Only a month remains

His training proceeded normally, and his rate of improvement remained consistent. Due to this, Alaya increased the intensity of his training, resulting in his current overall stats being almost three times the amount of before.

"Ohh well, will you look at it? Looks like my height has increased," he said, looking into the mirror, posing, and embracing his well-defined and strong muscles.

As his training continued, he adapted to it and showed improvement in every section—whether it was strength, endurance, or physical appearance. His physique displayed the most noticeable changes. While he wasn't lacking in muscularity before, he had further improved. The pale white shirt he wore highlighted the outlines of his abs, and the back was wide and toned. His arms, filled with well-defined muscles, stretched the sleeves, showcasing the depth and detail of his muscularity and vascularity.

Not to mention his lean, slender, and muscular legs, including thick calves, a feature many people lack and often attribute to genetic superiority.

In general, he wasn't overly beefed up but rather had a lean shape that complemented his face and overall appearance.

"Let's not praise myself too much; I might be becoming narcissistic like this," he said, walking away from the mirror and heading to the training ground.

After that, the training proceeded normally, as anyone would expect.

"You have truly surprised me with the progress you have made," Alaya said, tilting her sword to the right and blocking the strike that came from his sword.

"Thanks," he said, his lips curving up, forming a smile on his face.

"You have improved so much that you can actually keep up with me," she said, pushing his sword and creating an opening, then aggressively lunged towards him.

"I know, and remember starting with like a practical death per minute and within only one strike, and now I can go on for straight minutes without dying multiple times," he said, acknowledging the improvement he had made.

They continued their spar. Now, instead of his sword getting tossed in the air by her sword and being defeated by her, he was holding against her pretty well, even though it was for hours. With his rate of improvement, he was doing great.

"Arghh, was so close to hitting fifteen minutes," he grieved after his sword got tossed in the air, and she made a clean hit on his chest.

"This is the first death since the beginning of today's session; you held out pretty well. Maybe I might use my full strength," she chuckled.

With some jokes and poking fun, they got back to sparring and began to make progress. They continued sparring for the remaining time as Naya could do nothing but use them as entertainment to cure her boredom. She lay down, watching their spar like a dad watching some sports match.

With all that sparring, their day ended, and they got back to their rooms.

"I'm reaching the limits of this level," his lips formed a smile.


Few days had passed too quickly, and now only a month was left for his training under Alaya's mentorship. After that, he had to grow on his own and experience the outside world alone, as that's what he had decided to do.

"Only a month is remaining, then I shall be on my way to compete against the Daven to see who can obtain the rewards first," he thought, sucking on his lips as he pushed his limits on the leg machine, training his quads.

'I'm more worried about whether she would even accept my proposal to venture alone,' he thought, having thoughts of being rejected by her.

He had to prepare a good reason to convince Alaya to let him go out on his own. If he didn't have any solid reasoning, there was no chance for him to leave this place. She was a worrywart when it came to him, and rightfully so because a sword was always hovering over his neck.

He thought, 'She would certainly try to stop me, that's for sure, but I gotta pressure her into sending me out because that's the only way to have some chance.'

With each day that was coming, he was getting closer to approaching and making his move. He was pretty nervous since he would be alone from that point in this unfamiliar world. Everything here was against him, including his own family.

He thought, 'Well, although I have prepared what I am gonna do after heading out, I'm nervous about stepping outside this safe space..." He had prepared the plan that he was going to follow, and now it only needed revisions. Then he would be able to proceed with it, but he was nervous about going outside of this mansion and surviving in this hellish world of the novel. Everything was different and almost new to him, whether it came to weather, geography, wildlife, species, races, or something else—everything was anew to him. He was like a child in this world experiencing everything from the start.


In the quiet of the night, he opted to tune in to the TV, seeking a connection to the world beyond his training. With a soft *tizz*, the screen came to life, illuminating the room.

"Well, what's going on in the world these days? I don't know shit, feeling like I'm a caveman," he mused, his eyes fixed on the flickering images on the TV screen.

[Breaking news: A demonic human sighting has been reported in Kiet, triggering authorities to take swift action. With two confirmed attack cases and victims hospitalized, the situation remains tense. Authorities are offering a reward for anyone capable of eliminating the perceived threat. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.]

"Nothing's intresting here," He looked bored.

Switching to another channel, he continued to scroll through the news.

[In a shocking turn of events, the CEO of Harma Producer Co., a major artificial artifact company, has lost consciousness during the annual Board's meeting. Emergency measures have been taken, and he is currently receiving medical attention at Hanz Keif Hospital. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing situation.]

He leaned forward, raising his brows and paying closer attention to the news, intrigued by the unexpected turn of events surrounding the CEO.


Chapter's done! One or more chapters and we will proceed into the next arc. No, I am not making any promises and i am expecting because I learned my lesson when I said I will sum it all up in six chapters.
