Rescue - 4(Final)

"Come with me and tell me the details of what happened," she said, standing above him at about six feet.

Although her assertive tone didn't affect him, he had to go through the formalities to be done with this troublesome stuff and stay in the clear. So, he got up and started following her to a quiet, empty space inside her car.


Closing the door, they both sat in the back seat, where she had milky fleshy thighs crossed, and Lloyd sat comfortably, composed.

"Tell me what happened here," she ordered him.

He nodded and began to explain the backstory as he got deeper into it, her eyes dilating in horror.

"Terrifying... So, you defeated all of those Larkers yourself?" she asked, amazed, her lips curving up in more serious manner.

"Yes," he affirmed.

She extracted more information about the aftermath and the rescue, as Lloyd complied and answered her honestly. There was nothing to be hidden from her, except the wounds. He lied about how he got them and his fight with Laskers, which he explained as 'barely survived.'

"Okay, for the sake of formalities, can I please know your name and your national ID number?" she asked, typing all the information he provided. The buttons of her chest were struggling to hold her generously endowed chest together, creating a tug of war.

Whenever he mistakenly looked down at her chest, it made him subtly flush due to shyness, not because he was unfamiliar with sitting close to a female. It wasn't the case, as he had quite the luck with girls, but he aimed to avoid any potentially creepy situations arising from hormonal reactions. So, he kept eye contact, trying not to look down.

"Lloyd Hatzok, and my ID number is 23ZB5TCD," he provided the last bit of information she asked for recognition purposes.

"Are you from the main branch of Hatzok?" she asked, her brows raised upon hearing his name.

"Not anymore," he shook his head.

"Not anymore?" she asked, seeking clarification, although she vaguely remembered something about it.

"Sorry, it's a long story, and it will only waste your precious time. You can look it up in the news; it was a big event," he politely refused to delve into details, mindful of his limited time. He needed to reach Mulen by tomorrow and head to Mt. Kriff after finishing preparations.

She understood the implication behind his words and didn't press him further.

"Get your wounds healed by a healer outside, or your open wounds will get worse if left untreated," she suggested, noting the deep wounds on his body, assuming they came from Lasker's attack based on what Lloyd had told her.

Getting out of the car, he simply nodded, shut the door, and began to slowly leave the place after saying his goodbyes to Lise and exchanging contacts.

Slowly moving out of view of the camera and the scene of the incident, he said, patting his thighs, "Heal me now; these wounds sting."

Rie, using her power, healed him. Her magic surpassed that of ordinary mages, so he didn't bother glancing at them and swiftly left the scene.

After being healed, his movements quickened as he navigated swiftly through the jungle, dodging animals in his path.

"With this speed, I might be able to reach Mulen by midnight. Not bad, considering I'm on my feet," he expressed satisfaction, seeing that Mulen was about 90 kilometers away, given the evening time.


At the scene, another caravan arrived, the vehicles adorned with the emblem of Lexan – an eagle holding prey in its claws, soaring in the open sky.

Having a realization, she rushed to her phone, only to find hundreds of missed calls from multiple numbers and several unseen messages, all from her father. As she saw this, her face turned horrid, realizing exactly who was arriving.

"How the heck did Dad arrive here this quickly from the capital?" Her expression showed skepticism and mild absurdness.

One by one, all the vehicles arrived and stopped at the scene of the incident, turning all the cameras toward them as journalists murmured questions about what was happening. They prayed for an even more interesting headline after their arrival.

There were almost 10 cars in front and 10 cars in the back, with a black SUV in the center bearing the emblem of Lexan. It resembled a Rolls Royce Cullinan in all dimensions, exuding luxury even more closely inspected.

After all the personnel exited the cars, the door of the SUV opened, and from it emerged a buffed-up, toned man standing over six feet tall. He sported a stubble beard and a mustache, dressed in a plain grey t-shirt and black pants that complemented his muscular physique.

Wearing a troubled expression, he looked like he was desperately searching for someone. The person he sought happened to be his daughter, Lise, who hadn't responded to his numerous messages and calls. This situation led him to leave an important meeting and come all the way here after hearing about the incident.

"Sir!" All the guild members bowed in his presence until he instructed them to get up.

He quickly hurried towards the scene of the incident, confronted and stopped before the yellow tape by the big-busted woman who inquired Lloyd about incident.

"Sir, no one is allowed beyond this line; you'll be interrupting the rescue process," she stated firmly.

"I'm here to find my daughter. Don't get in my way!" His anger manifested in his deep, hoarse voice as he was about to grab the collar of her shirt and throw her to the side.

She knew the person in front of her was none other than Mason, the guildmaster of Lexan, one of the strongest guilds in the country. Even though she recognized him, she couldn't let him enter without permission from above.

"You took that shot, right? It's going to make the headlines..."

"How could I miss that? Something this worthwhile..."

The media crew whispered to each other, capturing the unexpected event unfolding.

"There will be no second time," Mason simply swept her to the side with pure strength, almost making her lose her balance.