Power levels (spoilers)

•Raditz arc

—Goku: 350.

Without the heavy clothing: 425

With the Kamehameha: 932

—Piccolo: 322.

Without the heavy clothing 408.

With the Special Beam Cannon: 1330/1440.

—Raditz: 1220-1500.

—Gohan: 396.

Full power: 750.

Angry: 1603.

•Against the saiyans

—Goku: 9000.

Kaiō-ken X2: 18,000.

Kaiō-ken X4: 36,000.

Kamehameha Kaiō-ken X4: 38,500.

Kamehameha Kaiō-ken X5: 48,000.

—Vegeta: 18,000.

Weakened: 10,850

Ozaru: 108,500.

Ozaru Garlick Gun: 162,750.

—Nappa: 7500.

Weakened: 2100.

Ozaru: 21,000.

—Raditz: 6,100.

Ozaru: 61,000

—Gohan: 8,300/8,500.

Yin Yang Blast: 25,000

Ozaru: 85,000

—Piccolo: 7800.

Weakened: 4,500

—Tienshinhan: 4230.

With Kikohō: 6,110.

—Krillin: 3,900.

With the Kakusandan 4,733.

—Yamcha: 3,500.

—Chiaotzu: 1,500

•Arriving on Namek

—Gohan: 60,000

After Guru's unleashed power: 625,000

—Vegeta: 25,000

Post zenkai: 32,000

After Guru's unleashed power: 350,000

—Goku: 9,000

After Gravity training: 100,000

—Raditz: 6,000

After Gravity Training: 95.000

—Tien: 4,500

—Krilin: 4,100

—Chiaotzu: 1,700

—Zarbon: 23,000.

After transformation: 28,000

—Dodoria: 22,000

—Frieza: 530,000

—Nail: 42,000

•Final Battle:

—Captain Ginyu: 120,000

In Goku's body: 23,000

—Jeice: 42,000

—Burter: 43,000

—Reecome: 45,000

—Guldo: 3,000

—Krilin after Guru's unleashed power: 35,000

—Tien after Guru's unleashed power: 51,000

—Chiaotzu after Guru's unleashed power: 10,000

—Yamcha after King Kai's training: 50,000

After Guru's unleashed power: 455,000

—Piccolo after King Kai's training: 300,000

After Guru's unleashed power: 3,100,000

—Nail after Guru's unleashed power: 400,000

—Piccolo merged with Nail: (3,100,000 + 400,00) x 5 = 17,500,000

Full power: 20,000,000

—Piccolo merged with Kami: (20,000,000 + 300) x 2.5 = 50,000,000

Ultimate form: 125,000,000

—King Cold 2nd form: 9,900,000

3rd form: 19,800,000

Final form: 39,600,000

100% power: 105,000,000

—Goku post zenkai: 2,400,000.

Kaio-ken x 20: 48,000,000

—Raditz Ikari: 950,000

Post Zenkai: 2,400,000

—Vegeta After Gravity training: 725,000

Zenkai: 2,400,000

—Gohan after Zenkai: 4,500,000

Super Saiyan: 225,000,000

—Frieza 3rd form: 2,120,000

Final Form 50%: 60,000,000

100% power: 120,000,000

—Nappa: 18,000

•Cooler's revenge:

—Goku: 2,750,000

Post zenkai: 3,500,000

Super Saiyan: 175,000,000

—Raditz: 2,750,000

Post zenkai: 3,500,000

Ikari: 35,000,000

—Ultimate Piccolo: 130,000,000

—Cooler final form: 4,500,000

5th form: 160,000,000