Elemental Awakening

Lloyd's eyes opened before the sun even began to rise, eager and alert for the day ahead. His body was filled with a restless energy that had kept him tossing and turning throughout the night. As he sat up in bed, he took a deep breath and let out a sigh of contentment. He had never felt so refreshed after such a short amount of sleep.

"Wow," he said to himself, his voice filled with surprise. "I never imagined I would ever feel so energized after just 5 hours of sleep."

The reason behind Lloyd's unexpected wakefulness was his excitement for the day ahead. He was going to be trained by Alaya, one of the most skilled fighters in the land. Lloyd had been training hard on his own, but he knew he could never reach Eadric's level without proper guidance and instruction.

As he got dressed, Lloyd's mind raced with anticipation. He couldn't wait to begin his training with Alaya, learn new techniques, and improve his skills. The thought of finally being able to hold his own in a fight-filled him with a sense of exhilaration that he had never experienced before.

"Man, I will finally be able to experience some fantasy action myself," he said, a wide smile forming on his face. "I can't wait to see what Alaya has in store for me."

Lloyd's excitement for experiencing fantasy was not just limited to books. He longed to be a part of that kind of world himself.

His life in this world had been completely normal, aside from the last few events. So, the prospect of training with Alaya and finally experiencing some fantasy action was one of the most exhilarating moments in his life.

As he walked towards the training room, Lloyd's heart was pounding with anticipation. He couldn't wait to see what Alaya had in store for him.

The moment he stepped into the training grounds, the atmosphere shifted. Lloyd could feel an immense pressure weighing him down, and he struggled to keep his head up. It felt like an invisible force was trying to crush him.

"What is this enormous pressure!?" he groaned, trying to keep his footing. "I feel like my spine is going to collapse on itself!"

As Lloyd headed towards the training room, the pressure he felt grew more intense. But it wasn't just pressure; cold waves were accompanying it, making him feel as if he had been dropped into the freezing Arctic ocean.

Suddenly, he felt his legs give out, and he fell to the floor. He couldn't resist the pressure and the cold any longer.

"Who the hell is causing this!?" he cursed, struggling to get up.

Despite the risk of breaking his neck, he tried to lift his face to see who was causing this. He saw that the whole training ground was filled with mist, and there were noticeable amounts of ice crystals spread out on the walls and ground.

The thick fog made it hard for him to see anything, but he couldn't help but notice a fluorescent blue light infiltrating his eyes through the fog.

"I guess I have a good idea about the person in the fog!"

He spoke, showing hints of physical discomfort. His body was still trembling, and he felt like he was going to collapse any second.

He had a good idea about the person causing all of this. He could sense that the person didn't have any harmful intentions, and it was pretty simple for him to guess who it was. It was none other than Alaya, as the attributes and factors were matching with hers. He determined it was her.

"But this kind of pressure shouldn't be caused by 6-star aurar!" Doubt crept into his mind. The pressure of 6-star aurar would be crushing, but not to this level. The air that he was breathing got so heavy that he had to struggle just to inhale it.

"I can barely let out my voice! How am I gonna tell her to stop!" he thought.

'I should at least try to call her,'

Summoning all of his strength, he shouted at her to stop. "Alaya, stop!"

Over a minute passed, but there was neither a response nor a change. His shouting had left him half exhausted, and it seemed to be in vain.

As a few minutes had already passed without any response from Alaya, Lloyd determined that she couldn't hear him. If she did, then she would have already stopped.

"There's only one explanation for this: elemental awakening,"

Based on the information he had, he was certain that it was Alaya who was causing the pressure and the cold, and he also concluded that she was in the middle of experiencing Elemental Awakening.

Upon reaching 7 stars as aurar, an individual would undergo a significant breakthrough known as Elemental Awakening. This process would grant them complete control over their given element, allowing them to fully awaken its potential.

"Damn it! If that's the case, she won't be fully conscious anytime soon since she might have entered an Absolute meditative state,"

During the process of Elemental Awakening, aurar would enter an Absolute meditative state, becoming completely disconnected from their surroundings.

The Absolute meditative state was a state of complete detachment from the world, where the person was fully focused on their inner self and the awakening of their element.


He couldn't help but curse his luck.

Inside the mist, ice crystals had formed a barrier around Alaya. The temperature inside the barrier had dropped to an extreme low, causing ice to spread throughout the floor and walls of the training ground. Her entire body was sealed within a large ice crystal that glowed with a crystalline blue light. The ice crystal provided the only source of light in the otherwise dark and misty training ground.

As he focused his gaze on the crystal, he noticed an intricate engraving in the middle of her chest. It too glowed with the same crystalline blue light as the ice crystal, illuminating her entire body from within. It was clear to him that Alaya was undergoing an intense Elemental Awakening, as the power emanating from her was unlike anything anyone had ever felt before from her.


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