
"Now, we've got no time to spare. You can celebrate and worry about things later, but now let's get to work," she said, transitioning to the next and last segment of today's training.

"We are already half an hour off from the schedule. The longer we wait, the more you suffer the loss of it," she added, reminding him.

"I know," he said in a bland voice after hearing this sentence for the 10th time during the whole session.

"Good. Now, show me the strength you have gained after levelling up, and I don't wish to be disappointed," she said, expecting great improvement in his strength after he reached a new level.

"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you. I can feel it within me," he said, grinning confidently and toning his words with confidence.

He gripped his sword and pointed it in her direction with confidence.

"It's good to be confident, not overconfident," she said, imparting a bit of wisdom.

As before, she picked up a wooden sword, and he used the steel sword as they headed straight into the action. This time, it was a bit different since she would also use her sword to teach him. She also adjusted her strength to his level before engaging in action.

'I can feel the energy circulating inside my Di even smoother than before. I guess, I wasn't able to fully clean it up before, since the control has gotten way better now It can only mean that,' he felt and experienced the flow of his aura in his Di.

After reaching 1 star, his strength had increased by multiple folds, and he could feel that increase in power flowing within him in the form of aura.

Now, instead of directly heading into the action, he engulfed his sword with aura. He was going to go in with his all since he didn't want to repeat his mistake.

Alaya, noticing the change in his strategy, subtly smiled, appreciating that he was learning from his mistakes.


He swiftly moved in on her from behind, taking her from where he expected her to be least protected.


As he approached her from behind, she swiftly turned back, brought out her sword from below, and parried it.

"It's a nice reflection on your previous strategy, but to think my back will be open to such obvious attacks is a delusion," she said, complimenting the change in strategy and giving him a glimpse of reality.

Right after deflecting his sword, she followed up with an offensive move. While his sword was still in midair, she performed a slash heading for his neck. When her blade was an inch away from his neck, he was unable to follow up and dodge her attack.

"Death Number 1. You would have been dead by now if this was a real duel. I told you not to be overconfident," she asserted with a firm tone.

'What in the...! What's this difference in skills?' He was in disbelief when he found out the skill difference between them.

'Just a single move...' His eyes widened in surprise.

He couldn't believe that he had been defeated in just a single move. It wasn't even a move that she made first; it was his move which got parried and defeated in a single counterattack.

He knew whatever he did, he was going to get defeated pretty quickly, but he never expected it to be in a single move. He wasn't able to twitch a muscle to think about dodging.

It made him truly realize now that the difference between their skills was much and much above his expectations. The difference was like heaven and earth. He finally knew the true disparity in their skills.

"Well, we don't get much to laze around, so let's continue. We still got more than 3:30 hours before this segment ends," she urged him to continue.

"Death No. 2..." She said.

As he rushed directly at her and attacked from above, she simply pulled off a thrust to his open chest in midair. Of course, she stopped her sword an inch away from his chest to avoid harming him.

"You should always think about the worst-case scenarios and how to defend yourself when someone uses your attack against you," she instructed him, reminding him of his mistakes and thoughtlessness.

Not only did she spar with him, but she also educated him during the spar and after the spar. She trained him during his spar, as sparring was a form of training for him.

They continued their spar again, and it remained pretty one-sided with results similar to before. He was getting defeated in a single move, and not once did he manage to make the first successful move.

"Death No. 3..."

"Death No. 4..."

"Death No. 5..."

"Death No. 9..."

"Death No. 11..."

"Death No. 14..."

"Death No. 20..."

The number of death counts continued to increase. With every defeat, he was learning something; it wasn't in vain. Although he wasn't overcoming the fact that he was getting defeated in just a single strike, he was learning every single second.

"Death No. 24..."

"Death No. 28..."

"Death No. 34..."

"Death No. 39..."

"Death No. 44..."

Today's death count stopped at 44, as the time limit they had passed.

*Hahf hahh* He gasped for air.

By the end of the segment, he was completely exhausted, having sparred with her continuously without a single break or his fatigue extracted by Naya.

"Well done, you are making progress pretty quick that I could even notice it in the first session," She appreciated his cooperation and will to train himself.

"Thanks," he responded, a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction evident in his voice as he caught his breath, appreciating the acknowledgement of his efforts.

"Keep up with this pace, and we might reach your goal even before the training ends if you continue to cooperate like that," she said, a glimmer of optimism in her eyes.

'He did an excellent job today. If he maintains this rate, we might secure victory in the upcoming GSC,' she hoped, envisioning a successful where he got his deserved position of the patriarch.

After their session, she instructed him to clean himself, have dinner, and head straight to bed, emphasizing the importance of rest in his rigorous training schedule.

He followed her instructions diligently, eating his dinner and collapsing into bed. As he lay there, he couldn't help but acknowledge the toll the intense training had taken on his body.

"It was rough," he admitted, the exhaustion palpable in his words as he spoke to his aching muscles.


"Make sure to recover him from all of his fatigue," Alaya instructed Naya.

"I know that already; it's the only thing I've done today, so stop," Naya grumbled.


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I am wondering if I will be able to reach 600 colls by the end of this year I don't think I can at this rate but who knows?

Well, it doesn't matter as long as you enjoy the chapter.