Old Man

As Lloyd savored the beauty of the sunrise from the bench, a distinguished old man, who appeared to be around seventy years old, joined him to share the same view. Despite his age, he possessed an astonishing youthfulness, resembling a man in his fifties. His face exuded refined charm, adorned with only a few gentle wrinkles. A well-groomed grey beard and a proud mustache adorned his countenance, perfectly complementing his slicked-back hairstyle.

Surprisingly, his physique defied the typical expectations of someone his age, boasting muscular contours visible through his white shirt, worn beneath an unsleeved suit.

"He reminds me of those legendary grandfathers from novels and comics," Lloyd thought to himself, awestruck and taken aback by the old man's appearance.

"It's not often that young people come to witness the sunrise," the old man remarked, capturing Lloyd's attention and momentarily diverting it from the captivating spectacle. In response, Lloyd nodded in agreement, impulsively.

"I decided to come here because I thought it would be better to enjoy the morning outside instead of being cooped up in my room," Lloyd replied.

"It's indeed a good idea for young folks like you to relish the fresh morning air and this breathtaking sight," the old man said.

After a brief exchange of words, the old man's expression suddenly transformed into one of astonishment as he recognized Lloyd's face.

"I didn't realize it was you, Lloyd," the old man exclaimed, visibly taken aback.

Lloyd's heart raced, and he felt a surge of surprise. "How does he know me?" he wondered, his nerves on edge. Hardly anyone in town knew him or recognized his face.

"What do you mean? Do you know me?" Lloyd asked, his voice trembling with unease.

Although he managed to conceal it, he quickly assumed a defensive posture. The old man's familiarity with him left him feeling unsettled. Few people in the entire town knew anything about him.

"How does he know me? I'm certain no one has ever seen my face in this town. Who is he?" Lloyd panicked inwardly, his mind racing with possibilities. He suspected that the old man might be a family member sent to harm him, disguised with a hidden agenda.

"It seems you don't remember me. But there's no need to be alarmed," the old man reassured him, his gaze fixed intently upon Lloyd.

The old man's piercing gaze penetrated deep into Lloyd's core, leaving him utterly defenseless. It felt as if the old man could see through him, unraveling his very being.

"This man possesses an incredible power... Far greater than I had anticipated," Lloyd thought, his eyes widening in astonishment.

Overwhelmed by a sense of vulnerability, Lloyd's instinctual fight-or-flight response kicked in. He yearned to escape from this place at that very moment.

"Don't worry too much. I was an acquaintance of your late father. My name is Haalf, in case you recognize it," Haalf revealed, attempting to alleviate Lloyd's growing distress.

'Haalf? This name... it rings a bell!' Lloyd's mind raced as he desperately tried to recall any information about this mysterious man. There was something familiar about him, something that struck a chord deep within his memory.

"Haalf!? The Great Haalf!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his shock.

"Haha! I haven't done anything extraordinary to earn the title 'Great'," Haalf chuckled, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

As Lloyd observed him closely, every little detail seemed to align perfectly with the Haalf he knew from the novel. From the refined face to the distinctive vertical scar etched across his cheek, caused by a bear mauling

his face in his childhood, it was undeniably him.

The man who now sat beside him was none other than Haalf, the legendary butcher of Laspovk, a pivotal character in the novel since he is the one who guided and aided Daven in mastering his aura.

"Not only does he resemble the iconic badass grandpa, but he truly is the badass grandpa!" Lloyd marveled, completely flabbergasted by the realization.

Lloyd thought to himself, "He is Haalf the Butcher of Laspovk."

Haalf had earned the nickname "The Butcher of Laspovk" after his incredible bravery and prowess during a devastating demon invasion half a decade ago. The demons had launched an assault on the southern region of the country, seeking to annex the area and expand their dominion. However, Haalf stood resolute and confronted the demons with unwavering determination.

Single-handedly, Haalf fought against hordes of demons, driving them back and asserting his dominance on the battlefield. His feats were nothing short of extraordinary. He even engaged in a fierce battle against a powerful Demon Duke, one of the highest-ranking demons, and emerged victorious, slaying the formidable adversary.

Haalf's incredible strength and courage were on full display during the battle. He fought with such ferocity that the land, rivers, and air were stained red with the blood of the demons he had slain. The demons were so terrified of Haalf that they eventually broke and fled, leaving the region of Laspovk in his hands.

Lloyd was amazed by Haalf's legacy and strength. He couldn't help but think of the word "badass" every time he thought about what Haalf had accomplished.

Lloyd thought to himself, "He's barely an A-rank warrior now. He lost more than half of his power in the Battle of Laspovk."

Although he was far from his prime, Haalf was still hailed as a hero and respected everywhere in the human domain. He was a military general in the army.

"How did you know my father?" Lloyd asked.

"Arthur was my friend," Haalf said.

Lloyd was surprised. 'But I've never heard him mention any kind of relationship with the Hatzok Family in the novel.'

"It's not your fault that you don't remember me," Haalf said. "You were just a kid back then, and kids gradually forget memories of their childhood as they get older."

Axtrav looked into Lloyd's memories to find any traces of Haalf visiting or talking to his father. Fortunately, he found nothing. This meant that Haalf was telling the truth, and he had indeed been friends with Lloyd's father.

Axtrav was relieved. He had been worried that Haalf was lying to him and that he was still in danger. But now, he could see that there was no need to worry. He was safe.


There you go guys new chapter with new lore. Goddam I will try to upload more good quality chapter instead of this kind of crap.