Chapter 37: To Namek (1)

"Four thousand nine hundred and ninety nine…" Gohan mumbled as he did sit-ups under the increased gravity, "One more!"

Twelve hours had passed since he started training. Now, he was training with twenty times increased gravity.

His body got used to gravity very easily by fifteen, so he wasted no time and leveled up. Now it was a real challenge!

"Five thousand!" Gohan yelled jumping up and stood up, but due to the force of gravity he ended up falling on his butt, "Argh, it hurts!"

The little boy crawled up to walk towards the window. He was fascinated seeing the planets and satellites around him, it was something amazing.

The planet Namek was several light years from Earth, so during the trip he would enjoy seeing many stars in the universe.

'It's fantastic, but I have to keep training' Gohan thought getting up and clasping his hands together, 'I owe Piccolo a lot for showing it to me...'

After a few seconds of struggling, two copies of him instantly appeared. He had used Piccolo's Doppelganger technique.

They weren't just illusory images like the Zanzoken, but actual clones of it. Piccolo used them regularly in his training.

So he thought it might be useful for training. Among other things, to push his body to the limit under the increased gravity.

"You against me, you can attack me!" the boy yelled looking at the pair of clones and got into a fighting stance, "What are you waiting for?!"

The clones looked at each other and lunged at him, starting a melee with incredible speed.

Gohan easily dodged, because being his clones they had the same fighting style, so the fight between the three of them was quite balanced.

'Wait a minute... Doppelgangers should feel the difficulty of this gravity too, right?' the boy inquired with intrigue.

But nevertheless, in the small moment that he used for his thoughts, the two clones took advantage of punching him in the face.

"Argh, that hurt" Gohan took a few steps back holding his nose, there was a slight trail of blood coming out of it, 'W-what the hell are they planning?'

He was stunned when a clone stepped in front of him, and another behind. He didn't let his guard down, but the two of them didn't attack him immediately.

"What?" The young boy was surprised when the clone in front of him began to charge a Masenko, and the one behind him prepared a Kamehameha, "Damn!"

Gohan extended two arms, one aimed at each clone, and concentrated his Ki to neutralize the attacks, although they didn't give him time for more.

"HAAAAA!" The Doppelgangers launched their respective attacks at Gohan, who did the same but his blasts had less power.

Therefore they ended up being consumed by the clones' attacks. Gohan let out a yelp before fully receiving the powerful attacks.

The capsule became a light show and a layer of smoke enveloped the place for a few seconds, but it soon dissipated.

And Gohan appeared. His gi was partially destroyed and he had wounds on his body while his arms were crossed to protect himself.

"If I hadn't raised my Ki to the max it would have really hurt me... ugh" Gohan fell to the ground from the bruises on him.

Under the gravity increased twenty times he crawled to reach the bag of Senzu beans that was on his seat.

And he hopefully he reached the bag. He pulled out one of the artificial beans Bulma had made, brought it to his mouth, chewed and swallowed without stopping.

'Well… it's time to see the effectiveness of these artificial beans' Gohan inquired and his eyes widened as he felt his system revived.

Then, Gohan jumped up starting to punch the air. Now gravity times twenty was no longer a challenge.

"Great, it has restored my Ki and my injuries are gone, what component did Bulma use for this?" he wondered curiously.

The most important thing is that the problem of the scarcity of Senzu beans had finally disappeared, now he had to focus on continuing training.

'Well, to what I was going... the Doppelganger being my clones also suffer from the effect of gravity, that's not necessarily bad' the boy inquired.

He thought about the previous fight against the pair of clones, and now that they disappeared, he could remember everything that his clones had lived through.

'When they dissipate all their experience comes back to me' Gohan thought as he turned while he had his hand on his chin.

He was thinking of a clever way to take advantage of this huge advantage. His eyes gleamed after having found an idea.

'So the experience they get from being under increased gravity would increase my speed of adaptation' the little boy inquired.

In other words, if he trained with the clones, his body would adapt faster to the gravity increased by the accumulated experience of the clones.

"Yes, is cool!" Gohan jumped for joy but forgot that gravity was still increased. He fell again, "Haha it hurts!"

It was just a hypothesis, so he needed to prove it. And if his theory proved true, his training would become easier.

"But first I'll go eat haha, it's only been half a day and if I overexert my body it could be harmful to me" reasoned the minor Son.

He reset the gravity value on the gravity panel for a few moments. It would be tiresome to eat lunch under such a condition.


"Nappa is the one who is more injured between the two, he will take more time to recover" said a creature while he saw a crystallized machine.

Behind the glass of that machine there was a blue liquid in which Nappa was submerged, although he was wearing an oxygen mask.

And next to it was another machine where Prince Vegeta was under the same liquid. Another creature monitored the machine from a computer.

Four days ago the two Saiyans had arrived on the planet that served as the headquarters of the interplanetary society of the evil Frieza.

"What kind of battle did they have on Earth to get so hurt?" one of them wondered in astonishment, "And who could have beaten them?"

"Well, I don't know... but the great Frieza said that he would spare their lives for the information they gave him" answered the other looking at the machine.

"Information? What is it about?"

"The planet Namek contains some magical spheres that grant any wish" said the creature, "He will arrive on that planet in about seven days"

"That's amazing! Is there anything known about the wish that Lord Frieza will make?" asked the other clenching his fists with enthusiasm.

"I heard that he is going to ask for eternal life" he replied, "The great Frieza will reign in the universe forever and we will live under his rule hahaha"

Frieza was on his way to Namek, and he intended to use the Dragon Balls, will Gohan be able to prevent this tyrant's evil plan?