Second Segment

Lloyd slowly opened his eyes, feeling drowsy and dazed. He had dozed off on the bench after the exhausting tests. He didn't realize that an hour had passed by.

He blinked and rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his blurry vision. He heard Alaya's voice, but it sounded like she was talking to someone else.

'Who is she talking to? There's no one here but us,' He thought.

'Essence? What? What is she saying?' He wondered, but he couldn't make out the words. He was still half-asleep.

'He's awake,' Naya whispered telepathically to Alaya, who looked at him with a smile.

He snapped out of his sleep and sat up on the bench. He felt a bit more energetic and refreshed.

"How are you feeling now?" Alaya asked him.

"Much better, thanks. I think I recovered some of my strength," He said, feeling more lively.

"That's great. Are you ready for the next segment?" She asked.

"Sure, but before that, were you talking to someone?" He asked, curious.

"Yes, I was talking to my elemental spirit," She answered.

"Wait! You have an elemental spirit!" He exclaimed in shock.

"Why didn't you tell me!" He added, acting hurt.

She smiled and said, "I was going to tell you about it, but you went for a walk before I could. You didn't give me a chance to talk."

He scratched his head and said, "Oh, sorry about that. I didn't know you had something important to say."

He looked at her with curiosity and asked, "So, when did you contract the spirit? Was it during your awakening?"

She nodded and said, "Yes, it was. She put me through the trial during my awakening, and I passed it."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Wow, that's impressive. Since it's you she must be a high-ranking spirit then."

She blushed and said, "Thank you for the flattery. She is indeed a high-ranking spirit. A frost spirit, to be precise."

He guessed correctly and said, "A frost spirit? I thought so. You always had an affinity for ice magic."

She nodded again and said, "That's true. She's very compatible with me. She can enhance my aura and mana too and help me control the element. She can also communicate with me telepathically, and sense the essence of other beings. She's very curious about you I think. Maybe she might be interested in meeting you."

He felt a surge of interest and said, "Really? I want to meet her too. Can you show her to me?"

He thought, 'It doesn't hurt to be enthusiastic once in a while. I know that fairies are usually shy and reserved, and they don't like to mingle with other races or people who are not their contractors. But maybe I can try to befriend her and gain her trust. Since Alaya said that she found me interesting I can give it a go. Maybe I'll find a hidden treasure in this coal mine.' He smiled and felt a spark of hope.

He added, 'I can only know the results by trying it. There's no loss in trying at least.'

He thought that it was worth taking the opportunity since befriending a fairy could be useful for his survival. And even if he didn't befriend her, he wouldn't lose anything as long as he didn't make an enemy out of her.

He smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to meeting her after the tests are over."

She smiled back and said, "Great, I'm sure she'll like you too."

Naya pinched her ear and said telepathically, 'Hey! Hey! Hey! When did I say I wanted to talk to him? Don't make up the stuff I didn't say!'

She rubbed her ear and said telepathically, 'Oh, come on. Don't be so cold and heartless. He's very excited to meet you. Can't you see that?'

She turned to Lloyd and said, "Now, let's move on to the second segment. This time, you'll be tested on your endurance. You'll have to run on a treadmill, jump over hurdles, dodge obstacles, and sprint to the finish line. All under double gravity, of course."

He nodded and said, "I understand. Let's do this."

Naya crossed her arms and said, 'I'm not being cold. I'm being realistic. You didn't even ask me before saying that, did you?'

She sighed and said telepathically, 'Okay, I'm sorry. I should have asked you first. But please, do me this favour. Just talk to him for a bit.'

Naya rolled her eyes and said telepathically, 'Fine, fine. I'll talk to him. But only because of you. Don't forget that.'

'I know,' She said.

"Should I begin," Lloyd asked.

"Go ahead, do the maximum amount of repetitions until your body gives out," She said.

This segment was focused on the muscle endurance of his body. He needed to do the maximum amount of repetitions till failure with moderate weights. He would be given a ten-minute rest after each exercise. After he had done all of it there was also a ten-mile run with weights. All of it was going to be done under the effect of doubled gravity.

He strapped the weight vest around his chest, feeling the pressure on his ribs. He got down on the floor, placing his hands slightly wider than his shoulders. He took a deep breath and started to lower his body, keeping his back straight and his core tight. He felt the weight of the vest pushing him down, making him work harder to lift himself up. He pushed back up, exhaling as he did. That was one.

'Well, this is not as bad as I thought. I expected my shoulders to ache just by going down once, but it's not that bad. It feels easier than I thought,' he thought, surprised by his sturdy build.

He repeated the motion, counting each pushup in his head. He tried to keep a steady pace, not too fast or too slow. He focused on his form, making sure he touched his chest to the floor and locked his elbows at the top. He felt his muscles burning, but he ignored the pain. He reached 20 pushups and started to sweat. His breathing became heavier, and his heart rate increased.

*Haah* He exhaled loudly.

'Oh boy, it's getting harder now. I can feel the tension and the burning sensation in my muscles. But I know I have more in me. I can at least do fifty pushups, or I'll be a pussy,' he said to himself.

He knew he was only halfway there, and he had to keep going. He told himself he could do it, he just had to push through the fatigue. He reached 30 pushups and felt a surge of adrenaline.

He reached 40 pushups and felt his arms shaking. His chest was on fire, and his shoulders were sore. He started to slow down, struggling to complete each rep. He wondered if he could make it to 50, or if he would fail before that. He reached 43 pushups and felt a wave of doubt. He was almost there, but he was also almost done.

'I can do it! 50 at least or I'm gay! I gotta hit the 50 mark!' He tried to motivate himself.

He was determined to hit the 50 pushups. He was saying stupid stuff to himself to push himself to his goal. Even though with each pushup his arm wobbled his body ached and his muscles burned like never before. He wanted to achieve the mark of 50.

He reached 47 pushups and felt his arms give out. At last, no matter how determined he couldn't push his boy when his body gave up. He collapsed on the floor, unable to lift himself up again. He had failed.

'Fuck, I'm gay now!' He cursed himself.

He lay there for a few seconds, panting and gasping for air. He felt a bit disappointed and annoyed. He had worked so hard, but he had fallen short of his target.


No fucking way! A chapter that's longer than 1000 words! You know what we need to party! Do you know where we party? That's right on Discord! So, join my discord server right now!!!!!!
