Chapter 3: Training (1)

"Wait dad! I'd like you to train me!" Gohan uttered leaving Goku totally surprised, he didn't expect his son to tell him such a thing.

Because he really thought that Gohan would dedicate himself to being an investigator as Chi-Chi wanted, the boy read a lot from what he saw.

That's why he was puzzled. Perhaps, with his son's answer, he would better understand why Gohan would like to be trained by him.

"And that? I didn't know you had an interest in martial arts" Goku asked curiously, waiting for his son to give him an answer.

Gohan smiled nervously when he heard him, he knew in advance that his father was going to react like that but that was not a problem for the boy.

"Because I want to be as strong as your dad! And I want to protect the world from any threat" Gohan replied with a smile on his face.

And he wasn't lying; His father Goku was always there to face any enemy, at some point he would have to be too.

'Especially for future battles, I'm afraid I'll be involved in all of them' Gohan thought remembering the events of the manga.

Goku listened carefully to his son, he looked at him for a few moments until he outlined a big smile, similar to that of little Son Gohan.

"That's great Gohan! But your mother...well, I don't know if she'll be okay with you training" Goku considered as he scratched the back of his neck.

He said it both because of his character and because of what Chi-Chi mentioned years ago when he proposed to train Gohan. Yes, that's where his doubts arose.

"Hehe don't worry about it dad, I'm pretty sure mom will accept you training me" Gohan spoke with all the confidence in the world.

Goku looked at him with his onyx eyes, his son was quite strange and on more than one occasion he had surprised him with his actions, so...

"Perfect, I trust you Gohan" Goku finally declared and the younger jumped for joy, "Now let's go home, I'm very hungry!"

Gohan nodded but suddenly an idea came to his mind. It was something that he had always wanted to try since he was little, and now he had an opportunity!

"Dad, would you mind if we went back with the flying cloud?" Gohan asked his father, who looked at him with puzzled eyes and smiled.

"Okay, here I come, flying cloud!" the boy called the cloud that had accompanied him on countless adventures throughout his life.

In a matter of seconds the yellow cloud appeared and Gohan looked at it with an amalgamation of feelings, from illusion to nostalgia.

"Flying cloud, this is my son Gohan" the oldest began with the introductions, "Well, now it's your turn to go up, I hope you are pure like me hehe"

Gohan scoffed at his father's joke and walked over to the cloud. He took a deep breath and jumped up onto the flying cloud. And of course, he didn't fall.

"Did you see dad? I was able to get on!" Gohan screeched with a jovial smile, 'I finally fulfilled one of my dreams, and it's also good to know that I'm pure'

He really was never indecent or dishonest, although his past life was not the best he always tried to do things the best he could.

'When mom died I focused my best on studies, so much so that I never had a girlfriend' Gohan thought with a dejected smile.

But here everything would be different! Not only would he seek to be the strongest but he would also try to be happy, he was going to take advantage of this new opportunity.

With a smile Gohan closed his eyes and clung to his father as they traveled at full speed through the vast blue sky...


"We are already home!"

Chi-Chi jumped to her feet at the sound of father and son's voices sounding in unison. She realized in turn that Goku was carrying a large fish in his hands.

"It's been a long time" the woman pointed out and Goku scratched the back of his neck smiling, "Alright, it's time to cook that fish... I'll cook us something delicious!"

Goku jumped for joy after hearing those words but he immediately remembered what he had talked to Gohan about training him...

"Hey, I think you should tell her now…" Goku whispered wishing his son luck as he was about to do something pretty hard.

Convince Chi-Chi, which he hadn't done since he'd known her. But maybe his son had better luck than him with that...

Gohan gulped before stepping forward, he had full confidence that his mother would accept but not even so he was nervous.

"Mom, there's something I want to tell you" Gohan declared and without waiting for Chi-Chi to reply, he continued. "I want dad to train me!"

Chi-Chi dropped the knife she was removing the fish scales with and slowly turned around looking at Goku, then at Gohan.

"How do you want to train? What for? The important thing is that you study to be a useful person!" Chi-Chi exclaimed looking at the boy.

"I know mom, but studies are useless when the planet is in danger" explained Gohan, "Look, dad didn't study and he's a great person"

"But..." Chi-Chi searched for ways to refute her son's words but she couldn't find any arguments to do so. Goku smiled at such words.

"I know you worry about what will happen in the future, and of course I will study, but my priority is to become more powerful" the little boy continued.

The woman thought about the words he said as Gohan's eyes shone naively, expecting his mother to speak.

She was extremely surprised by the great maturity of her son, who was barely three years old. That made her feel proud as her mother.

She herself had witnessed how wonderful Gohan was, she had no doubt that he would be a great person. And with that, she already made her decision.

"Okay, I'll let you train with your father if you promise me you'll keep studying" Chi-Chi finally condescended and the younger smiled.

"Consider that done! Thanks mom!" Gohan hugged her mother, who smiled stroking her coarse hair, "Let me know when dinner is ready, I'll be in my room reading hehe!"

Gohan went to her room under the cheerful gaze of her mother, who seconds later turned suspiciously towards her husband.

"By the way, Goku..." the eldest was alarmed at Chi-Chi's soft tone, "You have nothing to do with that decision our son has made?"

"Of course not, it was Gohan himself who told me to train him" replied Goku putting both hands behind his neck, "He's quite strange"

And that was his son, but they were not similar. Gohan was smarter, though he shared the same interest in being stronger than he did.

"He's very perceptive for his age, I guess that's good" Chi-Chi indicated with her hand on her cheek, "Good! I have a big fish to cook"

After that the woman went to resume her task and Goku was left blinking several times in perplexity, until he remembered something curious.

'How come Gohan knew about the flying cloud if I never told him about it?' Goku thought curiously; his son was very mysterious.

At the other end of the house, Gohan let out a sneeze for no reason. He was meditating as usual while he continued to reason.

'Well, I changed the story a bit. And now I will be able to move with more freedom, studies will not be a problem so everything is an advantage' he inquired.

With Chi-Chi giving him complete freedom he would be able to fully explore his potential, at least for the year that remained until Raditz's arrival.

And then things would get complicated to a point where he wouldn't stop at home, so he would take advantage of all the time to train.

Spending time with his parents was part of his plans, he knew well that the villains never rested, one after another they fell.

And of course, he would keep the promise he made. If he wanted he could graduate from college right now, but there was no rush.

He would do everything in his due time. But what was occupying his mind now was the fact that he had to gain a thousand power immediately.

'Well, I have a year to do it... dad should teach me the turtle style as soon as possible and also how to do a Kamehameha' he mused.

He closed his eyes again to meditate and circulated the Ki around his body, thus remaining quite concentrated.


"I'm ready dad!"

Gohan shouted with great enthusiasm while wearing a white tank top and his green pants, in front of him was Goku.

The two were a few meters from the house. It was just dawning so for now they decided to start training there.

Goku smiled at the great emotion that his son was showing, and handed him a blue cloth that Gohan took in his arms, and which he extended.

"Oh, that's your first dogi! Thanks a lot dad!" Gohan exclaimed hugging his father, 'What a dream! First the flying cloud and now this'

"It was nothing haha, now try to put it on. While we train try not to take it off" Goku said crossing his arms.

Gohan nodded and after removing the clothes he was wearing, he put on his father's old dogi. But he felt quite heavy, it was a bit difficult for him to walk.

'I guess it's the heavy clothes, it suits me great because that way I'm getting stronger. It remains to be seen what training dad will give me' the little boy thought.

"How are you? How are you feeling?" Goku asked him with a smile seeing that he had difficulty getting up, he expected that in advance.

"As if I weigh much more, I'll have a hard time keeping up with you by the time we train…" Gohan stated as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh, the first thing before everything is that you must strengthen your physique. And for that, you will go around Mount Paoz a couple of times" the man uttered.

Gohan smiled showing his nerves. He knew that it was VERY essential to become stronger and therefore increase his Ki in a great way...

"Okay, don't regret it later dad... I'll finish that right away so you can show me the Kamehameha!" Gohan cried out smiling.

Goku looked at him perplexed again, because at no time did he remember having told him about his most important technique. It was so strange..

'I'll have to take him to Kami-sama's palace, there he can be better trained' Goku reasoned, putting his hand to his chin, thinking.

But for now, he will continue to train him. He wanted to see how far his child's potential would go. So, he smiled watching the little boy run.

'Uh, this is harder than I thought,' Gohan felt his body weigh tons on him, 'But I can't just give up and go back... No! That never!'

That would be the first step in establishing his presence in this world, where power was everything. The legend of Son Gohan, began...