Local Competition - 2

With the metallic ring of the bell, the fight began!

The clanging sound of metal echoed throughout the arena, the sharp reverberations bouncing off the walls and filling the air with a sense of impending violence. Swords clashed in a symphony of combat, each impact resonating with power and precision. 

On one side stood Lapiz Varia, a warrior with a lean build, his eyes sharp and focused. Opposite him was Barnard Coldheart, a towering figure of muscle and strength. Both hailed from renowned families in the eastern region of the country. Though their families were not among the top tier, they had earned a respected reputation for producing exceptional warriors throughout the generations.

Lapiz and Barnard were both sword masters of the 3rd rank, a testament to their skill and dedication. As their swords collided, sparks flew, lighting up their intense expressions. The roar of metal on metal was a testament to their strength and technique, each strike calculated and fierce.

"Go Barnard! Defeat this twink!" a voice bellowed from the crowd, filled with fervor.

"Lapiz, I bet 100 ete on you! Make sure to win!" another shouted, desperation lacing their words.

"Defeat him!" 

"Go! Go! Go!" The crowd's energy was palpable, their voices merging into a chaotic chorus of encouragement and anticipation.

It hadn't even been a minute, yet the entire arena was already a cacophony of shouts and shrieks, each spectator passionately cheering for their chosen warrior. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the excitement of the duel unfolding before their eyes.

On the arena floor, the scene was both fierce and thrilling. The combatants were evenly matched in terms of strength and skill, making the outcome uncertain. The duel had become a test of their individual abilities, experience, and situational awareness.

Barnard, with his imposing physical build and slight height advantage, seemed to have the upper hand. His muscular frame allowed him to launch a relentless barrage of attacks, each swing of his sword powerful and precise. Lapiz, in contrast, appeared almost delicate with his slender build. He was agile and quick, but Barnard's onslaught kept him on the defensive, his movements a constant effort to parry and evade.

Sparks flew with every clash, the sound of metal striking metal echoing like thunder. Lapiz's slender frame seemed at a disadvantage, his efforts focused on defending and retreating against Barnard's unyielding assault. 

*Clank* *Click*

The sound of their blades rang out, a testament to the intensity.

As the duel raged on, the crowd's enthusiasm only grew, their cheers blending into a single, overwhelming roar. The arena was a living, breathing entity, feeding off the energy of the combatants and the spectators alike.

With every strike, Barnard took a step forward, forcing Lapiz to retreat closer to the boundary of the arena. If Lapiz touched the boundary, he would lose the fight instantly, and that seemed to be Barnard's plan. He didn't want to drag out the battle by giving Lapiz any openings. Despite the toll the nonstop offensive was taking on his arms, Barnard swung his sword tens of times each minute without taking a break.

Barnard wielded a massive greatsword, each swing requiring a significant amount of stamina. In contrast, Lapiz used dual Sai daggers. Their small size and light weight granted him greater mobility and ease of handling compared to Barnard's cumbersome greatsword.

"Hell yeah! Kick his ass, Barnard!" 

People began to shout and cheer for Barnard as loud as they could, but that didn't mean Lapiz's supporters would give up, especially not those who had bet money on him.

"You will win, don't worry!" 

"You can do it, bastard!" 

"Do something, Lapiz! I didn't bet on you to lose my money!" 

Some cursed, while others tried to motivate him, but all wanted him to win, despite the odds seeming against him.

"Hah! I told you he would lose!" A man shouted, already celebrating his victory before the winner was decided. 

"Sit down, brother. There's more going on than what our eyes can see. Barnard is losing, can't you see that?" Lloyd replied with a smug smile, watching the duel with childlike enthusiasm.

"What? What do you mean, kid? Lapiz is obviously losing. Can't you see how badly he's been pushed back? He's been so suppressed that throughout the whole match he hasn't had a chance to make a move, even though they have the same combat power," the man argued back.

"You're not seeing the whole picture," the Lloyd continued, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Barnard's relentless offense is tiring him out. His attacks are getting slower and less precise. Lapiz is biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Look at how he's conserving his energy, parrying just enough to stay in the fight."

On the arena floor, Barnard's relentless assault began to show signs of wear. His swings, once powerful and precise, were becoming slower and less coordinated. Lapiz, still agile and alert, continued to parry and evade, his eyes focused and calculating.

The crowd's cheers grew louder, each faction vying to outdo the other in volume. The tension was palpable, with every spectator on the edge of their seat, eagerly awaiting the next move.

Lapiz's supporters sensed the shift. "Come on, Lapiz! Now's your chance!" one of them yelled.

Barnard, breathing heavily, tried to maintain his advantage. He swung his greatsword in a wide arc, but Lapiz deftly sidestepped, slipping inside Barnard's reach. With a swift and precise movement, he struck with his Sai daggers, forcing Barnard to stumble back.

The crowd erupted in gasps and cheers, the momentum of the fight shifting in an instant. Lapiz, seizing the opportunity, pressed his advantage, his movements a blur of speed and precision. Barnard, now on the defensive, struggled to keep up, his exhaustion evident.

"See what I mean?" Lloyd said, his eyes shining with excitement. "Lapiz was just waiting for the right moment. Barnard's strength is nothing without the stamina to back it up."

As the duel continued, it became clear that the tide had turned. Lapiz's calculated defence had paid off. 

Lapiz seemed to already know that his weakness was also his strength: his sword. He knew that if he endured Barnard's strikes long enough, Barnard's own weapon would start to work against him. This was the moment Lapiz had been waiting for. As Barnard continued his relentless assault, his greatsword began to drain his stamina, and his movements grew sluggish. Lapiz could see the fatigue in Barnard's eyes, the weariness in his muscles. When Barnard's movements finally slowed to a crawl, Lapiz seized the opportunity and launched a devastating counterattack.

"Surprised? That's what should have happened from the beginning," Lloyd chuckled, a knowing smile on his face.

The man beside him stood with his jaw hanging low, realization dawning on him that his money was gone, and there was nothing he could do to get it back.

"M-my thousand Ete... they're gone," the man stammered. He felt like crying and began to curse Barnard with the best cuss words he knew, his voice growing hoarse with desperation. He knew his wife would murder him once she found out he had gambled away a thousand Ete.

"That's exactly why I don't gamble," Lloyd said, his voice filled with satisfaction. He smiled ear to ear and puffed his chest out like a proud father, enjoying the spectacle and his own foresight.

Meanwhile, in the arena, Barnard was barely managing to dodge Lapiz's swift and precise attacks. Each swing of his greatsword had taken a toll on his stamina, and now his cover was completely blown. Lapiz, sensing his opponent's vulnerability, smiled slyly. He could see the end of the match within his grasp. He took a deep breath, steadied himself, and prepared to make his final, decisive move.

Lapiz's eyes locked onto Barnard's, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still. The noise of the crowd faded into the background, and all that remained was the intense focus of the two combatants. Lapiz's slender frame moved with the grace and agility of a dancer, his dual Sai daggers glinting in the arena lights. He feinted to the left, then darted to the right, his movements a blur.

Barnard, exhausted and slow to react, tried to bring his greatsword up in defense, but it was too late. Lapiz's dagger found its mark, striking with precision and speed. The crowd erupted in a mixture of cheers and gasps, the intensity of the moment washing over them like a wave.

Barnard staggered back, dropping his greatsword as he fell to his knees. The fatigue and pain were too much for him to bear. 

*ring* *ring* *ring*

The bells ranged signing Lapiz as the victor. 

The arena was a cacophony of noise as the crowd reacted to the unexpected turn of events. Some shouted in triumph for Lapiz, while others groaned in disappointment over their lost bets. The man beside Lloyd slumped in defeat, muttering curses under his breath, while Lloyd continued to smile, revelling in the outcome of the fight.

"With this, the winner of this dual is Lapiz Varia!" the announcer declared Lapiz the winner, he extended a hand to Barnard, offering a gesture of respect. Barnard, though defeated, took the hand and stood up, acknowledging Lapiz's superior strategy and skill. The crowd's applause grew louder.

"Damn. I really have to appreciate Alaya for teaching me how to observe fights," 

With this dual was concluded and the recruiters from the various guilds, academies and clans looked and noted something about the combatants. 

After this many more duals happened throughout the day and Lloyd watched all of them with the same excitement and thrill as the beginning. 


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