
They stepped outside the hotel, making their way to a nearby empty park, perfect for a sparring session under the stars. The night air was crisp, with a slight breeze rustling the leaves. The park, usually teeming with life during the day, now stood silent, creating an almost eerie atmosphere, a fitting area to spar where no one would disturb them.

"I want you to give it your all!" Lloyd urged, his voice firm, almost challenging.

"I expect the same," Li replied, his tone equally resolute.

This wasn't like the tournament they had just participated in, where there were strict rules and countless restrictions. No one was allowed to wear their own armor or use their personal weapons. Instead, they were forced to use the standard equipment provided by the organizers, a massive disadvantage for someone like Li. As an assassin, his fighting style relied heavily on the use of hidden weapons—small, discreet, and deadly tools that could be easily concealed and used with lethal precision. But in the tournament, he was stripped of his arsenal, left with only poison needles and daggers. It was a significant handicap for him limiting his potential in the tournament. 

It was a testament to Li's skill that he had made it to the eliminators despite these limitations. Had it been anyone else facing him in the ring, Li would have undoubtedly emerged victorious. 

Now, however, there would be no such restrictions. This was a true test of their abilities, a chance for Li to prove himself, to make up for the loss that still weighed heavily on his mind. He knew it wouldn't get him back into the tournament, but that wasn't the point. This was personal. He needed to redeem himself, to feel that satisfaction of knowing he had given it his all.

Li reached into his dimensional ring and retrieved his gear—his armor, a pair of gauntlets, and a long, flowing cloak. Each piece was intricately designed, exuding an aura of power and mystery.

Lloyd's eyes widened as he recognized the distinct pattern on the gauntlets, a snake coiled around the wrist, its scales glinting in the moonlight.

'This snake pattern... It's the same Tang gauntlet that was gifted to Daven!' Lloyd thought, his mind racing. 'How does he have it? No way... Did this guy sacrifice himself to give that treasure to Daven?'

Lloyd was utterly taken aback. He couldn't believe that the person standing before him, who bore an uncanny resemblance to a teenage Killua, was the same individual who had selflessly handed over such a precious artefact to Daven and sacrificed his life.

Although there wasn't much information about this mysterious Tang figure in the novel, it was clearly said that he was a key member of the Tang Clan.

'I've got to befriend this guy,' Lloyd resolved, his determination hardening. 'I can't let that Daven bastard get his hands on these incredible items.'

As he looked at the array of treasures Li had at his disposal, a pang of jealousy coursed through Lloyd. All he had, in the name of equipment, were prayers and well wishes.

'Hatzok! I swear I'm going to empty out all the treasure vaults!' Lloyd cursed inwardly, feeling the weight of his envy.

After exchanging a nod of understanding, the two combatants prepared themselves. The air around them grew tense, charged with anticipation. 

'I've got to be wary of that gauntlet,' Lloyd thought, eyeing the weapon with caution. 'If I get within its reach, it's going to wreck me like galvanized steel.'

Now, with the night as his ally, Li had a significant advantage. Fully equipped and nearly invisible in the darkness, he could move with the stealth and precision of a shadow. The park, with its scattered trees and dim lighting, was the perfect environment for an assassin like Li to thrive.

The fight began in a manner that was almost ritualistic. Li moved first, his fingers deftly loaded with multiple needles. With a swift flick of his wrist, he sent them hurtling toward Lloyd, each one imbued with aura.

"Same tricks aren't going to work on me twice!" Lloyd taunted, his voice sharp, aiming to provoke Li, to throw him off balance and create an opening.

But Li's focus was unshakable. Lloyd's attempt to distract him fell flat. Lloyd, however, was prepared. With agile movements, he dodged and deflected the poison-laced needles, his reflexes sharp, his senses heightened.

Lloyd knew that prolonging the fight would only be a waste of time. He needed to end this quickly, decisively.

"Hatzok Sword Art, Basic Form: Diagonal Slash!" he shouted, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and adrenaline. 'Didn't really need to say it out loud, but damn, it releases a serious amount of dopamine!' he thought, feeling the rush of energy as he unleashed the attack.

The slash was swift, a powerful arc of energy that sliced through the air, aimed directly at Li. The suddenness of the attack caught Li off guard, making him flinch. He crossed his arms instinctively, blocking the strike but leaving himself momentarily exposed.

This was the opening Lloyd had been waiting for. Without hesitation, he closed the gap between them, his speed and agility allowing him to move in for the final blow.

But just as Lloyd was about to strike, the figure in front of him smirked—and then dissolved into dust.

"What?!" Lloyd gasped, his eyes widening in shock.

*Rustle* *Hiss* *Clang*

The sound of movement behind him was barely audible, but it was enough. Lloyd spun around as fast as humanly possible, his instincts screaming at him to act. He barely managed to raise his sword in time, blocking the deadly blades of the gauntlet that were aimed at his neck.

"So you were hiding your strength," Lloyd exclaimed.

Li's smirk didn't fade, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "Learnt it from you, Lloyd."

"Ohh, you knew that I was also hiding my strength?" Lloyd was left confused for a moment as he thought his masking was perfect. 

"Even an ass would realize that after fighting for the second time!" 


Please donate so I can pay off these EMIs and focus on paying off my college fees. EMI instalment is around 85$ a month. I would appreciate it if I could get half of that amount from donations that would help me tremendously. 

