Chapter 39: To Namek (3)

"Haaaaah!" Gohan yelled launching himself at the Doppelgangers, and thus began a close combat with both, but quite even.

They were all training under 75 times increased gravity, he had been in this condition for six hours and still not fully adapted.

The bad thing is that it was only a few hours before it landed on Namek. Time had passed too quickly training inside the ship.

In five days his power had gone from 9,000 units to over 50,000 right now, and he still had time to increase it further!

The Ginyu special forces were no longer a challenge to him, but now he was more interested in increasing his base power.


The two clones landed a punch to his abdomen and Gohan took a few steps back. He widened his eyes as he realized something shocking.

"Do they intend...?!" Gohan stated as he saw that the clones seemed to be gathering energy in his hands, "I-it's my Spiritual fist!"

The pair of clones didn't give him time for more and ran towards him, holding out their arms to hit Gohan's abdomen. The boy cheered.

"Kaiō-ken!" Gohan shouted, raising his power and blocking the attack of both clones, "Now I'm going to show you who the real Gohan is!"

Gohan began to spin the body of clones, and after a few seconds he threw both of them with great force.

"Kame...Hame" he was going to launch an attack but then the atmosphere of the ship altered and suddenly everything became heavier, "Arghh!"

Gohan sank to the ground, it seemed the gravity in the ship had increased. But he hadn't pressed anything, what the hell could have happened?

"Electromagnetic turbulence detected... it is advisable to stay in the seat until it finish" a voice manifested itself in the ship.

"Damn, having recommended it before!" Gohan complained looking for a way to get up from the ground but gravity was making it impossible for him.

That made him remember something important, that in the original series Goku also suffered the same thing going to Namek, how bad lucky he had!

'Does it mean that at this moment the gravity is increased a hundred times? Sigh... that would explain everything' he inquired with a frown.

There were only about eight hours left before landing on Namek. He would use three hours to adapt to gravity for one hundred... no matter how impossible it was!

"One... two... three... four" Gohan started to do push-ups, but he felt like the world was crashing down on him, it was very difficult for him.

But he didn't give up, he kept doing push-ups until he reached a hundred. And just as he was about to continue, a Ki blast passed by him.

"W-what the hell?" asked the boy confused and he noticed that one of the clones had fired that blast at him, "So they hadn't dissipated hehehe"

He chuckled lightly before mustering the willpower in him to get up. And the clones were still standing with great difficulty.

Gohan realized that the spatial turbulence would last for quite a while. So he made it a point to train non-stop in that meantime.

"Kaio-ken times five!" shouted Gohan closing his eyes suddenly a red aura surrounded him as usual when using it.

His intention was to overcome gravity by releasing his Ki to the fullest, although of course he was far from his limit with the Kaio-ken.

The doppelgangers also did the same as him, and charged at Gohan. An intense fight began under hundred percent gravity.


Gohan collided his fist with a clone's fist and a shock wave spread out. Another clone appeared behind him with a Ki blast in his hand.

But Gohan disappeared from his field of vision and then reappeared in front of them both with a ball of energy floating in his left hand.

"HAA!" Gohan yelled throwing her at the two clones. However, they didn't sit idly by and counter his attack.

The room became a light show and for the umpteenth time there was an explosion inside the ship. After, the fight resumed.


After four hours, the spatial turbulence ended. Gohan spent his time training with the Doppelgangers.

He regretted not having trained other techniques, but he had limited time and his priority was to increase his base power no matter what.

And after finishing, he ate a Senzu bean and went to sleep, because rest was very important if he wanted to keep fit.

"Ummm" Gohan yawned getting up after almost four hours of sleep, "Only fifteen minutes until landing, great!"

He quickly made the bed and went to the bathroom to shower. Once he finished, he stood in front of the closet to get dressed. He had a multitude of orange Gi.

"Mom crossed the line haha" Gohan scratched the back of his neck smiling, "But I'll wear Piccolo's Gi for the occasion... I'll do it in honor of my friend"

So he took the blue Gi, put it on, and he took the white scarf and put it around his neck, just like in the original series. He was already prepared.

And so he walked into the main room and sat down. He crossed his fingers looking at the surface of planet Namek, he felt extremely nervous.

'With my current power the only danger is Frieza, I should relax' Gohan thought sighing with a smile as the ship landed.

He observed the three suns that orbited around Namek, it seemed strange to him because he had been used to having a sun on his planet.

That was not the only peculiarity of Namek. Five hundred years ago Namek suffered a terrible phenomenon that almost completely destroyed itself.

Various Namekians emigrated, including the Kami-sama of Earth. The Namekian patriarch/guru survived, and took it upon himself to repopulate his race.

There were now one hundred inhabitants left on the planet and they lived around various villages. Most of them were engaged in the cultivation of Ajisa trees.

The ship continued its descent until it landed on a deserted island on the planet Namek, and Gohan stuffed the bag of Senzu beans into his pocket.

"The landing on planet Namek has been successful, the hatch will open in a few seconds"

The voice from the capsule sounded one last time and the door opened. Gohan calmly walked to get down from there and his feet hit the ground.

"So this is planet Namek, it's very nice" Gohan said inhaling and exhaling slowly, "Well…I won't waste my time"

So he kept the ship in a capsule... if everything ended up like in the original series, he would need to have his ship intact by the time that happened.

He rose into the air and looked at the planet's surface. He felt various energies but obviously he couldn't identify any of them as they were unknown.

'Neither Frieza nor Vegeta have arrived' the little boy reasoned looking around, 'I don't know how much advantage I have, but I have to take advantage of it now!'

Possibly he had from one to five days. He would finish collecting the dragon balls this day… there was no time to lose!

"I'll go first to Moori and Dende's village, if I remember correctly they had the six-star sphere in the anime..." the boy commented taking out the dragon radar.

He turned it on and noticed that the seven Dragon Balls were scattered around the Namekian villages. His plan was to search for the sixth sphere.

"Find the Dragon Balls...!" the song of his childhood fell from his lips and he began to fly towards the village of the Elder Moori.

It wasn't difficult to find the village, thanks to Bulma's teachings he knew how to interpret the point that was marked on the radar. Finally, he arrived.

There were several Namekians planting Ajisa trees and he could also see Dende playing with another Namekian child. Moori was the first to see him.

"Boy, who are you?" Moori asked him and immediately all the Namekians noticed his presence. Almost all of them were wary.