Chapter 18: Gohan vs Z Fighters

The Z Fighters had finally ascended to Kami's watchtower, and the group consisted of Krillin, Yamcha, Chaotzu, Tenshinhan, and Yajirobe.

"So Goku trained in this place..." Tenshinhan muttered looking around the site, which was really quite peaceful and pleasant.

"Yes! Goku should be here" Krillin added remembering that three months ago he agreed with him to come and train here with the other fighters.

The group advanced a few meters until they reached the entrance of a palace, where they could see two green men and a boy.

"That's... Piccolo!" Krillin yelled in amazement, and with a slight trace of fear in his being he turned around, "But he is also Goku's son, I don't understand"

"How about Krillin? It's good to see you again" Gohan commented with a smile on his face and looked up at the other Z fighters.

He had fulfilled one of his great dreams, but now that he had them in front of him he could tell that his powers were extremely small.

'Is this Goku's son? I don't know why... but I feel like he's pretty strong' Tenshinhan thought looking at him closely. And his intuition didn't lie him.

"Same here, where is your father? I thought he would be training here too" Krillin asked, because he didn't see his friend anywhere.

"He's not here, I sent him to train in another very distant place" Kami was the one who answered his doubts, "I was waiting for you, you also have to train"

"Yes! We expect you to train us to become as powerful as Goku" Yamcha clenched his fists expressing his purpose.

Everyone except Yajirobe nodded. If Goku became very strong in this place, so could they! But the reality was different.

And someone had to let him know. Luckily Gohan was present, he wouldn't fill them with delusions about something that was unfeasible.

"That's impossible, train what you want but you will never reach my father's power" commented the minor severely with his arms crossed.

Piccolo smiled upon hearing such true words, but these were not pleasant for the Z fighters and they immediately let him know.

"What do you say? Are you calling us weak?" Yamcha snapped in annoyance and Krillin had to grab his arm to make him do something crazy.

"That's right, at this moment you're even much weaker than me" replied the minor with a mocking smile, "Do you want to try it?"

It's not like his goal was to humiliate them or anything. He just wanted them to see how strong he was so they would understand what they were up against.

"Of course I do! I never thought that Goku would have such a talkative son" exclaimed Yamcha suddenly getting into a fighting stance.

'His powers are insignificant, the brat shouldn't take more than five seconds to defeat them' Piccolo reasoned without flinching.

Among all the one who had the highest power was Tenshinhan with 250 units. But Gohan's maximum power was over 6150 units...

"You better help him, he has no chance of winning" declared Kami looking at the others and Krillin widened his eyes disconcerted by those words.

'Is this kid so strong? I don't think so, I have to check it on my own' Tenshinhan asked, standing next to Yamcha next to Krillin.

"I advise you not to contain yourself, or else you will have a very bad time" warned Gohan, putting himself in his combat pose.

"You better get ready, now you'll see what we're capable of doing" Yamcha declared with an extremely arrogant smile on his face.

"I will not fight" Yajirobe sat on the ground and took out a bag of chips, "Is no one going to talk about that dragon that appeared earlier?"

Krillin suddenly remembered what happened before, that as they were about to reach the watchtower they could see Shenron above the dark sky.

"It's true, the sky suddenly darkened and that only happens when someone gathers the dragon balls and summons Shenron" Krillin pointed out curiously.

"That's none of your imcumbency!" exclaimed the minor drawing his attention, "If you can't beat me, you don't even deserve to train with Kami!"

"Now you will see child!" Yamcha got tired and jumped on Gohan to punch him in the face, but the little boy stopped his punch with a finger.

"How?!" Yamcha asked stunned.

The younger Son wasted no more time and lightly expelled the Ki from him making Yamucha and the others step back as if they were mere papers.

"W-what was that?" Yamucha asked terrified, he felt how an invisible force was dragging him backwards without him even being able to avoid it.

"It was a tenth of my power, are you ready to fight?" Gohan asked with a smile and Krillin broke out in a cold sweat as he listened.

"I had forgotten that it was this boy who defeated the Saiyan" Krillin muttered a bit scared, but backing down against a boy would be embarrassing.

"I don't care about Krillin, he's just a kid! We should be able to beat him!" Yamcha yelled running towards the little boy.

"W-wait!" Krillin was going to stop him but seeing that it was impossible, he also ran to attack Gohan in a combined attack between the two of them.

The two friends began to attack him at high speed, but none of his punches or kicks managed to hit Gohan's body.

'This is too easy' the boy thought as he saw all the blows in slow motion, that was the enormous difference in power and strength there was.

It was as if an ant was trying to bring down a gorilla. Gohan's power while he was relaxed was 3250. Together Krillin and Yamcha didn't even add up to 400 units.

Soon Gohan got tired of dodging so much and extending his arm hit Yamcha's abdomen and then kicked Krillin's face.

Krillin was thrown backwards and landed next to Tenshinhan, who crouched down next to him. Krilin put his hand to his cheek a little sore.

"Are you alright Krillin?" asked Tenshinhan helping him up from the floor, "That boy is powerful, but together we could defeat him"

"W-we'll try" the bald young man wasn't so sure. He looked up to see Yamcha kneeling at little Gohan's feet, "Yamcha!"

"Ugh" Yamcha put his hands to the bruised area feeling a trace of pain and looked into Gohan's eyes, seeing a stern look.

The minor was going to kick him but suddenly he felt something clinging to his back with force. And he realized that he was Chaoz with his technique.

"Get out of there Yamcha!" Tenshinhan yelled pointing his finger at Gohan, and immediately began gathering all of his Ki in that area.

Yamcha quickly ran towards them and seeing that Gohan was defenseless, he began to prepare a Kamehameha with Krillin to take advantage.

"Now you'll pay for the hit you gave me before brat!" Yamcha laughed out loud as a blue sphere of energy formed in his hands.

'That technique is good, but at this point it's useless against me' Gohan thought as he waggled his tail and used it like a powerful whip against Chaoz.


Chaoz felt a great pain in his back as Gohan's tail hit him. And there came another blow stronger than before, and a third blow.



"I can't take it anymore!" Chaoz backed away from Gohan, but he had lasted long enough for the Z Fighters to finish their attacks.



The three fired their attacks at Gohan and hit full on. A curtain of smoke lightly covered the place where they were fighting.

Krillin lay down on the ground with a nervous smile and Chaoz perched on Tenshinhan's shoulder. Yamcha fell onto his knee.

"Ah... ah... that should be enough to hurt him... let's see if that brat learns his lesson" Yamcha commented breathing heavily.

"Don't be stupid, do you think such useless attacks could hurt him?" Piccolo asked, looking at each of them contemptuously.

"What do you mean?" Tenshinhan asked with a frown and soon the smoke from earlier dissipated and Gohan's silhouette appeared.

"It was not necessary to be so honest Piccolo hehe" commented the minor while he scratched the back of his neck and everyone was speechless after seeing him.


Gohan was totally fine! They released his techniques at full power, and not a single wound had been able to do him. This was highly unusual.

Kami wasn't surprised of course, least of all Piccolo. They had witnessed how strong the boy was, so it was normal.

"So... it was true what he said" Yamcha shrugged his shoulders in defeat, "He's more powerful than all of us together"

Krillin lowered his head and Tenshinhan was thoughtful. Seeing how discouraged they were, Gohan decided to turn the matter around.

"That's because I've been training hard here with Piccolo" replied the boy, "If you want, I could help you increase your power"

"W-what? How could you do it?" Krillin asked curiously and Tenshinhan was more intrigued by what Gohan had said.

"There are a few methods, and one of them allowed my power to increase tenfold" Gohan countered, "Well, are you interested in the offer?"

They all looked at each other with great anticipation. A method that increased his powers tenfold, that would certainly be quite a formidable thing!

"Of course we'll do it!" They all nodded happily to Gohan's proposal, who smiled at the idea of ​​helping his dad's friends, the Z fighters.


A/N: I understand that many of you want to see an almighty and totally perfect Gohan, but I don't want that. I want a protagonist who evolves each chapter, who makes mistakes and learns from them, who pushes his limits again and again, and who helps the rest of the characters to improve. That's the kind of story I want to raise, thanks for reading.