Chapter 26: Ozaru vs Ozaru (1)

The arrival of the Saiyans on Earth was a shocking event for humanity. They were not prepared for such a threat.

According to a man named Yajirobe, they were two aliens who were going to conquer the planet, but a group of fighters would stop them.

And hearing that news, the main television media deployed their reporters to report on how the final battle was going.

It was not easy for them to get close to recording but at least they were able to broadcast the fight. The whole planet was attentive to what was happening...

"That Saiyan doesn't die with anything" commented Oolong sitting in front of the TV. Of course, at Kame House. There they were all present.

"The incredible thing is that Gohan was able to beat one of them with such ease" declared Ox-King still in disbelief.

His grandson was able to defeat the great saiyan. Everyone watched the battle, even Chi-Chi's jaw dropped at Gohan's power.

"That boy is formidable, but what worries me is the attack that Piccolo received" Master Roshi added sternly.

"If Piccolo dies... Kami-sama will die and therefore we won't be able to resurrect Yamcha!" Puar intervened surrounded by an aura of melancholy.

Hearing this, Bulma grew even sadder. She had seen Yamcha's death, and even though she knew they could resurrect him later, she was in pain...

"B-but I don't understand what Goku's brother is doing there, he was supposed to be dead" Bulma spoke up feeling very confused at that.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be a problem for Gohan" Master Roshi replied with a frown and Bulma nodded confused.

"Look! Something's going on!" Oolong pointed to the TV, where Vegeta was shown but something strange was happening, "W-what is-is that?"

Everyone could see that the saiyan's body was starting to grow in size and his skin was getting much hairier. What was happening to him?

"I-it can't be! He's going to transform into a giant monkey!" exclaimed the teacher worried remembering what happened with Goku years ago.

Oolong, Puar and Bulma felt a little shiver just like that all of a sudden. It was not a pleasant moment to see Goku turning into that.

"It doesn't matter! I'm sure my Gohan will be able to defeat that monster" Chi-Chi declared with determination, "Come on son! You can!"

Master Roshi looked at her very surprised. He didn't understand where this woman was getting courage at a time as desperate as this was.


Krillin was shocked. For the first time in so many years, he was once again seeing the giant ape that appeared in the 21st martial arts tournament.

"G-Gohan, what we'll do?" Krillin asked approaching the minor and Tenshinhan imitated him. Only Gohan would know how to get out of all this.

The young boy clenched his teeth as he watched Vegeta's transformation complete. Raditz was in front of him with his arms crossed.

"Take Piccolo and find a place far away to protect yourself, my uncle Raditz and I will take care of Vegeta" Gohan replied looking at the two.

"By the way Gohan…" Krillin leaned close to the boy's ear and whispered, "How come Goku's brother is on our side? H-how did you do it?"

"I'll explain it to you later Krillin... now you better go" Gohan didn't answer for the moment and Krillin understood that they should go.

So he crouched down and with some trepidation took the body of the Namekian, who was still conscious. Although very hurt.

Just as they were about to leave, an earthquake struck the area. And much to his dismay... Nappa was transforming into an Ozaru!

"What are they waiting for?!" the boy screeched seeing how they were both puzzled, 'Shit, this wasn't in any of my plans...damn!'

Krillin walked away holding Piccolo while Tenshinhan did the same with Chaoz. Gohan and his uncle were left alone on the fighting field.

"I'll take care of the other big guy" Raditz stated as he squeezed his knuckles, "When I'm done, I'll come help you against Vegeta, understand?"

"As always, you're a a kind man" the young boy commented smiling and Raditz gave him an annoyed look before leaving to where Nappa was.

"So you came back to life Raditz" Nappa Ozaru spoke in a deep voice, looking down at Raditz, "And you joined those earthlings! You are a traitor!"

Nappa tried to crush Raditz with his huge foot but the Saiyan dodged that attack by flying in the opposite direction from Ozaru.

"I had no future with you, I don't want to serve Frieza anymore" Raditz pointed out with a calm smile, "My nephew offered me something better"

"What?" Nappa asked intrigued.

"Power!" Raditz yelled raising his eyes to the power ball in the sky and then transformed into Ozaru at Nappa's confused look.

Meanwhile, Gohan was evading Vegeta Ozaru's attacks with difficulty. But with much difficulty, the Saiyan was extremely fast.

"What's wrong with you insect?! Weren't you going to beat me?" the giant ape inquired with a confident smile as he chased after the boy.

'His power must be around 100,000 units, I have to distract him' Gohan thought remembering that the Ozaru had ten times the fighting power.

He thought about the Solar flare but he had to be much closer to Vegeta, and he wasn't fast enough to do it. He needed something different...

'Got it! How did I forget that technique?' the boy began to leave small balls of Ki on the ground while Vegeta Ozaru was getting closer...

And then, when Vegeta stepped on one of those spheres, it exploded like a mine. And so it was with the other Ki Balls on the ground.



The place was filled with smoke and the young boy took the opportunity to hide. And thanks to Vegeta not knowing how to perceive Ki, he had a short time advantage.

Gohan sighed relaxing his mind, he needed to be calm before doing what he was going to do. That was the first step and the most crucial of all.

'When my eyes start to absorb the Blutz beams, I must contain all my anger to avoid losing my mind' Gohan inquired remembering that notion.

The condition required to transform into Ozaru was for the Saiyan to absorb at least 17 million zeno units through his eyes.

And then, a reaction manifests in the tail that releases the most primitive instinct of the Saiyans, and they transform into ferocious apes.

But to control this transformation, it was necessary to master that primitive instinct. With that, the Saiyan's reasoning would be maintained.

Gohan worked hard for three months to achieve it. And thanks to the fact that he was used to meditating, it was not impossible for him to control the Ozaru.

'Well, it's time to do it!' Gohan declared in his mind abandoning all fear, and raised his eyes concentrating on the power ball in the sky.

His eyes soon came into contact with the Blutz beams emitted by the sphere and the zeno waves were immediately absorbed through his eyes.

'Hold back all that fury and don't lose your calm!' The younger remembered Raditz's words as his body began to tremble, "GOAAHHH!"

His body began to undergo the characteristic metamorphosis of the Saiyan race, the one for which they became so feared in the vast universe.

Vegeta looked up at a powerful growl and released his Ki to clear all that smoke from around him, and then…


A gigantic fist slammed into his cheek sending him crashing into a rock formation. He looked up and was stunned.

"Can not be!" Vegeta yelled out in shock. The brat had transformed into Ozaru, and apparently he could keep himself controlled in that state.

"Prepare to be defeated!" Gohan Ozaru exclaimed in a deep voice and charged at Vegeta. His fighting power was 85,000 units!!