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He shook his wrist to check the time and realized he had spent more time than he had intended.

"I better get going. Alaya will be worried sick if I'm any later," he said, his voice tinged with guilt.

He looked around the park and was surprised to see that it was deserted. He wondered why no one else was enjoying the beautiful scenery. The sun was shining brightly, the birds were chirping, and the flowers were blooming.

"Am I the only one here who appreciates nature?" he muttered to himself, feeling a twinge of loneliness.

He left the park and headed for his home. On his way, he noticed that the town was bustling with activity. There were people of all kinds, including a large number of soldiers. He knew that this border town was well-protected by its geography and the demonic forest, but he also understood that security was never too much in this unpredictable world. He saw the soldiers patrolling the streets, checking the IDs of the civilians, and carrying their weapons with alertness.

"This place is probably safer than anywhere else in the country, but you can never be too careful," he thought, admiring their professionalism.

He finally reached his home and opened the gate. He called out, "I'm back!"

He checked the time again and saw that it was 9 o'clock.

"Damn it, I lost track of time!" he exclaimed.

He entered the house and saw that Alaya had already prepared lunch and set it on the table. The aroma of the food made his mouth water.

"You're late," she said softly, without any anger in her voice. She looked at him with a gentle smile and without a hint of concern in her eyes.

He was taken aback by her calm demeanour. He expected her to scold him or even pull his ears for being so late. He knew how much she cared about him and how she worried when he was not home on time.

"Sorry, I got caught up in a conversation with someone," he said.

'What's going on? Why is she not mad at me?' he wondered, feeling both relieved and confused.

"Stop overthinking and go wash your hands and eat the food on the table. You'll need your strength for later." Her voice was warm and encouraging.

He nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude and admiration for her. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks." He smiled at her, then turned to leave for his room after finishing his food.

Before he was about to leave, she reminded him, "Don't forget to meet in the training grounds at noon."

He replied, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Do you think I will?" he said, his tone full of enthusiasm.

He hurried to his room, eager to get ready for the day. He threw himself on his bed, feeling a rush of adrenaline and anticipation. He couldn't wait to learn swordsmanship, something he had always dreamed of in his previous life. He was finally going to experience some fantasy stuff after transmigrating.

He knew he was in constant danger from his family and the protagonist, but he didn't let that dampen his spirits. He chose to enjoy the moments of his life that were precious and fun, even though he had gotten a little frustrated a while back because of thinking about his death.

He thought to himself as he closed his eyes and relaxed, "Today is going to be awesome since I will experience fantasy for real unless she awakens again," he said, grinning widely.

He decided to catch up on some news since he had been too busy exploring the world he had transmigrated into. He was amazed by how this world combined technology and magic, something he had never seen in his previous life.

He had always been interested in technology, even though he was not a freak, but he liked to keep himself updated with the latest technology available to the public. He had majored in engineering in his past life because of it, which had made him and his family happy.

He swiped his hand in the air, activating the TV in front of him. He used his voice to command it to switch to the news channel.

[Breaking news: A B-rank dungeon breakout has occurred in the village of Nadia. More than 100 people have been killed, and over a thousand have been injured. The situation was quickly brought under control by two passing mercenary groups, Lacia. The local government has praised them for their heroic actions and rewarded them with 3 million Els. The cause of the dungeon breakout is still under investigation.]

The male reporter spoke in a formal and solemn tone, showing images of the devastated village and the injured villagers.

He frowned, feeling a pang of sadness for the victims. "I wish my first news of this world was not so tragic," he muttered.

He continued with a serious expression on his face. "Those villagers were lucky that those strong mercenaries were nearby. Otherwise, the whole village might have been wiped out by now... Those mercenaries must be very skilled and powerful to handle a B-rank dungeon breakout so quickly. But I guess they are not relevant to the story since they are not mentioned in the novel."

He hoped for some better news. "Show me something more positive," he requested.

[In other news, the prestigious Aston Academy is preparing for its annual recruitment test. The test is expected to take place at the end of this month. According to sources, only 1000 seats will be available for the 2 million applicants who have applied this year.]

His eyes lit up, feeling more interested. "Now that's something I want to hear," he said.

"That's the academy I will join if I manage to become a member of the main family again. It's also where I will meet Daven next year," he said, as his face grew gloomy after mentioning the name of Daven.

"Next year is not that far either. We might see each other soon," he added.


Finally! We will have something interesting next chapter! Yey! No more boring chaps I hope! Now, join me on Discord so we can celebrate together!
