Chapter 30 Prize

Silence. That was the only word the could describe the arena at this moment. Everyone stood their stunned. From Old Ox, to the Elders, and the disciples. The prowess displayed by Mo Xiaowen was beyond their expectations.

"Anyone else?" Mo Xiaowen asked lazily as he scanned the arena. Not a single disciple has the guts to go against him. He'd just single handedly defeated the 9 strongest contenders for champion simultaneously, if not they who could beat him?

"The champion of batch 898 is, Mo Xiaowen!" An Elder declared, bring everyone back to reality. Immediately they were all in uproar.

"Way to go Xiaowen!" Old Ox cheered from the stands. Seeing this the boy couldn't help but smile.

"Howling Demon!"

"Howling Demon!"

Once again the disciples chanted his nickname, frankly Mo Xiaowen wished he could change it, but at least it wasn't all that bad. 'All things considered it does sound menacing.' He thought to himself before heading out of the stage.

Before he could leave the Elder's voice sounded. "As the champion, you must come to the Elder Hall to select your prize."

Hearing this Mo Xiaowen sighed, he simply wanted to get back to training. During this period of time he had done extensive research, and there was nothing that could expedite his progress in the Body Tempering Realm. So to put it simply, any prize would be useless.

Alas just because he had shown some talent didn't mean he suddenly thought he could go against the Elders. "Yes, Sir." The boy replied taking a slight bow. Seeing this the Elder smiled before disappearing along with the other Elders.

Mo Xiaowen was about to leave for the Elder Hall, when another voice sounded from the stands. "Hmph! Howling Demon my ass, is he comparable to I Chen Fang?"

Obviously this was none other than Chen Fang but Mo Xiaowen didn't pay him any mind. Although their encounters were rare, the boy still remembered their first encounter. 'I wonder what happened to Chen Zemin...he probably quit now that I think about it.'

Back then he had been forced to provoke Chen Zemin, not once but twice, in truth he still felt a bit of guilt over it but since it was nothing serious he simply let it fade away. Looking towards Chen Fang he couldn't help but pity Chen Zemin.

Regardless this was a pointless endeavour. Mo Xiaowen swiftly left the arena without another word, if Chen Fang really wanted to start something then so be it, right now he was summoned to the Elder Hall so he couldn't delay.

Traversing the Sect he soon arrived at the Whale Subduing Plaza, and then the Elder Hall behind it. The Elder Hall was the grandest structure in the Sect, nothing could compare to it in scale or majesty. What the Imperial Palace was to the Royal Family, this was to the Demonic Cliff Sect.

Standing before the door to the Elder Hall, Mo Xiaowen was stopped by two guards. "Name, and purpose?" One of the guards asked with a no nonsense attitude.

"Mo Xiaowen, I am here for my prize." He simply replied. Hearing this the guards immediately made way for the boy. They had naturally been informed only moments ago, in reality their questioning was simply a formality.

They then opened the door, allowing Mo Xiaowen to go through. Once inside he looked around in awe, the outside of the Elder Hall was already grand and majestic but it didn't do the interior justice. 'How much is this all worth!? If I had to guess 100,000 Gold or more!' He thought in amazement.

"This must be your first time in the Elder Hall." An old man spoke. He was sat atop the second highest seat, the other six Elders, who had appeared to announce the duels almost a year ago, were sat below him.

"Disciple Mo Xiaowen greets the Elders." Noticing that he'd been rude, he took a bow while cupping his fist.

"Relax, I've heard about your achievements from the other 6, you've done well. Any request you have, if its within our power we will fulfill." The old man declared, stroking his long grey beard.

"Right now this disciple has no requests." Mo Xiaowen replied, this caused all 7 Elders present to raise a brow. No requests? Every disciple had at least one or two things they'd wish to request from the Elders.

"Really, nothing? You wouldn't like to have free access to the Martial Hall for a year, Body Tempering Pills, a weapon maybe?" The old man asked curiously. But nothing he mentioned piqued the boy's interest.

Standing there for some time, Mo Xiaowen suddenly had a thought. "I do have a request actually. From what I know Inner and Core Disciples have bigger residences, if possible I'd like to have a bigger residence. But simultaneously I want to keep my old one." Mo Xiaowen voiced his request.

Immediately the Elders were confused. A bigger residence was a fine request, but why would one need to keep their old one as well? Was he trying to start a rental business?

"Since its within my power, I will grant your request. In fact there's a residence that hasn't been occupied since last year that's ideal for you." The old man agreed, looking towards the other 6 Elders.

They knew which residence he meant and nodded in approval. "Then it shall be done, we hope you continue improving Mo Xiaowen and do the Demonic Cliff Sect proud."

With that said, Mo Xiaowen was then led out of the Elder Hall to a secluded residence. It was a large residence, at least three times the size of Mo Xiaowen's original one. And its garden was even larger.

The only downside was that it was somewhat unkept, but that didn't bother him all too much. He only wanted it for one thing after all. 'My garden's already at capacity, so with this I can now make a significantly larger amount of money.'

While for now he didn't need many more resources, when he reached the Qi Gathering Realm it would be a whole different story.

"10,000 Gold Coins here I come!"