Leo's Love Story - 2

"I knew it was hopeless to find treatment for this, but I still tried. I reached out to everyone within and beyond my reach, grasping at any possible solution. I was going crazy, realizing my little world was going to rot before it even began to bloom. I was hopeless. I went crazy. I tried to act tough in front of her, but I was completely crushed inside seeing her in pain, even though she tried not to show it. I could smell her rotting flesh and hear her cries and grunts when I wasn't in front of her. There was no hope. Each day that passed brought her closer to her demise, and seeing her suffer in the hospital—vomiting blood, soiling the bed, her skin rotting, and being in constant, unimaginable pain—was something I wouldn't wish on anyone. It felt like watching a flower wither away before it even had a chance to bloom. The agony of witnessing her decline, knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it, was unbearable..."

"Seeing her like that, I wished for death to come as her only salvation. I couldn't bear to see her in that state where she suffered every second. I forgot she even had a baby in her belly. I couldn't do anything but watch helplessly. I prayed to God to grant her mercy, but God didn't answer. Each prayer felt like it was being swallowed by a void, echoing back with silence. My faith was tested to its limits as I grappled with the reality of losing her. The thought of the future without her was a dark abyss, a chasm that seemed to grow wider each day."

He began to wipe away his tears. His words were heavy, filled with pain and emotions he had buried inside him. All the emotions he had hidden were being revealed to Lloyd, who listened to his misery. There was nothing Lloyd could do but listen. It wasn't a situation where consoling would work; being silent and just listening was the best medicine. Each word he spoke seemed to lift a weight off his shoulders, even if only slightly. The catharsis of finally sharing his pain was evident, though it didn't diminish the depth of his sorrow.

The pain he had buried for years was being shared with a random boy he didn't know much about, but whom he trusted enough to tell. There wasn't any logical reason behind it, but it was an emotional one. Lloyd had saved his daughter, and that was enough for him to open up.

"Well, on that day, God decided to show mercy to her suffering soul and give me a reason to live. A man who had almost gone crazy saw a flicker of hope sparking brightly. She had given birth to my only child, Lise. After giving birth, she passed away with a beautiful little smile—the same smile that made me fall in love with her, the same one she had on our wedding day, and the same one she had when she found out she was pregnant. Even though she passed away that day, I wasn't sad. No, I couldn't afford to be sad anymore. I was finally given hope to cling to, and that hope is my daughter, Lise." 

He paused, his voice breaking slightly. "Lise is the light in my darkness, the reason I wake up each morning. She is the legacy of the love we shared, the living proof that out of the deepest sorrow can come the purest joy. Every time I look at her, I see her mother's eyes, her smile. It's a reminder of what I lost, but also of what I gained. I've dedicated my life to giving her the best future possible, to ensuring that she knows how much she is loved. She is my second chance at happiness. I have sworn to myself to show her that world that I failed to show Isla. I will do anything to protect her smile,"

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his grief and the glimmer of hope that Lise represented. Lloyd could see the transformation in his eyes as he spoke about his daughter. It was clear that despite the overwhelming pain, there was also a profound sense of purpose that had emerged from the tragedy.

"That's my sob story. I hope I haven't taken too much of your time," Leo said as he regained his composure.

"It's absolutely fine, Mr. Leo," Lloyd replied.

"Thank you for your kind words. Maybe I told you all of this because you saved my world from getting destroyed again," Leo said.

"But anyway, let's leave this topic aside now. I'd like to tell you the second reason why I invited you over here." He brought out a stack of papers and placed them in front of Lloyd.

"I would like you to join my guild. I've seen your talent. You're already at the peak of the 4th rank. That's an incredible amount of talent you have, especially since you've achieved this without any external support," Leo added.

"W-what do you mean, sir? I'm only level 3 at max," Lloyd tried to lie.

"You don't have to lie in front of me. I'm an S+ rank; I can obviously sense your power level," Leo said.

Realizing that lying was futile, Lloyd quickly accepted the fact that he was almost at the peak of the 4th aura rank.

Leo continued, "We could use someone like you, someone with your skills and potential. Our guild is dedicated to protecting and nurturing talent, and I believe you would be a valuable addition to our team. I will support you with everything to make sure you achive your true potential,"

Lloyd hesitated for a moment before responding, "I appreciate the offer, Mr. Leo. But even if I join the guild it would be no use to me I won't be able to partake in guild's and I will traveling at lot from country to country. So, even if I join the guild it wouldn't benefit me,"

Lloyd understood what kind of man was Mr. Leo. So, he decided to keep things straight and answer head on with honesty.

"I appreciate your offer but I would have to reject,"


Power outage... So yea short chap...