclaimed excitedly, relieved to see anything other than black.

"Don't overreact, Grait," she interjected, silencing his outburst.

"Understood, ma'am," he replied with a tone of disappointment, akin to that of a child who has lost his balloon.


Anyways, do you the kid on the cover of the book is Lloyd?

Yes, that's our Lloyd/Axtrav.