Chapter 27 Intelligence or Mindset?

"There, exactly 120, now where's my money?" Mo Xiaowen asked as he placed the last Body Tearing Grass on the counter. The old man couldn't believe his eyes. 'This boy actually brought over 100 grasses with him.' Saying the old man was shocked would be an understatement.

"One moment boy." He replied before opening a drawer in the counter. From the drawer the old man took out 12 Gold Coins before placing them on the counter. "Here you go, if you have any more Body Tearing Grass in the future make sure to come here, we're always willing to buy it." The old man said before collecting the grass.

Mo Xiaowen simply took the 12 Gold Coins and pocketed them away. He then left the shop a satisfied smile gracing his face. 'That was way too easy, I thought the old man would start some trouble but he actually completed the transaction professionally. I really shouldn't take those books I read as fact.'


Today they came back to the Demonic Cliff Sect much earlier than the day prior. Naturally this was because they entered Sea Glass City earlier.

As usual Old Ox was fast asleep atop Black Flash's back, because of this Mo Xiaowen was forced to drop him off at his residence. 'This guy really is a Blockhead.' The boy sighed before placing the oaf on his bed.

Taking a quick glance around the room Mo Xiaowen was pretty surprised. Last time he was here there wasn't much light out, and he rushed in and out, but this time Mo Xiaowen wasn't in that much of a rush.

'A boat... and that map, it looks like it depicts the Flood Dragon Kingdom and Glistening Sand Kingdom.....but what's that island over there.' He thought in curiosity, but decided to not think much about it.

While he had only known Old Ox for a short time, he was certain about one thing, that Blockhead was eccentric. "Probably he likes to paint." Mo Xiaowen muttered to himself before leaving Old Ox's residence, it wouldn't be appropriate to snoop around after all.


As the door shut, Old Ox's eyes opened. 'Huh? Must've been Mo Xiaowen....fuck.' Old Ox thought before getting up in shock. 'I forgot to put these away because he rushed me...whatever he won't think much about it.'


"Hmm you? Its been about a month hasn't it?" The librarian said, his eyes half open as he glanced at Mo Xiaowen.

"Yes, also I forgot to thank you. Without your help I wouldn't have been able to punch or attack well enough." Mo Xiaowen replied, taking a slight bow as he cupped his fist.

"Hmm? It wasn't anything much, just the humble knowledge of an old librarian. I am sure you didn't come just to say that to me, so go read." The librarian responded before motioning to the shelves.

Mo Xiaowen simply nodded at this and moved to the shelves, specifically the shelf containing the cultivation books. He then picked up "Body Tempering: My Battles". Out of every book on the cultivation shelf, it was the weirdest, yet simultaneously one of the best one's.

'Its been some time since I read it, but I remember the general concept quite vividly.' As he studied the book, Mo Xiaowen began to make various mental notes in his head. 'So eating the same thing everyday, isn't actually good. Variety is important.'

The sun began to set over the horizon yet Mo Xiaowen wasn't done with "Body Tempering: My Battles". Although he had already read the book before, before he was reading, now he was learning.

It took much longer to learn something than it did to read it. Unless someone was a super genius, but that wasn't the case for Mo Xiaowen. Back then he had even memorised the book but forgot the contents over the course of the past few months.

Feeling a hand on his back, Mo Xiaowen turned around confused. "Closing time, if you want you can take the book back with you." The librarian said from behind Mo Xiaowen.

Hearing this the boy looked outside, noticing that the sky had almost full darkened, he nodded his head and left with "Body Tempering: My Battles" he still had things to do and had accidentally used up all the day reading.

Arriving at his residence, he placed the book to the side before heading out to the garden. He then began collecting some of the grasses, and took out their seeds before replanting them. Originally Mo Xiaowen didn't want to grow too many grasses, but now he was going to grow as much as he could.

As long as he had money anything was possible. 'Just because there isn't anything worth buying here, doesn't mean there isn't something worth buying in the outside world.' He thought to himself before planting the final seed.

"Now that I think about it....who would need such large amounts of Body Tearing Grass?" Mo Xiaowen mumbled to himself. Very few humans used the grass, so why would somewhere like Treasure Palace purchase them.

" can I be so stupid! Obviously they're using it on Wild Beasts, theoretically couldn't you grow an entire army of Wild Beasts...." The very notion shocked Mo Xiaowen, but then another idea popped into his head. If he could think of it, then naturally others could as well.

It was a fact, although not a very well known one, that Wild Beasts consumed Body Tearing Grass, and even enjoyed it in contrast to human beings. This was because their physiques were naturally much stronger than humans which mitigated the effects of the grass.

'But if you think about it, a monkey is more similar to a human than it is to an eagle, or an elephant. So why can a monkey eat Body Tearing Grass no issue but a human can't? Is it simply our intelligence that holds us back from consuming the grass, or a weak mindset? Not only that, but Wild Beasts consume multiple grasses a day, what would happen......I'd rather not go there.'

With that though Mo Xiaowen finished up his farming and headed straight to bed. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.