Chapter 29: Final battle

The Earth at this moment was experiencing the greatest battle since its creation, there was no place in the world that was not trembling.

Humanity was witnessing an apocalyptic scenario. There was no better word to define what was happening.

"It looks like the planet is going to explode!" Oolong exclaimed clinging to his seat with all his might, "What's going on in that fight?!"

"It seems that everything is going to come to an end, I hope that Goku and the others can defeat those Saiyan monsters" Master Roshi spoke.

The last thing they could see was the great ape rising into the sky before the eyes of Gohan and his company. But they didn't know what was happening now.

It was surprising to see Gohan turn into a giant monkey without losing his mind, although Chi-Chi fainted at the sight of his little one in that state.

She was now praying that her son and her husband were okay. She just wanted to hug them after a year without seeing them... it was hard for her.

'Come on Goku, I know you can do it' Bulma thought as she clasped her hands together. She had blind faith in her friend and she absolutely trusted him.

And meanwhile, Goku was employing a Kaiō-ken times four in addition to the Kamehameha to defeat the Saiyan prince.

"He is too powerful!" Goku exclaimed feeling the tension in his body due to the Kaiō-ken, 'I'll have to use it to the fullest!'

Gohan was launching his Kamehameha too, and with a power greater than Goku's... but they couldn't defeat Vegeta.

'We have to finish him off now! The only way is to cut off his tail or destroy the power ball' the boy reasoned, turning to Piccolo.

The Namekian was supporting with a Ki attack. Despite the fact that his body told him enough was enough, his mind and his heart urged him to continue fighting.

"Piccolo, you must destroy the ball that is in the sky! That way, he will return to normal and we can beat him" Gohan uttered but without raising his voice.

Piccolo widened his eyes in surprise. This plan could work since Vegeta transformed once he launched that ball of energy into the sky.

"That means you will be affected too brat, do you want to take the risk?" Piccolo asked him, he already knew what consequences he would have.

"If we don't, the planet will be destroyed!" Gohan replied showing his predisposition for Piccolo to devastate the Saiyan's power ball.

"Okay be careful…Gohan" Piccolo muttered before going back to his original size as Goku looked at him blankly.

"Piccolo where are you going?!" Goku demanded seeing how the Namekian walked away until he stood on top of a rock, 'Why did he go so far?'

"Don't get distracted Kakarot!"

And to Goku's surprise, Raditz had come to support them by also launching an attack between Bardock's descendants, his children and his grandson.

"Oh! So Raditz has joined the trash too! I'll destroy you too!" Vegeta exclaimed concentrating more power into his attack.

The clash of powers was very even, although at the moment Vegeta was losing ground... but he would never give in to them!

"There seems to be no end to this" Tienshinhan whispered, resisting as best he could the intense wind that was powerfully dragging him backwards.

"What is Piccolo doing?!" Krillin asked looking at the Namekian, 'His energy is slowly increasing, is he planning to attack?'

"Hah!" Piccolo began to gather Ki in both of his fingers, enough to destroy the power ball, but his lack of energy was a limitation.

'I have to do it for Gohan!' Piccolo reasoned closing his eyes. If he didn't, he would never be able to train together with the brat again!

That was his motivation, after a few minutes he managed to concentrate enough energy on his fingers. He was already ready to shoot it towards the power ball.

"I won't lose! Kaiō-ken times five!" Goku yelled, brutally raising his power and immediately the whole situation changed.

"WHAT?!" Vegeta yelled in amazement.

"Come on Piccolo! Do it!" Gohan shrieked at the top of his lungs, throwing the last of his energy. He had finally reached his limit.

"Special Beam Cannon!" Piccolo fired his attack at the Saiyan's power ball. And as soon as the crash took place, the ball of energy exploded.

"CAN'T BE!" Vegeta yelled on the brink of despair as he saw that his artificial moon had disappeared, "Damn stupid Namekian!"

Vegeta launched a strong attack from his mouth and Piccolo didn't have enough time or energy to dodge it, so he took it in full.



Vegeta received the attacks without being able to avoid it and immediately the sky was filled with smoke. Gohan evidently returned to his usual self.

As his clothes were torn when he transformed into Ozaru, he was naked. But that didn't matter to him, he ran over to Piccolo to see how he was doing.

When he arrived, he gritted his teeth. The Namekian was lying on the arid ground with his blood causing a small puddle under his body.

"B-brat... w-we got it, r-right?" Piccolo asked with a narrowed eye and Gohan nodded, "S-so it's finally over."

"Yes, it's over now" agreed the little boy with a smile while his eyes shone with a watery tone. He... he already knew what was going to happen.

"W-we still have a f-fight pending, I-I hope you become s-stronger dwarf" Piccolo commented with a small smile.

"I'm sure you'll lose again" the boy made an attempt to smile and Piccolo closed his eyes, this brat still bothering him despite everything.

"Gohan… t-thank you for being with me" Piccolo whispered, exhaling the last breath of life from him before leaving this earthly world.

The boy lowered his head clenching his fists, his eyes were full of tears for having lost someone so important in his life.

Even though he knew they could resurrect him with the Namekian spheres, he was painful. More because he didn't have anyone by his side in his previous life...

Except for his adoptive mother of course, that's why he valued his loved ones. He would protect them with his life… he never wanted to be alone again.

Then his father landed next to him. Krillin, Tienshinhan and Chiaotzu soon arrived and their faces darkened when they saw what had happened.

"Don't worry son, it's all over..." Goku crouched down to him and patted his head, "I'm very proud of you... you're already a warrior"

"Dad…" Gohan muttered looking at him.

"Of course you did Gohan! You fought phenomenally against the Saiyans and…" Krillin commented but then they noticed something.

Something seemed to be falling from the sky, and he was none other than Vegeta! His body hit the ground before the stunned look of those present.

"T-that man... h-he doesn't die with anything!" Tenshinhan exclaimed in disbelief at this.

He had received their attacks, a Yin-Yang blast, two powerful Kamehameha... and he was still alive!

"I'll take care of killing him" Raditz said bluntly as he created a Ki sphere in his hand and walked towards the Saiyan prince.

Vegeta shivered in terror as Raditz approached and hurriedly called his spaceship. Nappa did the same as him. His battle against Gohan, and later against Raditz, had left him on the brink of death.

"Wait!" Goku yelled stopping him, "You don't need to finish them off, let them go, I want to fight them both again"

"But Goku!" shouted Krillin puzzled.

Raditz turned to see Gohan, and seeing that the little boy shrugged, he gave up and crossed his arms while he grumbled.

"A-always such a dumb Kakarot... as soon as I've recovered, I'll come to Earth and this time I'll finish all of you off" Vegeta spoke smiling.

"Y-You little bastard... I-I'll take revenge f-for what you did to me" Nappa used the last of his energy to utter that as he entered his ship.

Having said that, his ship and Vegeta's ship rose into the sky. With so much weariness in his being, Gohan leaned back in his father's arms.